Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wife Of a Tomb Keeper ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 1

It was the semi final round of the Duelist Kingdom tournament. Jamie Kaiba, had just defeated Joey, now she was up against Yugi Motou, the same guy that had once defeated her twin brother Seto in a duel. If she won this duel she'd be able to save her brothers souls from Pegasus. Both Seto and Mokuba's souls had been taken by Pegasus for whatever reason she didn't know why.

Now no matter what she'd save those two. She knew that Yugi had entered this tournament to save his grandfather's soul from Pegasus, but she was also fighting for the same reasons as Yugi. She just had to rescue Seto and Mokuba from Pegasus. Her two brothers meant the world to her. Even though Yugi was her good friend she wouldn't let friendship stop her from saving her brothers.

Jamie was on the verge of winning. It was now her turn. Yami Yugi stared at her, this look of sadness in his eyes. He knew he was about to lose. He had no monsters out on the battlefield and no trap cards either. Plus he had no cards in his hand that would save him now. He was down to his last 100LP. Jamie had just pulled a card that would win it for her. It was a spell card that drains 100LP from her foe. It was the same amount of points Yugi had left.

Just then though she got to thinking,'Am I really a match for Pegasus? And if I lose to him, both my brothers souls will be lost forever.' Thinking this though, Jamie made up her mind. She put her hand on top of her deck and said to Yugi,"I forfeit." Everyone looked at her in shock,"What!?"

Pegasus kinda laughed at this,"Well, well Jamie-girl, you could of won, with that magic card that drains away 100LP from your foe but you decided to throw the match away to Yugi-boy. What's the matter? Not a good match for me?" Pegasus said making fun of her. "Shut up Pegasus! I'm doing this for Seto and Mokuba!"

Yugi was shocked at this,"Are you sure Jamie?" He asked her. "Yes, I'm sure of it Yugi. You are the one to beat Pegasus. Just please, save my brothers no matter what," she told Yami Yugi. He grinned at Jamie,"Count on it!" He told her. Jamie grinned at Yugi, a few tears sliding down her face as she gathered up her deck and left the arena.

It was decided that there would be an three hour break before the final duel would start. Yugi used this time to get his deck ready. Jamie and Tristan decided to use this time to find Mokuba or Seto, cause even if there bodies were souless if they found them, that meant that Pegasus wouldn't have all the cards.

Too bad for them, Bakura overheard there plan. 'Hmm, interesting,' Yami Bakura thought as he followed them without them knowing it. Jamie and Tristan sneaked around corners, until they found Mokuba locked up in a cell. Jamie knocked the guard out while Tristan grabbed the key and unlocked Mokuba's cell.

Jamie ran up to Mokuba,"Mokuba! Are you ok? Speak to me please!" She begged as she shook Mokuba. It was no use. Without his soul he was just a soulless body. Jamie picked up her little brother and carried him out of his cell. Her and Tristan started running down the hallways as an alarm went off. "Oh darn!" Jamie said. "Let's go!" Tristan screamed as he pulled Jamie down the long hallways of Pegasus' castle, as she held Mokuba on her back.

Just then a few guards cornered them,"Now, hand the boy over nice and easy if you know what's good for you," one guard ordered. "There's no way I'm handing my little brother over to you!" Jamie screamed,"Also you better tell me where you've taken Seto! NOW!" The guards laughed,"It'll do you no good anyway. Without his soul he's just a mindless puppet. He wouldn't even know you."

With that the guards moved closer and closer towards Jamie and Tristan. Just then Jamie heard a voice from around the corner say,"Touch one finger on the boy and you mortals will rue the day you were ever born," said Yami Bakura as he came from around the corner. "Bakura, it's you," Jamie said, blinking. "You just walked into a world of trouble kid!" One of the guards told Bakura. "Bakura, get out of here," Tristan warns, as Yami Bakura just laughs in an evil tone of voice. "Jamie take Mokuba and run for it with Bakura!" Tristan tells her.

