Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Why Joey Wheeler Hates Seto Kaiba ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Bakura:What the hell?

Rain5101:It means hi you baka.

Bakura:Well aren't you bilingual.

Rain5101:FOD. End of discussion.

Bakura:She doesn't own Yugioh.

Rain5101:Where's Joey and Seto and Valon?

Bakura:-Hides Millenium Ring-

Rain5101:You loser.

Bakura:Is there a point in continuing this at all?

Rain5101:Maybe.... Okay, I just wanted to acknowledge InsaneShadowFan's review, in which I thought someone was trying to arrest me. Also, I wanted to thank Aphreal21 for her review, which told me that someone loved this story and I wasn't a total loser.

Bakura:You should be arrested.

Rain5101: :Burning warrants: So what?

Why Joey Wheeler Hates Seto Kaiba Chapter Three

Kaiba's Pov.

        The mutt was late to class today, and apparently, his cousin couldn't be bothered to come to class. She's still a dog, just like the rest of them, but a little mangier. I don't care what happened to her, honestly, I don't. It's not the end of the world.

        Of course, then Mokuba saw her today, and said how sorry he felt for her. I didn't even look at her. Her scars aren't that bad. So she was in an accident. Obviously, it was a long time ago, or else she wouldn't be in school.

        "Mr. Wheeler, where is Allison?" The teacher looked at him over her glasses, and he had to go up to the front of the classroom and tell her. What was so important that he couldn't tell the teacher out loud?

        "...So I'm going to pick her up around lunch. She'll be here later in the day." Wheeler returned to his seat. Why someone would make such a big deal about a dog, I'll never know. Now there's three in the school. The mutt, the puppy(Serenity), and the bitch.


     & nbsp;  When the bell sounded for lunch, Joey, Tristan, Tea, and Yugi all got into the car to go get Alli, who had left a text message telling them she was ready. By the time they got there, she was outside waiting, fingering something between her thumb and her index finger. Based on what was strapped onto her back, they knew full well that it was a guitar pick, a blue one.

        She put the instrument into the trunk and proceeded to get into the front seat. Saying hello, she reached over for her backpack and looked through it feverishly.

        "Hey, Alli, what are you looking for?" Tristan asked. She sighed of relief and pulled out a small case, filled with pills. "What the hell?"

        "Sorry guys, I know this looks like I'm a druggie or something, but I need to take this one pill for my leg. It's because it got infected a few months ago when I got into a fight. I won't be on it for too much longer." She pulled out a water bottle and took a few gulps.

        "Did you have to take pills that big after the accident?" Tea asked innocently.

        "Unfortu nately, I had to take like twenty painkillers a day. If I didn't, well, you have no idea what hell is like."

        "So if you didn't take all of them, you felt like hell?"

        "No." She smiled. "Well kind of, but it was worse for the nurse who forgot to give them to me. They did not have any idea what it was like. I wasn't an old lady who would just fall asleep. I was quite a screamer."

        "You have quite the set of pipes," Joey said. She smiled and let him continue back to the school.


         The last class of the day was phys. ed. The class was divided, boys and girls, in opposite ends of the gym. They were going to have a tournament, for all girls and boys who wished to compete. It was strictly martial arts, to sum up the defense unit. They would put girls against girls and boys would do the same, then the two winners would be involved in a battle of the sexes.

        Alli walked onto the hardwood floor with Tea, both wearing shorts that said 'Domino Stars' written in black on the white shorts. They both wore the black regulation shirt, tight of course, with the Domino crest over the heart. Tea refused to beat people up, she declared that it just was not her nature, so Alli stood alone against the three other girls that decided to compete.

        On the boy's side, Joey looked over to his cousin, catching who she was looking at. It wasn't him. It was Kaiba. She glanced quickly to Joey, making a fist. He nodded and did the same, then flashed her a victory sign.

        "Mutt, quit staring at your cousin. Incest is even a little low for dogs."

        "So are some of the things you do." Joey said under his breath.

        "What was that?"

        "Mr. Kaiba, Mr. Wheeler! Get over here! Apparently you two are the only two who wish to compete. You're up." The male instructor walked over to the mats. Kaiba looked at the blonde and said,

        "Don't lick your wounds in front of me, dog boy."

        "You wish."

        "Ready gentlemen-"

        "HOLY SHIT!" A group of girls stared at the other set of mats, eyes wide. Both looked over to see what the fuss was about, but Joey wasn't surprised. Alli wasn't hurting the girls, she was just getting them out of bounds. Saving her strength for their fight, he supposed.

        Unfortunat ely, he would never get that chance, because he never saw Kaiba's kick coming, an was sent flying out to the hardwood floor, a bruise already forming.

        "And how is that fair?" Joey made an evil face at the ceo, and looked over to his cousin.


