Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Why I Don't Believe ❯ Christmas Gifts and Party Plans ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Oki peoples, here's my Christmas fic!! ^__^ I hop eyou all like it.. it's.. different,
thats for sure.. Anyway, Enjoy!!

Yami: And, Alina does NOT own Yu-Gi-Oh!, Weekly Shonen Jump, Dragonball Z, or any of the manga
titles mentioned in this story. Kapiche?

WARNING: Yaoi mention. No lemons (yet), but definately mentions.

Why I Don't Believe
Chapter 1: Gifts and Parties

The cold wind whipped at Yugi's face, causing his cheeks to burn. The teen was out doing his
Christmas shopping at the last minute, with only a week left until the cheery holiday. Everywhere
he looked, there were bright lights, joyous smiles, and other luminous reminders of the treasured
holiday to come. Yugi smiled ot himself as he headed into the local Manga store to pick up the
Weekly Shonen Jump, and the various gifts he was buying for his friends.

The store itself was bright and cheery like every other store at this time of year, but the main
Manga theme stayed, instead of the usual 'Santa and Reindeer Rule The World' that every other store had.
Yugi walked around the store, feeling at home. Well, not hard for him to do, since he lives in a gameshop.
Immediatly, the tri-colour haired teen picked up the December Issue of Shonen Jump. Skimming through the
pages, pausing and smiling when he came across his favorite Mangas, Yugi heade over to the Shonen section
of the store. He quickly and quite expertly picked out the newest issues of DragonBall Z, Gundam Wing, and
Sandland. Yami's favorite Manga. Well, three of them anyway.

Now, Yugi headed toward the Shojo section. This was where he was to get Anzu's present. He carefully picked
out a few MAngas that he had seen Anzu reading in class a few times. Last, but certainly not least, Yugi picked up
a copy of Duel Monsters: Card & Deck Guide, and four packs of duel monster cards for Jonouchi. Smiling happily,
the hikari headed home to wrap the gifts he had bought for his friends.


Yami sensed his Hikari coming home from Christmas shopping, and started to panic. Ribbon tangled in the Pharaoh's hair,
tape hanging from his nose and mouth, and pieces of gift wrap with Santa and Rudolph print were wrapped around the ancient
spirit, making him look like a Christmas Mummy, but yugi's present was still mostly visible. Thinking quickly, Yami shoved
the gift under his bed, the least visible side facing outward, and turned to his next task; cleaning the room.

Rolls of wrapping paper were scattered around the room, littering the once tidy floor. Tape that had highly annoyed Yami,
hung from the walls, ceiling, beds, and desk, strands of reddish black and gold hair stuck to them. Yami pushed the rolls
of paper under the bed with Yugi's present, and stuffed the sticky pieces of tape in the garbage. Or at least, stuck them
to the end of the garbage can.

Just as the Pharaoh went to greet his hikari, the door opened, and Yugi stood there. HIs arms were filled with various
wrapped boxes, as he walked into the room. The hikari took one look at Yami, and nearly dropped his gifts from laughing.
Yami took the packages from the hysterical hikari, an eyebrow raisd in question as to what could be so funny.

"Yami, d-did you.. get into a.. fight with the.. Gift wrap..?" Yugi gasped out between snorts of laughter. Yami looked
even more puzzled now, and he looked down at himself in obvious confusion. Crimson red eyes widened in realization. He
was still covered in wrapping paper. He looked back up at Yugi, a ribbon falling into his face as he nodded, grinning
sheepishly. The antics his Yami used caused the shorter teen to laugh harder, almost falling over, if it hadn't been for
Yami's quick reflexes, cat-like grace that's born to all Pharaohs, and amazing balance. In other words, Yami caught Yugi
before he could hit the floor.

