Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Two Lined Vocabulary and Quick Change ( Chapter 31 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

---Another chapter of Whose Line! Can it be! Yes! Yes it is!
Sorry once again for the long wait. Creative juices have been drained. (Shakes fist at Senior Year of High School) darn you non-work-ethic! DARN YOU!
Thanks for all the great reviews, constantly reminding me that I was neglecting the most important job I have, this story.
My dad is trying to help with ideas, but do not fear I will try to stay as far away from them as I can.
Je ne suis pas passé composé ! ---
Chapter Thirty-One
Two Lined Vocabulary and Quick Change
Laria Kaiba sat back stage, arms crossed and face distorted with anger. Her trusty notebook laid on the other side of the room open to a page that said nothing more then `Whose Line Chapter Thirty One'.
She had nothing to write. The show had to go on, but it couldn't with no ideas.
The Authoress glared at the offending notebook and growled, producing an effect that left the notebook flaming. She grinned and chuckled as the paper blackened with ash.
“Uh… Laria?”
The Authoress jumped with surprise and looked to see Bakura and the rest of the Whose Line players standing behind her. The notebook went out and Laria dived a crossed the room to retrieve it.
“What is going on here?” Seto asked, embarrassed by his sisters psychotic antics yet again.
“The writers block is killing me, Seto!” Laria cried, cuddling the charred notebook, “I have no ideas! No plots! The only thing I can do is…”
The Authoress sobbed uncontrolled.
“… Is to cancel Whose Line!”
A gasp rang through the air. Cancel Whose Line? She couldn't! She wouldn't! Seto, Bakura, Marik, and Atemu shared a look of the utmost shock and glee, while Ryou knelt down beside the Authoress, trying to comfort her.
“Lar-chan, you just can't cancel Whose Line in the middle of a show,” he said.
“There's nothing else I can do,” Laria sniffed, “Oh… my fans are going to be so disappointed…”
Ryou glanced from the Authoress to his fellow players, who all looked to be on the verge of a victory dance. He sighed and pulled a piece of paper from his pocket, knowing that what he was about to was as bad as suicide.
“Here Lar-chan,” Ryou placed the paper in her hands, “This will help you.”
Laria unfolded the paper and skimmed it. Immediately her eyes lit up.
“Oh Ryou-chan! These ideas are amazing!”
Ryou beamed as he saw the faces of the players fall. Laria stood up, waving the paper in the air.
“Come on guys! We've got a show to continue!”
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
On stage everyone, save for Ryou, looked very disgruntled.
“Welcome back, unfortunately, to Whose Line is it Anyway,” Bakura grumbled.
“Bakura,” Laria said sternly from the audience, “be nice.”
“Whatever,” Bakura sighed, “This is still the show where everything is made up and the points don't matter, just like clothes at a nudist colony, they just don't matter.”
“I think it would be fun to join a nudist colony,” said Atemu.
“Please spare us that mental image,” Seto grimaced.
“Yes, lets just move on to our next game… Two Lined Vocabulary!” Bakura said. “It's also known as the `drive your parents nuts game'. Play it with out telling them, boy is it a hoot!”
Ryou, Atemu, and Marik stood up and went to center stage.
“Alright, in this game out three players have to make up a scene but Atemu and Marik can only say two lines,” Bakura explained.
“Ha, this is the easiest game ever,” Marik grinned.
“For you maybe,” Ryou said.
“You have no opinion in this baka hikari,” Bakura growled, “This was all your idea.”
Ryou pouted.
“Ok, now Atemu your lines are `when's lunch' and `that could be better',” Bakura said, “And Marik your lines are `shut up, nobody likes you' and `nice pants'.”
The other two players gave Ryou a look.
“Now, your scene is, you are enjoying a family vacation on the beach.”
“Isn't it a lovely day?” Ryou asked, starting the scene.
“When's lunch?” Atemu asked.
