Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Gang ❯ Jounouchi ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
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DD¬D;çDçDçDçD çDçDçDçDç DçDçDçDçDçD:!E çDçDçDçDçD Authors Notes: This story came out of the manga story Wild Gang. If anyone has read it, they will know what I am talking about. This is the first story that I have written like this, and Im a little nervous. From the gangs that I have known about, they dont take kindly to someone leaving, and usually they try to kill them. It was never said why Jounouchi left Hirutanis group, so youll have to bare with my interpretation of it.

Please leave reviews. Im not going to sit here and waste my time writing a story no on likes. If you do not like it, please TELL me. Leave a review. ^^

BTW: ^^ I had to change this a bit because I had a review and it DID open some ideas to me. ^^

Disclaimer: I do no own YuGiOh or any of the characters involved in it.



Footsteps were heard as seven teenagers ran, dashing behind dumpsters and boxes, hearts racing. Police sirens were heard in the background and a short sound of laughter was heard as one teen grinned.

Yea!!! You try, but you cant catch us!! Hahaha!!

He was roughly pulled back down by someone, who sent a small glare at him. Are you TRYING to get us caught, Jounouchi?!

Katsuya Jounouchi grinned as the jerked his arm away from his friend, situating himself to get comfortable. The ally was damp, dark and cold, and it was a little uncomfortable as barley one person could fit in the small space, but two were packed in. No, Im not trying to get us caught. Why are you so worried Hirutani? Were safe, we get away all the time. Youre paranoid.

A growl emitted from the teen behind him, but his grin just grew wider. He looked up as Hirutani stood, looking around to make sure the coast was clear, before making the signal for the others to stand. The rest stood, a bit cautiously, all making the way to their two leaders.

Running a hand through dishwater blonde hair, Jounouchi turned to Hirutani, his face asking one simple question. Who do we beat up now?
At thirteen years old, Jounouchi knew the ways of the street like the back of his hand. Already remarkable in fighting, after joining up with Hirutani, the two were almost unstoppable as a team. Others joined later, trying to follow in their leaders footsteps, all of the getting stronger with each fight. They pummeled middle school gangs, and destroyed most of the High School ones. Most gangs stayed clear of what was known as The Wild Gang

There was only one rule that applied to all gang members: Once you join, you NEVER leave.

I heard that Samaski Middle is out tonight.... the gleam of a fight was in Jounouchis eyes. We havent visited them is quite a while....

Hirutani grinned, nodding slightly. Good idea. Snapping his fingers, he pointed down the ally and motioned for everyone to follow Jounouchi.

Samaski never saw it coming. Fists flying, blood dripping and bones broken, Jounouchi stood, brushing dirt off of his clothing, grinning the entire time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< br />
~Four years later....~

Seventeen year old Katsuya Jounouchi ducked slightly as his father threw a beer can at him, cursing as it hit the wall instead of his son. Jounouchi shook his head, sightly slightly as he bent to pick up the beer can, turning to his father. Youre aim is getting better, Dad. He grinned slightly.

Though clearly drunk, the older man chuckled, leaning back in his chair, taking a long swig out of the long-necked bottle by his side.

Shaking his head again, Jounouchi left his apartment, throwing his backpack over his shoulder. Work was only a few blocks away, and he preferred to walk there, rather than drive in traffic. He hated driving; his car was nothing but a bucket of bolts he affectionately named Bob (Bucket of Bolts) and his friends had a heck of a time cramming everyone into a car that could only hold six at the most. He smiled slightly as a good thought crossed his mind. Today was Thursdays, and after working for two years, he realized that Thursdays were one of the slowest days of the week. If he was lucky, he could take off early and catch that movie with Yuugi and the rest of the group.

The group that had started with only four people had now grown to almost eleven. Bakura had once laughingly called them a gang not seeing Jounouchi flinch at the mere thought.

