Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Why? ❯ Why? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh or anything, just the plot to this story.
A nice long chapter for you guys to get stuck into!
Seto, Seto, wake up, SETO!” a voice in the distant said. Seto couldn't quite distinguish where it was coming from in the dreamland that he was in. He wasn't asleep, but he wasn't awake either, he didn't even know where he was, but he didn't care, if only that voice would shut up… “SETO!!!!”
Seto jumped. Mokuba was leaning over him with tears streaming down his face. “Oh thank god you're alive!” Mokuba cried as he hugged his brother. Seto opened his eyes only to be blinded by the sunlight. He turned his head to see where he was, but as soon as he moved he felt an intense pain coming from his head and his backside. All of a sudden all of what had happened last night came back to him, the mutt, Yami, the rape…
No, Seto wasn't raped, he was Seto Kaiba, a powerful hard talking business extraordinaire, he couldn't have been raped, it was probably just a dream, yeah that was it, he'd fallen and hit his head and had a dream, or should one say, a nightmare. But all this didn't explain the increasing throb in his backside.
Before Seto could think anymore, Mokuba was talking to him again. “Ok just wait here a sec Seto, I'm just gonna go ring an ambulance” Mokuba ran off into the house.
`An ambulance, oh god no, what will the press say when they get hold of that?! And how did I get to my house?' Seto thought to himself. Before Mokuba could get to the phone, Seto screamed in pain as he got up, and rushed into the house. “NO MOKUBA DON'T!” he shouted. Mokuba stopped in his tracks and turned to stare at Seto, “But bro your head's bleeding you need to go to the hospital!” Mokuba said.
“No I don't, it's nothing serious, just leave it Mokuba” Seto said while trying to block out the pain that was starting to creep up on him.
“I SAID JUST LEAVE IT MOKUBA” Seto screamed. Mokuba's eyes filled up with tears again and he ran out of the room crying. Seto made his way up to his bedroom and started to strip out of his bloodstained clothes. He pulled a pair of black tracksuit trousers on and went into the bathroom. He grabbed a towel, wet it, and started to clean the back of his head. He hissed in pain as the cold water mixed with his blood. After most of the blood had gone, Seto started to run a bath. He slipped out of his clothes and started to climb into the bath, but as soon as his backside met the hot water he screamed out in pain. `Oh god this is gonna take some time' Seto thought to himself. All of a sudden there was a knocking at the door, “SETO, SETO, ARE YOU ALRIGHT!!” Mokuba screamed. He started to open the door. Seto jumped out of the bath and grabbed a towel which he wrapped around himself just in time before Mokuba came in. “Oh my god Seto I thought you were dying or something” Mokuba said as tears started to fall down his face again. “Nah I'm fine, now please can you…” Seto stopped mid-sentence at the look on Mokubas face. The boy's expression was one of utter shock and fear. He pointed at Seto “What happened to you Seto?”. Seto looked down. His usually flawless pale delicate looking skin was covered in bruises and cuts. `How could I have not noticed them before?' Seto looked up at Mokuba, but couldn't think of anything to say. All of a sudden all of what happened to him last night came back to him again, the pain, the humiliation. Tears spilled out of Seto's eyes as well as he fell to his knees. Mokuba ran up to him and wrapped his arms around his neck crying “What happened Seto, who did this to you?” Seto looked up into his brother's storm coloured eyes. Mokuba brushed the chestnut bangs from Seto's face and nestled his face in Seto's hair, fresh new tears spilling from his eyes.
“I…, I…, I was…, I was raped” Seto said before he broke into full on tears. Mokuba held Seto tighter. “By who?” he asked.
“By…., by…., Joey Wheeler” Seto replied.
“Oh my god” Mokuba gasped before he held Seto even tighter. In between sobs and tears, Seto explained all of what had happened to him, and all the while Mokuba nodded whilst stroking Seto's hair softly.
When Seto finished explaining, Mokuba kissed him on the head, “We should ring the police”.
Seto's eyes widened “No, no way, just think how the media will react if they hear about this, I'd be finished”.
“Seto, Joey raped you, you can't just let that go!” Mokuba said. Seto winced at the word `raped'. “Look Mokuba, just leave it will you, I just wanna forget about the whole thing” Seto said as he stood up. “But Seto...”Mokuba started.
“Look I said I just wanna forget about it, ok!” Seto said, unintentionally giving Mokuba a death glare with those icy orbs. Mokubas eyes started to fill with tears again. Seto looked at the bath and cringed at the thought of the pain he would soon have to go through. Mokuba saw this “Well at least let me help you wash”. Seto looked at his younger brother. He'd never seen him seen him so upset. “Ok” Seto agreed. Mokuba helped Seto into the bath, and muttered soothing words when the water surrounded Seto's entrance, causing the older boy to cry out in pain again. Mokuba then helped Seto to wash the cuts and bruises on his back without causing him too much pain. He also helped Seto to wash away the dirt that no-one could see, but Seto could feel. After finishing bathing, Mokuba helped Seto back out of the bath and handed him a towel. “I'll leave you to get dressed and see you when dinners ready, see ya” Mokuba said as he headed to the bathroom door. Seto looked up “Sure, see ya, oh, and Mokuba!” Mokuba turned around, “Thanks”. Mokuba smiled “No problem, I'd do anything for my one special bro”. He then left the bathroom leaving Seto to get dressed.