Yugi's laughs subsided, as Yami held him just above the floor, being careful not to shift his weight off balance. Yugi
smiled up at Yami, pulling the tape off his face, and untangling the ribbon adorning the dark one's hair. Yami smiled down
at his hikari, leaning his head forward so Yugi could reach behind the reddish-black spikes of hair. This caused him to
finally lose his balance and he fell forward, almost crushing Yugi, had it not been for his elbows, which he used to hold
himself up, above the hikari. This led to a fairly awkward position, with Yugi laying on the floor, one knee bent, and one
straight. Yami was over top of his light, left leg in a kneeling-like position, his knee and the ball of of his foot
touching the floor, between Yugi's legs. His right leg was just sprawled out, on the outside of Yugi's leg. His right hip
rested equally balanced on Yugi's left hip, and his upper body was kept above Yugi by Yami's arms, which were holding the
spirit up, only inches above the sweet hikari.

Yugi blinked, a light blush crossing his cheeks. Yami's face wasn't quite so.. light. Bright scarlett red lit up the
Pharaoh's cheeks like the lights on a Christmas tree. Stunned, the pair stayed like that, staring at eachother for a
moment. Fantasies caught up Yami's mind and he saw Yugi lean up to kiss him, the kiss being long and passionate. But before
the image could deepen, a sweet and slightly confused voice interupted his thoughts.

"Yami? Yami? Yaaaamiiii!!" Said Pharaoh shook his head to clear it of the hentai-ish thoughts invading. Yugi smiled up at
him, an eye brow raised. "Welcome back to the twenty-first century Yami, now, could you please let me up?"

Yami's blush deepened as he nodded. Jumping to his feet, the spirit leaned down to help his hikari up. Yugi smiled, pulling
some gift wrap off his dark side. Soon, there was only one or two pieces of wrapping paper left on Yami, and the deep
scarlett blush had faded from his face. Yami pulled the remaining pieces of wrapping from his pants, and looked up to find
Yugi now in a dreamy state. Grinning widely, Yami started waving his hand in front of his hikari's face.


"Yugi. Yugi? Yugi!!" The hikari snaped out of his daydream, shaking his head slightly. A small blush graced the features
of his face, as Yugi looked over at his Grandpa, grinning sheepishly.

"Yeah, Grandpa?" Yugi asked somewhat shyly, after being caught daydreaming by his Grandfather. But the old man simply
sighed and shook his head.

"Are you feeling alright? That's the third time today you were daydreaming." Suguroku asked worriedly. Yugi blushed,
nodding as he replied.

"I was just thinking about Anzu."

"So have you asked her out then?"

"No, I was planning on doing that at the Christmas Party tomorrow."

Suguroku nodded in agreement. But no more was said to this conversation and the subject was quickly changed, as Yami walked
into the room.

Now we all know how rare it is for Yugi to keep a secret from Yami, and vise-versa, but this was the one exception. Yugi's
secret, was that he loved Anzu. He had such strong feelings for her, and he was afraid. Afraid that if Yami knew, Yami
would try to take Anzu from him. Yugi was afraid that Yami loved Anzu as well, and the short teen knew, that should Yami
ever get the chance to ask Anzu at, then YUgi would never have a chance with the girl he loved. If only he knew, that Yami,
had his own secrets.

Oh yes, Yami had his crushes on various people. But none of these people had been Anzu. None of these people had even been
girls. Yami's current crush, wasn't centered on the brunette this time either. No, our favorite Pharaoh is a little more
daring than that. He hadn't fallen for the talented, beautiful, brunette dancer, who gave out compliments and confidence
like candy. Instead, Yami had fallen for, well, you prolly guessed it already, but, Yami loved none other than Yugi Mutou.
But the spirit was determined to keep this secret from Yugi. Especially since he could feel the hormonal pull towards girls
that came from Yugi.

****!! ****!!
A/N: Ok, that's the end of chapter one!! w00t!! Was it good? can you catch on the plot line yet? I didn't think so.. this is
sorta like a prologue type thingy... but yeah.. R+R!! Onegai!! ^.~