Three years ago, he had walked out on Hirutani after the death of a friend, and somehow cleaning up his act and working his way through High School. The gang, needless to say, was NOT amused by the fact that their best fighter had just walked on the, especially when he was the one who came up with the rule of no leaving. Ticked off, they had come after him, egging peoples cars, spray painting his apartment, building, breaking into his apartment, and leaving death threats in his binders.

He, of course, was blamed for every bit of it and was responsible to clean every bit of it up. When someone had a record as long as your arm, people seem to blame you for things more than they usually would.

Honda had helped him through it, trying not to change Jounouchis gangster like ways and temper, instead adapting to them. But it was little Yuugi who had changed all of that. The naive boy had somehow trusted Jounouchi with everything, even his own life, showing him the true meaning of friendship. Hirutani would have rather cut off his right arm before he would have even CONSIDERED taking a punch for another.

Jounouchi! Youre on TIME today!

Jounouchi grinned and threw his bag on the counter, leaning against it as well. Im amazed myself. I figured I would be late today, I got lost in my own thoughts on the way here...


The blonde shrugged and walked behind the counter. He had been throughly surprised when the CD Resale shop had hired him, despite the fact that he had been guilty by association many times with drugs, stealing, and fighting. Just the past...

Natami nodded, understanding what he meant. The bell on the door jingled slightly as someone entered. Could you get that?

Jounouchi nodded, smiling as he saw who entered. Bakura walked in the door, frowning slightly at the sound of the loud music. Even Ryou doesnt listen to his music this loud, and he head bangs sometimes. For the love of Osiris, how do you not go deaf?

Im used to it by now.

The albino yami frowned again, shaking his head, spiky white hair falling over his shoulders. I really dont have a reason why I came in here....I was passing by and thought, I havent seen Jounouchi in a while...

Did it hurt?


You said you thought. the brown eyed blonde repeated. Did it hurt?
Dark eyes narrowed then rolled. Youre as bad as Malik...and trust me, that boy had ISSUES.

And you dont? Smiling as a growl came from Bakuras throat, he leaned against the chair, noticing it was starting to rain outside. He hated rain showers, and positively despised thunderstorms. He had ever since Hirutani had bribed him back into the gang.....

Shuddering slightly at the memory his mind drifted back to the pain. Shock guns were not something to be messed with and he had, for the first time in his life, been afraid for his life in that one moment. Never had he been that scared. And to make matters worse, he had followed in those exact footsteps only a few years before....


Jounouchi jumped slightly, Bakuras harsh voice snapping him back into reality. Sorry, my mind is somewhere else today, I guess.

It must be. Bakura smiled slightly as the lightning cracked and thunder followed a bit late. I love rain. It hardly ever rained in all the time I lived in Egypt. Rain was a blessing. Seeing the blonde jump as the lighting cracked again, he smirked. Scared of a little rain shower, Jounouchi?

Disgruntled, the teen sighted. If you were to have the memories inside you like I do, you wouldnt like them either......


So this is where the infamous Katsuya Jounouchi works, huh?


Two teenagers stood outside the CD Resale shop, grinning to themselves as thoughts of what they were about to attempt went through their heads. Hirutani will pay us BIG time for finding that jerk.

The taller of the two, lanky some would call, with jet black hair and dark eyes, ran a hand through his hair nervously. Its a shame they didnt kill him the last time. Instead they took a nice trip to the hospital because some nerdy kid shocked them. He rolled black eyes. Well succeed where they failed. No way we could fail, catching Jounouchi off guard.

The shorter ones eyebrows went up, and he scratched his crooked nose, which looked like it had been broken one to many times. Brown hair fell in his eyes, and orange eyes gleamed from behind bangs. But he had a fast fist, Raven. Hirutani told you than himself. But we have one thing the punk doesnt.... Reaching over, he pulled the dagger out of Ravens back pocket, letting it shine.
Both grinned.


Bakura had to decided to stay, not really looking forward to the walk home in the pouring rain. Natami had offered to take him home, but he refused, saying that he was going to stay there to entertain Jounouchi. He obviously hadnt done a very good job, for Jounouchi was dozing on the counter, not even noticing when two guys, clad in black, strode towards him. Slapping a hand of the table, they laughed as both boys jumped.
Were looking for a Jounouchi.
Blinking sleep back from his brown eyes, he stood, stretching as he went. That would be me. What do you need?

