Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be my Valentine? ❯ Life's meant for surprises! ( Chapter 5 )
Authors note: Sorry I went over the deadline ^^' I'm not done either so…can't help it! Anyway, I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh
Chapter 5 - Life's meant for surprises
*Bakura walks into Ryou's room fuming*
Ryou: What's wrong?
Bakura: I love Tea and she loves Marik---what's wrong with you?
Ryou: Nobody loves meee *sniffs*
Bakura: *stands there awkwardly* Uh…well…forget my problem! *goes over and hugs Ryou* I love you, Ryou
Ryou: o.o *sniffs again* you mean it?
Bakura: err…yes I do
Ryou: Oh Bakura! *hugs him tighter* I knew you loved me!
Bakura: o__O which way of love…Ryou?
Ryou: *looks at him sadly again* you don't love me the way I love you?
Bakura: I thought you liked Isis?
Ryou: *sighs* cover-up…
Bakura: well…I mean…**coughs* yea I like you
Ryou: ^___^ yay!!
Bakura: O.O Valentine's day is in 3 days!
Ryou: ^.^ lets go shopping together
Bakura: ^.^ okay!
Isis: How un-lovingly like of Marik…sorry Tea
Tea: Well…the whole Malik coming out of his room scared me
Isis: o.o he got out again?
Tea: o.O again?
*A bang is heard from upstairs*
Isis: Ah…*sips some tea* they're fighting again
Tea: o.o AGAIN!?
Marik: Malik get out here NOW!
Malik: *huddling in a far corner* no! not the leash!
Marik: Yes! *holds up a doggy-leash*
Malik: Please no! I'll do anything! That thing is traumatizing!
Marik: *sighs* I pity you Malik, but it must be done…you're dangerous!
Malik: No I'm not! *knocks over a vase* ….
Marik: See! *breaks the door* come on Malik…
Malik: No! *cries*
Marik: *gets the leash around his neck* its only for a week okay?
Malik: *sniffs* okay
Isis: *calling up the stairs* Boys! We're invited to the Kaiba house for V-day!
Marik: o.O Malik too?
Isis: Yep. Don't worry we have the leash
Malik: *whimpers* awww…
Marik: *pats him* sorry man
Yugi: Hey everyone!
*Yami, Serenity and Joey look over at Yugi*
Yugi: We're invited to Seto's for V-day!
Joey: …money-boy?
Yami: Oh how wonderful
Serenity: Oh come on Yami, it could be fun ^_^
Yami: ^_^ alright
Joey: *smacks his head* Alright alright!
Yugi: ^___^ I'll reply right away!
Ryou: What a nice store ^^ *takes Bakura's hand*
Bakura: …yea! Very nice ^^;
Ryou: What would you like?
Bakura: Just plain chocolate is good. You?
Ryou: ^^ same!
Mai: o.o um…I don't think I'm seeing what I'm seeing
Tristan: *was dragged again* what now?
Mai: Ryou…and Bakura together?
Tristan: o.O *looks* Tea! How could you?! Now Bakura likes men!
Mai: *shudders* Ugh
Bakura: O.o hey it's the 2 mortals! *waves*
Ryou: ^^ they look surprised
Mai: Ugh, he's waving at us
Tristan: Lets go talk to them! *pulls Mai with him*
Mai: Tristan-WAIT!
Bakura: Oh look here they come! ^^
Mai: o__O *doesn't say anything and stares*
Tristan: ^^ *casually* so, you and Ryou are a couple now?
Bakura: Yes ^^ we're shopping…wanna come?
Mai: s-sure o.o
Tristan: ^^ well, I was helpin' Mai with Joey's present
Bakura: Ah…this would do fine *gives Mai some puppy-shaped chocolate*
Mai: o.o how did you know?
Bakura: Oh…just instinct ^^;
Ryou: well…its true! Here's something for you Tristan *hands him a box*
Tristan: o.o why?
Ryou: No one should be alone on Valentines day!
Tristan: ^^ thanks
Mai: *got a mental e-mail* hey guys, we're all invited to Kaiba's for V-day
Tristan: Whoa Mai how'd ya do that?
Mai: *smirks* secret.
*Valentines day - Kaiba house*
Mokuba: Yay 2 seconds and everyone gets here!
Seto: o.O 2 sec-
*Doorbell rings*
Seto: --onds? O.o
*Everyone bursts in*
Yugi: Heya Seto!
Yami: Yea…so…how long is t his party again?
Mokuba: a sleep over! ^^
*All the couples stare*
Tristan: man that SUCKS!
Seto: It was Mokuba's idea
Mokuba: *claps* everyone lets exchange gifts!
*All exchange*
Serenity: Oh Yami how sweet! Strawberries ^.^
Joey: Whoa Mai, how'd ya know?
Isis: Yugi…this is great!
Tea: o.o Marik! That's so sweet!
*Mwhahaha you'll never know the gifts!*
Mokuba: Okay everyone…lets play a game!
Saki: Wahoo! Lotsa suspense!
Bakura: Not really.
Saki: Oh calm down
Yami: Bakura likes Ryou! *sings*
Bakura: *irritated* pharaoh!!
Saki: ^^;; stay tuned! *breaks up Yami and Bakura*