Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Even More Scenes from a Hat ( Chapter 30 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

---That bear has a haton!
All right, this chapter is short, but it is still good I think. I am kind of rushing this Whose Line because I want to get the song before Christmas (or sometime around there) but the song is always the last game of the show.
Ah, there's not much to talk about here anymore so I'll let you read the chapter.---
Chapter Thirty
Even More Scenes from a Hat
“I can't believe you Bakura!” Atemu yelled as soon as the players were backstage away from the Authoress.
“What?” Bakura asked indignantly.
“You know what,” Seto said sternly, lounging down on the couch
“Oh, yay, Bakura saved Whose Line!” Marik said imitating Laria. “Isn't that so wonderful!”
Marik, Atemu, and Seto laughed while Bakura shot them each a death glare.
“It's ok yami,” Ryou said patting Bakura's shoulder, stopping abruptly when he, too, was glared at, “I—I think its great that you saved Whose Line.”
Everyone commenced at glaring at the hikari then.
“I l-like Whose Li-line…” Ryou squeaked.
A silence fell over the room.
And a random tumble weed rolled by, leaving a piece of paper behind. Bakura picked it up and looked at it. It was Tree Mail.
“That was convenient.” Bakura looked around to see maybe where the tumbleweed had come from, or where it went.
“Wait… what?”
'Get out here damn it, the shows about to start again.'” Bakura said reading the Tree Mail. Everyone just stared at him. Bakura glared at them again “You heard the tumbleweed! Get out there!”
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
“Welcome back to Whose Line is it Anyway?” Bakura said once they were back on stage, “the show where everything's made up and the points don't matter, just like the first person voted out of Survivor, no one ever remembers them.”
“Does any one remember any body from Survivor that didn't make it to the final four?” asked Seto.
Everyone jumped as Laria sobbed uncontrollably in her seat.
“Laria's finally gone off the deep end,” Marik muttered.
“No, that's the normal reaction at the mention of Survivor,” Seto said.
“Yeah, so we'll be moving on now,” Bakura said, trying to ignore Laria's outburst, “With our next game… Scenes from a hat!”
The audience went wild as the four players groaned and stepped on stage, Seto and Ryou stood by the Whose Line desk and Atemu and Marik went the other side.
“We all know how this works,” Bakura said producing a turban from under the desk, “We asked our audience to write down scenes they'd like to see and we take the good ones and put them in this hat and see how many our players can act out… or how many times they can completely humiliate themselves.”
“Sounds great,” Seto muttered.
“Alright your first scene is…” Bakura pulled out a slip of paper, “'Entries in Atemu's diary.'
Marik stepped up pretending to write in a diary.
“And Marik's lips were so soft how could I not want more—“
Bakura buzzed and Marik stepped off stage. Bakura pulled out another slip.
Things you will find in the Shadow Realm.
Seto stepped on stage pretending to be Laria.
“No one will find my Seto Shrine here…”
Bakura buzzed and Seto returned to his spot as Bakura pulled out another slip.
What Seto is really doing on his laptop.
Atemu stepped on stage this time pretending to type on a laptop.
“Dear LariaKaiba, I love this story I have a lot of ideas for you…”
Bakura buzzed him out and pulled out the last slip of paper.
Why everyone one is kissing Atemu.”
Ryou stepped on stage and motioned Atemu to join him. As soon as the Pharaoh stepped on stage Ryou pulled him into a heated kiss. As soon as they parted Ryou turned and shrugged.
“I'm just the only one that hasn't kissed him.”
Bakura buzzed the scene over and the players returned to their seats.
“Well, that was fun.” Bakura said.
“I recall my vote for Marik as the better kisser,” Atemu said with a grin, “Ryou is so much better.”
“You can't do that!” Marik exclaimed.
“I just did.”
“A hundred points then to my hikari for Pharaoh further into Gaydom,” Bakura chuckled.
“Yay?” Ryou asked.
“Yay indeed,” said Bakura, “And you'll being saying `yay' when we return with more Whose Line.”
---Why is the `s' capitalized!---