Hands grabbed his collar, pulling him forward. You.

The blonde didnt move, used to this by now, and mearly rolled his eyes. Are you holding up the store. Because if you are, youre going to have to get through me first.

Both snorted, hands gripping tighter. Nope. Weve only come for one reason. To kill you.

And who would be hiring you. Id like to know who wants me dead before you kill me. He was still grinning.

And old friend of yours. The black-haired ones grin almost reached his ears. Hirutani is his name. He said to tell you hi.

The smug look left Jounouchis face, as he went white as a sheet. His fists clenched together as he raised it, intending to punch their lights out. Unfortunaltly, the dark hair one caught his first, restraining his arm. Now now, Id love to fight you. Id like to see how I would measure up to the infamous Jounouchi, but, frankly, I dont have the time. Im ready to get paid.

No, youre the one who is going to be paying.

Both thugs jumped as Bakura stood, stretching like Jounouchi did and drew himself up, making him look much taller than he really was. You heard me right, youre the one whos going to be paying by the end of the night. And you are going to start by putting him down.

Crooked nose smirked. Yea sure. Kill him Raven.

Raven smiled, nodding and pulling the dagger out of his pocket. Before he could make another movement, he found himself against the wall, the white-haired boy glaring down at him. If you even come NEAR him with that dagger, I will not hesitate to kill you. And I MEAN it.

Raven simply shrugged, managing to slice Bakuras side in the process. The albino simply reached down, holding his hand to his side. After a moment, he brought his blood-stained hand up to his mouth, licking the blood off of it. Grinning, he noticed the look of sickness of Ravens face. Grabbing his collar and pulling him up to eye level, he chocked the boy. You tell his....Hirutani or whatever his name is that if he steps one foot near Jounouchi, he will have to deal with me...and the shadows. And trust me, the shadows are NOT something you want to deal with.

Dropping the shocked thug, he turned on the shorter. Both scrambled to their feet and dashed out the door, hearing the psychotic yami laughing behind them. After seeing them out the door, he turned to Jounouchi. Are you okay?

Breathless and nodding, Jounouchi sank into the seat, simply staring at the wall. Hirutani, that was a name he had hoped he would never hear again, much less deal with thugs from. Closing brown eyes, he leaned against the first thing that came his way, which happened to be Bakura.

Bakuras face twisted into confusion at the site of the normally composed teenager. Problem? Seeing Jounouchi nod slightly, he sat down beside him. Tell me.

Jounouchi shook his head, not wanting to talk. I...think Im going to go home...

Bakura nodded, helping the shocked boy to his feet. It wasnt safe to let him walk home alone, especially in the rain.




The blonde looked up as a young girl sat down beside him, tugging on the jacket he was wearing. He smiled at her, continuing to stare at the wall. I think for the first time in a long time, Im bored.

She smiled back, leaning her head on his shoulder, feeling him kiss her hair. Youve been doing the same thing all the time, its a wonder you didnt get bored before.

I wouldnt be if we would GO somewhere tonight!

She was taken aback a bit by his sudden temper and she hugged him, feeling him shiver from the cold. It maybe a good thing that youre not. Its freezing outside, this warehouse has no heater, most of you are probably going to get sick anyway....I dont understand why you just dont go home.

Because this is better than home. Trust me.

Sighing, she looked up to see Hirutani standing above them, an amused look on his face. Are the lovers back at it again?

She saw Jounouchi roll his eyes slightly, and mutter something to the effect of Were not lovers. She scooted away from him, sighing as she left the couch, understanding that she wasnt needed at the moment.

Jounouchi watched her go, not even hearing what Hirutani had to say anymore. At fourteen, he could have told anyone that he was in love with her. She walked into the room and just lit it up.

Jounouchi, are you listening?

Nodding and turning back to his responsibility, Jounouchi made his mind leave the girl that he so desperately wanted.

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