Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Why one should never poke somthing very odd alot. ❯ If You Win You Will See ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
dont own dont sue.

/baba baba/location change
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If win You will see.

All the people are on the set.

Person2.0:Welcome to the One will die in the end show.

Zoey:Whoes the host?

Person2.0:Not me.

L_W:Than who is ? +than glomps Yami+

Yami: ^__^ I will win.

Bob Bob:I'm the host and get ready to play.

Seto:Wheres Mokuba?

Bob Bob:Some where.

Joey:Wait a minute.

Tristen:What is Joey?

Yugi:Joey do you know how to play?

Tea:Joey is soo like frindship.

Joey:Ahhhhaaahhhhh. Any way I know how to play.

Seto:So the puppy really knows something this is a first.

Then desks pop up with buzzeres.

Bob Bob:Take a seat.

All the people take a seat.

Bob Bob:Now you have to buzz in to answer.

Mary Ann:I see it.

Joey:See what?

Bob Bob:Round One What is 2+2?


Bob Bob:Wrong.

Seto: How is that wrong?

L_W:I see it now too.

Yami:So do I.

Yami:+Buzz+ is Bob Bob.

Bob Bob:Thats right and you 3 trees.

Joey:If say the wrong answer it is right.

Bob Bob:Seto since you got it wrong you now must go run around in the nude.

Mary Ann:In Baldwin.


Marik:What is Baldwin?

Malik:Its sounds dull.

Zoey:Baldwin ?

Mary Ann:YES.

Seto:+goes to Baldwin+(See the reaction latter on.)

Mokuba:I found it.

Mary Ann,Joey,Zoey,L_W,Yami,and Bakura:Where have you been?

Mokuba:Baldwin.Wheres Seto?

Mary Ann:At Baldwin.

Bob Bob:Now for the end Pegusa will die.


Mary Ann:How will he die?

Bob Bob:Like this.

+Pegaus is then tied to a table. A huge Toon World card on rope is lowered.It statrs to swings back and
forth. Then slices Peguas in half.+

/Meanwhile at Baldwin/

Seto:+nude+ Where did it go?

Person3:+Souther sounding voice+Look it has haapen

Person7:He has returned.

Seto:WHat are you taking about?


Person3:You have to save us from it.

Seto:-_- What am I "saving" you from?

+Seto gets some clothing on so the wind won't make him cold.+

/The Rest of the people/

Mokuba:The Odd Thing told me something.

Mary Ann:What did it tell you?

Ryou:+Finel done wtih the letter thing+ I'm free.

Marik:Free from what?

Ryou:The Chain letter people.

Malik:The Chain Letter people?

Mokuba:Mary Ann it wants you to stop poking it.

Mary Ann:+See Odd Thing+It did?


Zoey:She going to poke it.

Mary Ann:+Pokes the Odd Thing.+

+All Get teloported to a strange room were Seto is bow down to+

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Wow thats all for now next chapter will be up when I get to the computer again.

Leave a review Please.

Mary Ann