Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Why Cant' You Love Me? ❯ Chapter 2: At the Hot Springs With You ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Ok This is technically supposed to be a Jun/Asuka fic and I guess I did make things move too quickly in the story, but only because I wanted to give the hint that she might actually have strong feelings for him but it's okay if anyone thought differently...Anyway, this is a little more forward...well...you'll find out.
Erik S1:Thanx for the review! Speaking of which you get the award for beingthe first to review me! YAY! Anyway, yeah I know...I really wanted there to be a MAnjome/Asuka story out there so I just decided to write it myself. I'm glad you liked it...I spent forever working on it so I'm glad you enjoyed it. Like I said, I know it seems too sudden, but I wanna give some people the impression that she does care about him more than he (or anyone) thinks. And are you psycic? How did you know I was gonna put it in Asuka's POV? I'm gonna have to start calling you Criss Angel nowI guess (he can read minds too!) Anyway, glad you liked it! It's gonna switch from her POV to his, but I'll begin and end it in her POV so...there you go psycic friend! (Now say; MAYBE MONEY SHOULD BE FALLING FROM THE SKY! (Waits a minute, watching the sky) SAY IT! (crying) SA-A-A-AY I-I-T!) - I love Fender (Robots!) ON WITH THE CHAPPY!
Disclaimer: I again, I don't own Yugioh or anyone in it!

Why Can't You Love Me?
Chapter 2: At the Hot Springs With You
(Asuka's POV)
I stood and ran after him. I hadn't meant for this to happen! Why did he have to run though? Couldn't he have just stayed? Or does his want to run away to avoid Kaiser if we're together having anything to do with those dreams? I keep running until I run into Kaiser and he held my arms and gave me a very serious look.
“Tenjoin-chan, where were you?” he asked sternly.
“I was with Manjome-kun don't worry”, I reply quickly, so I could catch up to Manjome.
“Why were you with him?” he asked.
“I was just asking him why he's been so miserable around me. We were just talking. Now please let me go!” I say, trying to get away.
“What's wrong?”
I finally collapse against Kaiser-san and cry a little.
“He's gonna try and leave Duel Academia because of me. If he succeeds I'll never live down the guilt I feel for this!” I exclaim, crying into his chest.
He held me for a moment while I tried to calm down. BIG MISTAKE ON MY PART!!!!!!! I looked over Ryo's shoulder to see Manjome, his cards on the ground with a hurt look all over his face. He looks down and turns away from us, running away.
------------------------------------About a minute earlier------------------------------------------
(Manjome's POV)
Before I leave I look down at my deck and decided that I really won't need it anymore and begin walking back to my dorm to leave it. As I'm walking back however, I find Tenjoin-kun in Kaiser's arms and I drop my deck. I turn away as she finally notices me and I run back to the docks.
--------------------------------------Ok, back to Asuka's POV------------------------------------
I broke away from Ryo and began running after Manjome calling after him to come back. When I finally catch up to him we're at the docks and I grab the oar he was gonna use and keep it from him.
“Give me that”, he ordered.
“No...I'm not gonna let you leave like this!” I exclaim keeping him from getting to the oar.
“Why would you even care? You seemed pretty content with Kaiser-san. Why would you care if I left?” he asked crossing his arms.
“I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of you leaving because of me. And what you saw with me and Ryo-san was nothing! He was trying to comfort me when I was worrying about you!” I yelled.
He said nothing and looked away. I dropped the oar and hugged him, wanting him to stay so badly. I saw him look up and around, as if waiting for something.
“Kaiser-san isn't going to take me away...I promise”, I whisper trying to get him to hug me back.
“Why are you doing this?” he asks after a sort of long silence.
“Because I know how miserable your life already is with your brothers. The way they put so much pressure on you to be great like them...I don't want to make you more miserable than you already are”, I reply looking up at him sadly.
He pulled himself away from me and turned away.
“I don't want your pity”, he said sternly.
“I never said I pitied you.”
“Not in those words.”
“Manjome-kun please, don't do this”, I try sadly.
He begins walking away, his head bowed in sadness and hurt.
“Fine, I won't leave, but I would like to be alone”, he said simply before going out of my sight to his dorm room.
I watched him sadly and wished he'd just get over what's happened and walked back to where Kaiser-san was still waiting for me.