“Lunch? We just got here,” Ryou said.
“Shut up, nobody likes you,” Marik grinned.
“That's not very nice,” Ryou pouted.
“That could be better,” said Atemu.
“Yes Marik, Atemu's right -“
“Shut up nobody likes you,” Marik repeated interrupting Ryou.
“When's lunch?” Atemu asked again.
“It's not lunch time yet,” Ryou said slightly annoyed, “Now I say we build a sand castle.”
“When's lunch?” Atemu whispered to Marik as Ryou knelt down, pretending to build a sand castle.
“Shut up, nobody likes you,” Marik growled back.
“How's it look?” Ryou asked, the two other players turned their attention to him.
“That could be better.”
“Nice pants!”
At this moment Bakura buzzed the scene over.
“Well that's enough of that nonsense,” he said as the players returned to their seats. “A point for Ryou for thatlovely little game.”
Marik and Atemu glared at the white haired hikari.
“That was your amazing idea?” Seto asked. Ryou nodded sheepishly at the CEO. “That sucked! That was worse then a seven year old's writing!”
“What does it matter to you Kaiba,” said Atemu, “You didn't have to be in it.”
“It's the principal of it!” Seto exclaimed, “Laria has a high standard of writing and then you go and insult her with that… that… I don't even know what that was!”
“Why Seto,” Laria said slyly from the audience, “If I didn't know any better I'd think that you actuallylike Whose Line.”
Seto flushed as his sister grinned viciously at him.
“It's… it's… it's not that!” Seto tried to cover himself, “I just don't want your reputation to be tarnished by such mediocre writing.”
“Oh really,” Laria said skeptically, sitting back in her seat, “If you say so.”
“I say so.”
“Can we move on now?” Bakura asked impatiently, drumming the cue cards on the desk. Laria sighed and waved her hand at him.
“Good, now we can move into our next game… Quick Change!” Bakura said, “This one is for everyone.”
All four players got up and went to center stage.
“Finally a new game,” said Marik.
“Yeah, this is getting boring with the same old games every time,” Atemu said.
“Oh give me a break,” the Authoress grumbled from audience, “There are only so many games you can play.”
“Then don't make us play the game at all,” suggested Atemu.
“You heard the lady,” Bakura grinned at the frightened looking players, “get to it.”
“It would be helpful if we knew what we were doing, Tomb Robber,” Atemu glared.
“Oh, right,” Bakura said shuffling through his cue cards, “In this game you will make up a scene and every once in a while Ryou will say `Change' and you must change what you just said, understand?”
The players shrugged and Ryou took the microphone from Bakura, kneeling beside the Whose Line Desk.
“Alright in this game—“
“On second thought,” Laria said cutting Bakura off, “I've got a better idea.”
“This can't be good,” the host mumbled.
“Oh but it is!” Laria laughed, “Seto!”
“Y-yes?” the CEO didn't like where this was going.
“Since you don't want my precious story to be thwarted by, as you say, `mediocre writing',” Laria drawled, enjoying the fear she saw in her brothers eyes, “I've decided to cut out this last game in order to give you an, and the players an extra long break.”
The players couldn't help but let out a cheer, except for Seto, who was staring at his sister like deer caught in the headlights. Another grin spread a crossed Laria's face, but neither of the Kaiba twins blinked.
“But however Seto, dear brother of mine,” continued Laria, “I am intrusting you with the great honor of writing for us all a song, a Broadway song, which then will be sung by the other three players.”
“Three-headed Broadway Star…” Seto said aloud to himself, but no one else heard him of the cheering of the audience.
“Now run along little players,” Laria said in a singsong voice, “Seto's got work to do!”
Ryou, Bakura, Marik, and Atemu all glance at the CEO before heading backstage, stifling their laughter and leaving Seto stunned on center stage.
---Mr. Bowers scolded me in the weirdest way.
Mr. Bowers: I LIKE SOUP!---