Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Why one should never poke somthing very odd alot. ❯ Froggy Island Part Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I own Zoey & Froggy Island.

Don't Own Yu-Gi-Oh or Lady_Washu also know as L_W she owns her self.So don't Sue.

Froggy Island Part 2

King________:For crimes against the state you all will be throw into the prison.

Mokuba:What how could this be?

Joey:Can't you(points to Mary Ann) do anything about this?

Mary Ann: No.

Seto: Why?

Mary Ann: Because I want to see how this turns out.


Zoey:What are the "crimes"?

Queen ____________:The crimes are not dressing the proper attire,have short people in

your group,

Mokuba,Yugi,& Ryou:HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Queen ____________: Acts of happyness, and Interuping royalty.

Mary Ann:But the bouth of you are not royalty.

King and Queen:Yes We are.

Mary Ann:NO.

King and Queen:YES.

Mary Ann:NO.

King and Queen:YES.

Mary Ann:No my shoe turned pink. Must change it back.

Zoey:Where the proof of any thing you say is true?

The"King and Queen":Take them to the prison.

Frogs: (pushing and or dragging the people to the prison.)


Bakura:That was like 5,000 years ago.

Zoey:If only I had the "weapon".

Yugi:What is the "weapon"?

Mary Ann:Noooo not the "weapon".

Ryou:What is this "weapon"?

Mary Ann:Its the most evil thing ever created and if you are the one who gets it from the

owner than you have to do it or you have to face the wrath of the "weapon".

They finel got to the prison.It all green and the floor was slimy.


person in the shadow:Yami is that you?

Yami:Yes its me.

person in the shadow walks out of the shadow and its

Mary Ann:L_W how did you get here.

L_W: They took me away and I was looking for Yami.

L_W:(Glomps Yami.)

Zoey: Geting transported to Froggy Island- 25 cents

Geting trown in to a prison by a king and queen who is not roytal-$0

Finding your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh person in the same prison as you-priceless

Mary Ann: Can you belive who the kind and queen is ??

L_W:I can for it suits them just fine.

Mokuba:Digging a way out in the slimy floor.

Bakura:Picking the lock to door.

Mary Ann:2+2=4

Door opens.

Zoey: See math is evil.

All the people walk out of the prison.

Mary Ann: Now to get them back for even puting us in their for the crimes that

was commited.

All the people gather around to get back at the "King and Queen".
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Next chapter the King and queen of Froggy Island will be known.

Please review. ^__^.