And that was that, Seto wanted to forget all that had happened, and that's the way it was until one morning a couple of months later, he woke up feeling terrible. He felt sick, and for some weird reason his chest was hurting. He also has some of the worst stomach cramps he'd ever had in his life. He got up to go to the bathroom, but as soon as he stood up, he felt it coming. He ran to the bathroom as quickly as he could, lifted up the toilet seat, and threw up what must have been the entire contents of his stomach into the toilet. In-between each vomit he gasped for breath and clutched his stomach which was hurting like mad. After the vomiting stopped, the cramps slowly went away but the pain in his chest remained. `Must have been that tuna I ate last night' Seto thought to himself. After flushing the toilet and cleaning his face and mouth, he returned to his room and got dressed, and carried on the day as normal. At school, he of course saw Joey and Yami, but since the rape, they'd acted like nothing had happened, except when Seto occasionally caught them giving him almost sympathetic glances. Seto just ignored them like he always had, and carried on with his usual business.
But the occurrences of that morning were not just one off occurrences; nearly every morning for the next 2 or 3 months was the same, Seto waking up feeling sick with a sore chest and stomach cramps, resulting in him vomiting in the toilet. As Seto didn't like to show any weaknesses, he didn't tell anybody, not even Mokuba, until the said boy caught him one morning being sick. “Oh my god Seto are you ok?” Mokuba said as he held Seto's hair back while he gasped for breath in-between each vomit. When he had finished vomiting, Seto flushed the toilet and replied “Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?”
“Well you don't look ok, maybe you should see a doctor” Mokuba said handing Seto a towel to wipe his mouth with. “No I'm fine, don't worry” Seto said getting up.
“No I won't back down on this one Seto, you're not well and you're gonna see a doctor whether you like it or not” Mokuba said. Before Seto could reply, Mokuba had run out the door. `Oh well maybe I should see a doctor, after all I haven't feeling too good for a couple of months now'. Seto went back to his bedroom and started to strip out of his bedclothes. As he went to his wardrobe he caught his reflection in the mirror. He wasn't looking at his face though; he was looking at his stomach. Instead of being perfectly flat like it normally was, it seemed to almost bulge out a bit, `Weird, especially as I've been vomiting nearly every morning'. Seto just sighed and got dressed in his usual black trousers and t-shirt. He went downstairs to find that his doctor, Dr Ryecart was already at his house. `God that was quick' Seto thought.
“Hello Seto” the doctor said.
“Umm hi” Seto replied. Mokuba who had been in the kitchen could be heard going upstairs. “Young Mokuba tells me you haven't been too well” the doctor said sitting down in one of the plush armchairs. Seto sat down too. “Umm yeah I've been feeling sick almost every morning for about 2 months now”. The doctor nodded, meaning for Seto to carry on. “And well I wake up and I have a really sore chest, and the most horrendous stomach cramps, and then when I stand up I feel awful and end up vomiting” Seto finished.
“Hmmm, that's weird, a couple of months you say” the doctor said whilst reaching into his bag for something. Seto nodded. “Hmm, well if you'd like to lie down on the couch then I'll just do a few routine checks” the doctor said as he pulled a stethoscope out. Seto did as he was told and lay down. The doctor came over to him. “Now if you could just lift up your t-shirt and I can listen to your heart beat”. Seto lifted his t-shirt right up and the doctor placed the stethoscope over his heart. Seto winced at the coldness of it. The doctor listened with a frown on his face. “Hmmm, sounds pretty normal”. Seto looked down at his stomach again. He wasn't imagining it, his stomach was sticking out. “Well I'm sorry Seto, but I can't figure out what's wrong with you, I'm gonna have to refer you to Isis, one of our specialists at the hospital, she has a way of solving even the hardest medical cases” Dr Ryecart said as he packed up his things. Seto nodded. “I'll give her a ring, I think she might not have many appointments today” the doctor said as he pulled out his cell phone. After a quick call, the doctor turned back to Seto, “Looks like it's your lucky day, she hasn't got any appointments today and says you can go see her now if you want, I'll take you if you want”.
“Umm ok yeah, that'd be great thanks” Seto said as he got up from the couch. Usually he wouldn't accept help from anybody, but it was puzzling him as to why he was being sick so often, and why his stomach was sticking out in that weird way.
The drive to the hospital wasn't long, but all the while Seto slowly started to worry about what might be wrong with him. When they arrived, the doctor and Seto went through the big entrance doors, up some stairs and through various corridors until they came to a door with a sign on it saying `Dr. I.Ishtar'.