        "Never mind, that is fair. I don't get to trash you. Damn." He then shrugged. "She's got a score to settle with you."

        "Why? Because I picked on her cousin? Oh, darn. She's going to get her ass kicked. Your entire mutt family deserves that much."

        "You deserve to rot in hell...o Mrs. L!" He smiled at the teacher who merely shook her head and acknowledged Kaiba.

        "Let's go, we don't have all period." The ceo shot a smirk in Joey's direction, but he wasn't even angered by it.

        "Good luck moneybags!" Joey yelled, "You don't stand a bloody ghost of a chance."

        When she saw Kaiba opposite her, she clenched her fists, and closed her eyes. She didn't care about any fight but this. And if she faced a lawsuit, she'd bring up his little 'accident' to the press. 'Accidentally' mind you.

        She could still read him like a book. He thought he was weak and vulnerable then, well now, she had to laugh. Mr. Tall and Mighty needed to learn something. He was still a little orphan, lower than a dog, and the biggest owner of a facade the Milky Way Galaxy had ever seen.

        "You do know you're- Are you listening to me?" Kaiba looked directly at Alli. She didn't even respond, she was just staring into his eyes. She wasn't like the rest. She didn't give a hell about his two cents. And judging by the marks on her, she didn't care about what people thought of her.

        Her hair was back in a tight ponytail, curls falling down from it, and her eyes were searching his. Looking for any kind of recognition.

        "Alrigh t you two, keep it clean. And no-"

        "No offense, but he doesn't have enough balls for me to even try to hit him there." She looked over Kaiba. "Sorry, but I'm a black belt, don't need to bother with that. It's stupid crap. Honestly, it is." She looked to the teacher, who was quickly silenced. Blue collided with hazel. She blinked and then lowered herself into a fighting stance.

        He had to admit, she did have poise. And the stereo that was pounding in the background was intoxicating. He liked Linkin Park, and "Pts.Of.Athrty" fit this situation. (go in my profile if you want it and I'll let you listen)

        The first move was swift. She didn't hit him, she merely stopped a fraction of an inch from his face. However, that left her able to jam her fist into his stomach. He doubled over, but then grabbed her arm, and twisted it behind her back.

        "You aren't going to win," He said, breathing hard onto her neck.

        "You don't know that." She leaned forward, then shoved herself back into his frame. The sounds of their bodies colliding filled the room. He was on the mat, on the bottom, and she was on top of him. She pulled herself up, only to find that he was too fast, and she found herself on the ground, from a punch to her back. She felt a tingling sensation on her back, then closed her eyes. A cut on her back had opened up. From where everyone was standing, they didn't know that. They thought she was just sweating profusely.

        "You still want more, don't you?" He asked, as she pulled herself up. "You just don't know when to quit."

        "I'm not afraid to take a beating. I spent three years fighting something they thought would cripple me forever. You seem obsolete at the moment." She smiled at him, both circling the perimeter of the mats. Suddenly, she listened. "This song suits you."

        Kaiba looked at her. "By Myself." Linkin Park again(You can listen to that too if you want). "How so?"

        "The facade. And your history. Personally, I think our song is more like "In the End". We're connected you know."

        "How?" This was confusing him, and he was willing to admit it. She made no sense, but he had a feeling she knew something he didn't. She looked at him, stirring something he hadn't felt in so long.

        "I enjoyed this. Fighting you, I mean. But all things must end." She took a breath and flipped backward, acting like she was in a Kung Fu movie. She then lowered herself to the ground and pivoted on her left foot, extending her right, and tripping the ceo. He fell, but she caught him, with her hand. Before she made her final move, she looked him in the eye. Her gaze was pure. Crystal clear. No more foggy hazel. This was a pure jade green.

        Everyone watched Kaiba Corp's ceo. His eyes widened. In fear, curiosity, one can only guess. No. She flipped backward again, catching his jaw. When she landed, everyone knew it was all over. She turned to walk away, then took a ragged breath and spun, watching the ceo, who had doubled over.

        A moment later, which felt like an eternity, the young man pulled himself up. "You're bleeding. Your shorts." She turned and looked over her shoulder. noticing the back of the shirt had gone from black to a deep maroon. The white shorts were also this deep maroon color. Pulling both hands to her head, she fell forward. An arm was extended, which she doubled over, unconscious.


Rain5101: Well, there you have it.

Joey: Next chapter will be so much fun!

Tristan: Dude, we will have a blast!

Rain5101: I can put you two back in the Realm if you don't shut up. Bakura doesn't mind, honestly.

Joey: Alright. Chill.

Rain5101: Please review and tell me what you think.

Bakura: Can I send them to the realm?

Rain5101: How about this: If no one reviews, we send them to the realm. Deal?

Bakura: Definetly!