“So what happened?” he asked.
“Well, I convinced him not to leave, but I haven't the slightest clue of how long that'll last”, I reply.
After that we just go down to that dock again and talk a little.
----------------------------------------In Manjome's POV again! ---------------------------------
I walked into my room again to find Fubuki still there.
“Don't you have any other friends you can torment all day?” I ask.
“Why were you gone so long?” he asked ignoring my question.
“I was talking to your sister...” I muttered sitting down on my large bed.
“What'd you guys talk about?!”
“Nothing...just what's been happening is all.”
“Did you tell her you were gonna try and leave?”
“Yeah...but she won't let me”, I mutter in reply.
“I told ya.”
“Can I have a little time a lone please?” I ask glaring at him.
“Hai...Ja ne” he replied walking out and closing my now replaced door.
I lie back down on my bed and close my eyes. I'd have to suffer for a little while longer, but if it made her happy...then I would. I never wanted her unhappy, no matter what; I wanted her to be happy. I begin to drift to sleep when I hear a knock on my door. I get up and answer it to see Asuka standing there with my reassembled deck.
“You dropped this, I was just bringing it back to you”, she said smiling tenderly and handing me the deck.
“Uh...Domo arigato Tenjoin-kun”, I utter taking the deck from her.
I turn away and set the deck down on my bedside table.
“Did you need anything else?” I ask, curious as to why she hadn't left yet.
“Oh...anou...do you need anything else? Can I do anything for you?” she asked.
“No...I'm fine...I was thinking about going to the hot springs, but then I'd have to bring two others”, I reply sitting down on my bed.
“Anou...I could join you...and we could bring Fubuki-san. I'm sure he'd be dying to come and play matchmaker again”, she suggests, blushing.
“I doubt that'd be allowed. You'd probably need to go to a different one than ours”, I remind her.
“Don't worry; I'll get Fubuki-san to set something up. He's good at negotiating, and besides, we'd still wear our towels, it's not like we'd reveal anything to each other on purpose”, she explained.
“Alright...” I say standing and walking out of my room almost running right into Fubuki.
“Hey, are we going to the hot springs or what?” he asks putting his arms around us.
“You heard every word didn't you?” I ask trying to pry away from him.
“Hai”, he answered simply, being followed by a long silence.
I take his arm off me and follow them away from the Slifer dorm to the hot springs deep in the woods, far into the island. We walk up to receptionist and Fubuki explains that he wanted a spring for him, his sister, and her `friend'.
The receptionist smiles at Asuka and I and asks, “Oh, sweetheart's ne? Would you like the Couple's springs?”
“The Couple's springs?” Fubuki repeated, while Asuka and I blushed.
“Hai, we reserve it for couples only. Unless you're all together that is-” she explains.
“No, actually it is just them. I'm just their escort”, Fubuki interrupts.
“But Fubuki, Manjome-kun and I aren't-” Asuka whispers as the receptionist reaches for the keys to the spring.
“Just go with it”, Fubuki replies side-glancing at her and taking the keys.
He hands them to me and gives me thumbs up and runs off without another word.
I lead the way and we both change in the locker rooms and get our towels. When we come out, we somehow manage to find the spring and walk in. It was beautiful, definitely romantic enough. We walk in and sit down in the springs together and I can immediately feel myself relax. I look over at her to see her looking down and frowning.
“You didn't have to come with me”, I said looking away.
“I wanted to, it's fine”, she said smiling.
“If you don't really want to be here you can leave...it's alright...” I say, noting how fake her happy expression is.
“Manjome-kun, it's fine. I promise you. I'm fine being here with you”, she replied scooting a little closer to me.
I glance at her, but look back down, knowing she hadn't meant that. I close my eyes and sink into the water a little.
“Manjome-kun, I mean it, it's ok...”she said trying to `cheer me up'.
“You don't wanna be here...I know you don't...Go ahead and go...I'll be fine...I'll leave shortly after”, I say sitting up a little more.
“I don't want you to think you have to stay just because I'm not thrilled to have you here”, I interrupt, not wanting her pity.
“I want to stay”, she urges.
I say nothing and look away again. She grabs onto my arm and holds me close, laying her head on my shoulder.
