Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Why me? ❯ Why me? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own. Don't Sue!
Why me
It all started the day we met and you said `hello'. I thought that you were talking to someone else because nobody ever talked to me. I am the smart kid in school who is in drama. I'm not very popular and you… well you are the captain of the volleyball team and you have tons of friends. I mean why talk to me? So I look around to see who I might be standing in front of but there was no-one there. It was just us in that hallway two hours
after school ended; I was here for drama practice I had just made the roll of Satine from Moulin Rouge. I'm not quite sure what you were doing here until you walked up to me and then I knew that you were here for me. My world turned upside down when you kissed me and then you turned and left without a word. This went on for weeks and now here we are once again two hours after school and in the same hallway. I waited for you to kiss me but you just stared at me for what seemed like hours until “Why do you let me kiss you and then allow me to walk without even a word? Do you think that little of yourself?” I heard myself answer “It's not that I think that little of myself. I just thought you cared.” I started to leave when you grabbed my hand. “Please don't leave I just wanted to know.” I turn to look at you and I saw the tear fall I raise my hand to wipe it away “What is it you wanted to know?” he closed his eyes and a pained expression appeared, as if he was scared, but I knew better you were known to never show emotion. “If you cared about me as much as I do you.” I lost my breath “B-but you could have anyone! Why me? A boy who plays a girl part in a play!” I dropped to my knees and cried “I-I'm an n-nobody in this school. Why m-me?” I felt you lift my chin but I couldn't see you through my tears “Because Ryou I love you and you stand out to me more than you'll ever know.” This time when you kissed me I was ready for it and when you left I felt complete. It's been four years now since you were killed in the car accident and I have not loved anyone else. I visit your grave and cry over the time we could have had. `I'll never forget you' was written on your grave marker and those words are true. I'll love you forever Bakura , and I'll never forget you