“Well I'll leave you to it, get Isis to ring me when you're finished and then I'll take you home” Dr Ryecart said as he turned to go. Seto nodded. Nervously he reached out and knocked on the door. “Come in” called some one from inside. Seto pushed the door open and came in. He found Isis sitting at a desk typing at her computer. She looked up as he came in. “Ahhh Seto, please take a seat” she said gesturing to the chair in front of her desk. Seto sat down. “So then I hear you're not feeling too good, wanna tell what's been going on” Isis said leaning forward on her desk and looking in the eye. Seto explained like he had to Dr Ryecart. Isis nodded “Well come lie down on this bed and I'll check you over, oh and can you take your t-shirt off first”. Seto obeyed and took his shirt off then lay down on the bed Isis referred to. She patted Seto's stomach, “Someone's put on some weight I can see, are you sure you're beoing sick?” She said with a gentle laugh. A light blush came to Seto's cheeks.
Isis did the same routine checks like Dr Ryecart had, and she too frowned. “Hmmmm odd, I really can't put my finger on it, I'll have to use the millennium necklace for some help” she said as she reached down her top for the millennium necklace that hung round her neck, the necklace that could see the past and read the future. She put both hands round it and closed her eyes as she concentrated. She started to mutter some words in Egyptian. All of a sudden her eyes snapped open and she let the necklace drop. Her expression became one of mild shock and disbelief. Seto's eyes grew wide “What, what is it, what's wrong with me?” he demanded as he sat up. Isis looked at him with sympathy in her eyes. She sat next to him and took his hand “Oh Seto I didn't know Joey did that to you”. Seto looked away.
“Yeah well it was a long time ago” Seto said stubbornly.
“Yes, but do you remember Joey saying that he would take something of yours forever, something that you'd never get back, and in return he'd give you something that would stay with you forever” Isis said. Seto thought about it, yes, he did remember. “Yeah, but he was talking about him taking my virginity and him giving me his” Seto turned to look at Isis, “Right?”. Isis squeezed Seto's hand.
“Oh Seto, you got the first bit right, but when you and Joey had sex, it was in the shadow realm, and funny things happen in the shadow realm”. Seto didn't like the sound of this, what was Isis leading up to? “Joey didn't leave you with his virginity Seto, he left you with…., with…”, Seto turned and looked Isis straight in the eye, “He got you pregnant Seto”. Seto frowned.
“That's some sick joke Isis, in case you haven't noticed, I'M A GUY! How the fuck could I be pregnant!” Seto spat the last word out. He put his t-shirt back on and got up and headed for the door.
“I told you, weird things happen in the shadow realm, trust me Seto, why do you think you've been sick every morning, had a sore chest, had stomach cramps, and considering you sick up most of what you eat, why do you think your stomach sticks out like it does?” Isis said quickly before Seto left the room. Seto turned around. “Ok then prove it, prove that I'm pregnant, that I have a thing growing inside of me” Seto said giving a death glare. Isis raised her eyebrows, “Fine, come with me to the maternity unit and we'll scan your stomach”. She got up and headed out the door before Seto could say anything else. He followed her. `Huh, pregnant! That would actually be funny if I wasn't feeling like shit'.
The two came to the maternity unit and went into a room where there was a bed and an ultrasound machine. “Lie down” Isis said bluntly. Seto lay down and looked at Isis as she set the ultrasound machine up. “Pull your t-shirt up and undo you trousers”. Seto did as he was told. “Right now I'm going to put some special jelly on you stomach, I'm afraid it's quite cold so brace yourself”. She squirted some onto his stomach, and true to her word, it was freezing. It made Seto wince when she first put it on. She then rubbed the transducer probe over his stomach whilst staring at the screen.
After a few minutes, her face lightened up, “Ahhh, there we go, do you believe me now?” she said as she turned the screen to face Seto. Seto stared at the screen in disbelief. Sure enough there was an baby shaped thing on the screen, with a small heart beating. Tears started to well up in Seto's eyes. Isis pointed to the screen, “As you can see your baby has a good heartbeat and is growing quite well, as your pregnancy is coming up to 5 months, I'll just do the routine checks that we do on all other pregnancies at 5 months”. Seto just nodded. There it was, in black and white, he was pregnant, pregnant with Joey's baby, had Joey known this was going to happen? If so, then why had he done it? Seto just started at the ceiling while Isis did the checks on the screen. After what seemed like ages, she finally said “Right all done, you should be expecting a nice healthy baby in about 4 months”.
Seto pulled his t-shirt down, did his trousers up, and sat up. Tears rolled down his cheeks `No, it can't be, it just can't'. Isis took Seto's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, “Don't worry, I've dealt with this before, you'll be safe with me around” she said in a sympathetic voice. Seto looked up and gave her a small smile, but a new set of tears poured out of his sharp blue eyes, “I just dunno how I'm gonna cope” he cried. Isis took Seto into her arms and kissed him on the head. Seto continued to cry on her shoulder whilst thinking of that one night that he'd rather forget.