"No way I'm leaving you here and just saving myself and my brother," Jamie told him. The guards pulled out guns and pointed them towards Jamie, Tristan and Yami Bakura,"Now, hand over the kid or we'll shoot!" The guards ordered. "Oh no! What are we going to do!?" Jamie panicked. "Were warning you!" The guards said. Yami Bakura laughed,"Yes! Now I am warning you! Don't triful with me!" Yami Bakura pulled out a card that looked very much like a Duel Monsters card,"Chain Energy!" He screamed, as a bright light emitted from the card and wrapped the guards up in magical chains of light, as there guns fell to the floor. The three then used that moment to escape.

They start running up a flight of stairs, Tristan asking Bakura what it was he did back there with that magic card,"Now right now fool! The guards are still behind us," Yami Bakura reminds Tristan. "Will you tell us later then?" Jamie asked. "Maybe," Yami Bakura smirked at Jamie. They then continued running. They ignored the screaming of the guards that were chasing them screaming,"Get back here!"

They tried door after door as they ran up the stairs. Jamie even ramped her shoulder against one door that was locked,"Owww!" She moaned painfully. Bakura just laughed at how stupid Jamie had been. They then continued on until they got to the very top door, which was unlocked. Both Jamie and Tristan ran though the door, falling off a cliff. Jamie grabbed on to the ledge, and with Mokuba still dragged over her shoulder grabbed Tristan's hand,"Hang on Tristan!" Jamie hollered. Bakura reached out a hand to help them up. He picked up Mokuba first laying him on the floor, then pulled both Jamie and Tristan to safely.

Just then the guards ran up,"Stop right there! We got you cornered! There's nowhere to run!" The guards said. Jamie handed Mokuba to Tristan and pulled out her deck, getting ready to duel for Mokuba when Bakura put out his hand in front of her, stopping her,"Let me handle this," he said as he called out the Man Eater Bug. The guards screamed as there souls were sent to the Shadow Realm. Jamie screamed in fear. Even though what they were doing was wrong she didn't think they deserved this.

Bakura then smirked as he turned towards Tristan and said,"Now hand over Mokuba to me." Jamie was shocked,"What do you want with Mokuba!?" She demanded. "I'm tried of sharing a body with someone. I need a body that doesn't already have a soul," Bakura laughed. Jamie figured it out,"Your the evil spirit of the Millennium Ring aren't you?" She told him. "Glad you figured it out, mortal," Bakura laughed,"Now hand over Mokuba unless you want to face the same fate as those guards."

Jamie was mad now. She glared at Bakura and held up a fist shaking. She jumped in front of Tristan,"If you want my brother you'll have to duel me for him!" She screamed at Bakura. Bakura laughed as he pulled out his deck. "Foolish mortal, as you wish. But you'll learn the hard way, that when you duel with me you duel in the Shadow Realm, and a lot more will be at stake then just your brother, you will also be dueling for your life."

"What do you..." Jamie got ready to say when the room was suddenly filled in a pitch blackness, as Bakura and Jamie disappeared into the Shadow Realm. Tristan was locked out staring at the blackness,"Jamie!" He screamed.

Jamie and Bakura found themselves at the dueling field in the Shadow Realm. It was then that Jamie remembered that this is where Seto and Mokuba's souls are at. So, in despair she called out to her brothers. The one that heard her was none other then Seto,"Jamie?" Seto called. He followed her voice and found her.

"Bakura!" He screamed,"What are you doing with my sister!?" Jamie told Seto the whole story. Seto was mad but knew if he interfered that would just put Jamie in even more danger then what she was already in. But when her vision started to go fuzzy and she looked like she would black out at any minute Seto ran up to the dueling field and held her up,"Are you ok, Jamie?" Seto asked, concern showing in his voice. Jamie nodded,"Thanks Seto." Then with her brother's support, Jamie finished the duel defeating Bakura.

With that her and Bakura reappeared back in the real world. "I'm still getting Mokuba! And there's nothing you can do about it now that your weaken by the shadows, mortal!" Bakura lunged at Jamie as her vision started getting blurry like she could black out at any minute. But Tristan reacted quickly,"Here! Think fast!" He said as he threw Mokuba at him then ran and knocked Bakura out. "If it's the necklace that's controlling Bakura then I have to get rid of the necklace," Tristan said as he took the Millennium Ring and ran back to the open door and threw it off into the distance,"So long evil spirit and don't come back!" Tristan then came back and supported Jamie and carrying the unconscious Bakura and the soulless Mokuba they returned back to there friends.