Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Why Yami Yugi Failed Woodshop ❯ Disc Sander 1, Yami 0 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Why Yami Failed Woodshop

Chapter 4: Disc Sander 1, Yami 0

Aleuwolf: ^_^ Hi peoples! I've written the next chapter!

Snowfang: Who cares? Not me, that's for sure.

Aleuwolf: ^_^ Don't be a meanie, Snow!

Snowfang: -_-;; Baka.


Yugi: Remember the Disc Sander, Yami?

Yami: I'd rather not.


Yugi: Okay, Yami! You've FINALLY managed to not hurt, knock out, critically injure, mutilate, torture, burn, mind crush, bruise, stab, pierce, maul, spank, or kill anyone with this piece of wood!

Yami: ^_^ I'm so pleased with myself!

Yugi: You'd better sand it smooth with the Disc Sander now.

Yami: Okay! *walks to the Disc Sander*

Yugi: Now, remember that the Disc Sander is dangerous, because if you put the wood on one side of it, the sandpaper will push it down to the table and sand it...

Yami: Got it.

Yugi: But if you place it on the other side, the sandpaper will make it fly up into the air...

Yami: *puts his wood on the wrong side of the sander* Huh?

*the wood flies up and hits Tea in the head*

Tea: YEOW!!! X______X *unconcious*

Everybody: *doesn't notice*

Yami: Do you think I'll get a School Service award for that?


Yami: But I did a GOOD thing!

Yugi: -_-;; Tea's parents didn't think so. They sued the school for 5 million.

Yami: Oh, so THAT'S why they made us do that School Fair Fundraiser.

Yugi: That wasn't the only bad thing about the Disc Sander...


Yugi: Okay, so remember. Put the wood on the right side this time.

Yami: *salutes* Right!

~Five Minutes Later~

Yugi: How's the sanding coming along, Yami?

Yami: *holds up a round circle flater than a computer disc* Did I sand it too much?

Yugi: YAMI!

Yami: *shrugs* Whatever. I guess this wood is useless now. *throws the wood like a frisbee*

*the wood is so thin, it's really sharp and it spins and slices Tea's head*

Tea: YEOW!!! *lying on the floor, bleeding to death*

Everyone: *doesn't notice*

Yami: Do you think I'll get an Citizenship Award for that?


Yami: So? I got Tea in the hospital. Isn't that GOOD?

Yugi: -_-;; Her parents sued the school for another 5 million.

Yami: So THAT'S why they made us sell chocolate! *shivers*

Yugi: That "Chocolate Fundraiser" was a disaster. *shivers*

Yami: If you're reffering to the explosion, that was NOT my fault!

Yugi: -_-;; Riiight. Face it Yami, you suck at woodworking.

Yami: Don't change the subject, Yugi.

Yugi: But Yami, it's true! You can cause problems WITHOUT powertools!

Yami: *rolls eyes* NAME some non-powertools I caused problems with.

Yugi: Nails, hammers, screws, pliers, screwdrivers, sanding blocks, coping saws, wrenches, tape measures, elastic bands...

Yami: The elastic band war was NOT my fault!

Yugi: ...Glue, tape, rulers, paper, drafting boards, pencils, erasers, woodscraps, garbage cans, sawdust, brooms...


Yugi: Good, because at least ONE of the above items caused you to fail woodshop. For example...


Aleuwolf: Sorry it was so long. The next chapter MAY be shorter... I'm still trying to decide... Oh well, it's about Yami failing using NON-powertools.


Aleuwolf: ^_^ Yes, I couldn't resist the torture.

Stephwolf: *reading YGO manga* This makes NO sense!

Aleuwolf: Steph, manga is read from right to left, not left to right.

Stephwolf: O_o Huh?

Aleuwolf: See? Look at the way Mel's reading manga!

Melissa: *reading YGO manga* @_____@ ACK! Right to left... too confusing... OH THE PAIN! MY POOR EYES WILL NEVER WORK AGAIN!!!

Aleuwolf: Maaaaybe Mel's not the BEST example...