Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Why they call it fallin ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh or the song `Why they call it fallin.'

~Song lyrics~

Why they call it fallin

By Yami Kitsune

~*Ryou's POV*~

I was so happy. This is the best day of my life! I ran home as fast as I could, it felt like the wind was carrying me the whole way home.


I was sitting outside under the tree during lunchtime when he came up to me.

"Ryou…could I talk to you?" He asked me. I smiled trying to fight the small blush that was trying to make its way to my cheeks. I had had a crush on him for the longest time, and I wondered if he ever noticed it.

"Sure…" I said scooting over so he could sit down next to me.

"I'm not sure how to say this Ryou…but…" He took a deep breath. "I think I'm falling in love with you, andwouldyouliketogooutwithmesometimes?" He said in a rush. I stared at him in shock not sure if I had heard him right.

"W-what did you say?" I asked.

"I said I think I love you, and would you like to go out with me sometime?" He asked again this time so I could understand him. I blushed and smiled at him.

"I would love to go out with you!" I said and threw my arms around him. He smiled and hugged me back.

~*End flashback*~

~It's like jumpin

It's like leapin

It's like walkin on the ceilin

It's like floatin

It's like flyin through the air

It's like soarin

It's like glidin

It's a rocket ship you're ridin

It's a feelin that can take you anywhere~

I run though the front door and up to my room passing Bakura on the way. He looked at me kind of confused but shrugged it off and went down stairs. I close my bedroom door and set my books on my desk.

I can't do homework right now, I'm just too happy. I fall back onto my bed with a happy sigh. My head shoots up when I hear the phone ring. I jump up off the bed and run down stairs and grab the phone just before my yami can.

"Moshi, moshi?" My smile grows wider. It's him on the other end, my yami is looking at me like I have six heads now but I don't care. I am the happiest I have ever been in my whole life!

~So why they call it fallin

Why they call it fallin

Why they call it fallin

I don't know.~

~*Six months latter Ryou's POV*~

I woke up the next morning and he is lying next to me. I smile as I remember what happened last night. It was my first time, and he made sure I enjoyed ever second of it. I look over at him again and he cracks open an eye to look at me my heart skipped a beat when he smiled at me.

"Good morning Ryou." He said as he sat up and kissed me. "So what do you want to do today?" He asked me.

"I don't know, what do you have in mind?" My question was answered with him climbing on top of me as he kissed my neck.

"Hmm…I like this idea." I pushed him back so I could look into his eyes. "Promise me we will be together for ever?" He smiled and nodded.

"Nothing could tare me away from you Ryou. We will be together forever." He kissed me.

~There was passion

There was laughter

The first mornin after

I just couldn't get my feet to touch the ground

Every time we were together

We talked about forever

I was certain it was Heaven we had found.

So why they call it fallin

Why they call it fallin

Why they call it fallin

I don't know~

~*A month latter*~

I sat on the bench in the park waiting for him. He was late, it wasn't like him. I started to worry, what if something happened to him. I look up at the clouds as it starts to rain. I will wait here for a little while longer just in case he was being held up. I know if he couldn't make it he would call me.

After half an hour of sitting in the freezing rain I stood up and walked home. He never showed maybe something was wrong and he couldn't make it. What if something happened to him? What if he was in the hospital because he was in an accident? I start running home as fast as I could.

I open the door and walk in; my yami comes out of the kitchen with a sandwich in his hand. He puts it down when he sees me.

"Ryou why don't you go chance out of those wet cloths? I'll make you something to eat if you want?" I smiled at him and shook my head I wasn't hungry.

"No thank you Bakura I think I'll just go up stairs and do my homework." I said and went up the stairs.

~But you can't live your life

Walkin in the clouds

Sooner or later

You have to come down.~

~*Next week*~

I haven't seen him all week; I am really starting to get worried. I walked down the street to the park when I saw him. He was walking down the street smiling and laughing…with someone else. He didn't see me until he was right in front of me. He stopped and looked at me.

"Oh…hi Ryou…" He said, I could tell he was trying to find the best way to explain what was going on.

"Ryou…I can explain…" He said talking his hand away form the other standing next to him. I didn't even notice I was crying until I felt a tear roll down my cheek, followed by another. How did he think he was going to explain this?! I haven't seen or heard form him in a week, and then I see him hanging all over someone else! In public no less!!

"Oh really! Well I would love to hear you explain this one!" I yelled at him catching the attention of more then a couple of people.

"I'm sorry Ryou…but I found someone new…I didn't mean for it to happen it just did." That hurt the most. It hurt more then when Bakura used to beat me, when he used to cut my arms with his pocketknife. He looked at me waiting for me to say something. But I couldn't more tears streamed down my face as I stared at him. The past few months running though my mind, I gave him every thing! Most of the stuff I would be able to take back, but I gave him something that I would never be able to take back.

The next few minutes were a blur, I know I hit him and then I hit the one next to him before I took off running. I could hear them calling after me but I didn't stop, I couldn't it hurt so much and I just wanted it to end.

~It's like a knife

Through the heart

And it all comes apart

It's like someone takes a pin to your balloon

It's a hole

It's a cave

It's kinda like a grave

When he tells you that he's found somebody new.~


I run home and slam the door shut running up to my room. Bakura tried to ask me what was wrong but I didn't answer him, I just wanted to be alone. I hear a knock at my door but I don't answer. Bakura comes in and sits on my bed.

"Ryou? Tell me what happened hikari?"

"H-he…he broke up with me…!" I yelled/sobbed into my pillow. I jumped when I felt my self being pulled into a warm embrace. I looked up at Bakura as he sat back on the headboard and rocked me gently.

"It will be alright aibou." He said gently as he stocked my hair. "Tell me exactly what happened."

"He…he said he didn't love me…anymore…and that… he found someone…else…" I cried. Bakura just nodded and held me close and comforted me.

~So why they call it fallin

Why the call it fallin

Why they call it fallin

Now I know

Ohh, why they call it fallin

Why they call it fallin

Now I know.~

~*Bakura's POV*~

He has been though so much, I don't know if I should tell him…but if it will make him feel better. I look down at my crying hikari and whisper in his ear.

"I love you my tenshi."

The end!

Well what did you think? This is just going to be a one shot because I don't have a clue where I would go with this. AND I have to many fanfics going as it is so I hope you like at and Ja ne!