“Can't you just forget about Kaiser-san for this one night and enjoy our time together?” she asks looking up at me.
I stare down at the water and say nothing as she cuddled up to me. I couldn't forget about what would happen if and when Kaiser found out about this. If he cares about her as much as I do, he'd probably kill me for what we're doing.
“Please Manjome-kun, I know this would make you happy”, she tries smiling up at me.
I continue to remain silent and she stares up at me sadly.
“What will it take to get you to smile?” she asked sweetly.
I think for a moment but shake my head to say `I don't know'.
“What if I kissed you?” she asked smiling.
“No...That'd be only for pity...it'd have nothing to do with me”, I reply.
“Can I try it though?” she asks hopefully.
“Why would you want to?” I ask.
“I wanna see you smile at me again, like you did in our duel”, she replies smiling up at me.
I say nothing and look away, not wanting to get in trouble. She glared at me for a moment and kissed my cheek, making my eyes widen and I blush a little. She continued kissing my cheeks, making me smile down at her lovingly.
“I knew I'd get you to smile”, she says sweetly.
My smile fades and I look down, frowning. Why did she have to say that? That just completely ruined the moment. She looks up at me and smacks her forehead for her own mistake.
“Gomen nasai Manjome-kun, I didn't mean to say it like that”, she said snaking her arms around my neck and nuzzled her head against my chest. “I don't want you to get the wrong idea about my wanting you to be happy.”
I look back at her and try to pull away. I know I should enjoy this, but I just can't! I can't stop thinking about why she'd do this. I see it as only pity. She lets me go and I make to get out when she stops me.
“Why are you doing this?” I ask a little irritated.
“I want you to stay and try and enjoy yourself. I'll do anything to see you happier than you were; even if it's only a little. Please just enjoy yourself while we still have a little time left here”, she practically begs, laying on me to keep me from getting up.
I sigh and relax again. I've already established that I didn't want her unhappy, and I don't. So if this makes her happy, so be it.
“I'll stay...” I sigh staring down.
She smiles at me and hugs me. I smile slightly and attempt to hug her back, praying I'd be able to without interruption.
`Why is she doing this? This is the first time she's ever shown me any affection at all! Why would she want to do this? Does she...anou...does she love me too? Is that why she's doing this? Is she trying to only show me she loves me? I better not say anything though...in case I'm wrong...' I think as we hold each other.
She pulls away a little and smiles at me again. I only noticed now that our faces were mere inches apart and she was coming deathly close to mine. I close my eyes, waiting for what I've been praying for for so long, when that receptionist comes in telling us that they were closing. I sigh and bow my head, ready to get out. She stands and I follow suit. We go back to the locker rooms and I quickly change back into my clothes and walk out to wait for Asuka. I sigh again when I think of how close I had been when that baka receptionist ruined it.
She came out in her Obilisk uniform and we walk out just in time to run into Fubuki again.
“Well seeing as how you two just came out, I guess you enjoyed yourselves”, he said triumphantly.
“Hai, it was alright”, she replied before I could yell at him for ditching us.
“I'm gonna head back to my dorm. Ja ne!!” he yelled waving and running towards the guy's Obilisk dorms.
“Ja ne Tenjoin-kun”, I utter walking to the Slifer dorms.
----------------------------------------Asuka's POV (Again!!) -------------------------------------
I watched him walk away with that sad look he'd had almost all day. I cursed under my breath to the receptionist for ruining that. He looked so hopeful and she completely ruined his happiness.
----------------------------------------Quick little flashback----------------------------------------
I pull away a little and smile at him again. I only noticed now that our faces were mere inches apart so I was moved deathly closer to his. He closes his eyes, waiting for what I guess he's been praying for ever since the duel, when that receptionist comes in telling us that they were closing. He sighs miserably and bows his head.
---------------------------------------------End flashback--------------------------------------------
I continue to curse her for such a thing as I walked back to my dorm; she had no right to do that. I walk into my room to find Momoe and Junko waiting for me to tell them where I was all day. I ignore them and ready myself for bed, unable to get Manjome-kun's sad expression out of my mind. I lay under the covers of my bed and drift to sleep, the last visual image of that sad look fading away I drift away with it.
A/N: Ok there it was! Again I know it seems too forward, but hey! It's my story not your's! So please review me!