Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wine and Jelly ❯ Wine and Jelly ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Wine and Jelly

Author: purkle dragon goddess

Rating: NC-17

Pairing(s): Joey x Kaiba

Spoilers: none

Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh, if I did I doubt Yugi would be in it. Don't own the skit that gave me the plot bunny either...damn!

Summary: A class field trip to a winery leads to some interesting double meanings.

Written for The Spring Fling Challenge at A Dragon's Lair (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/A_Dragons_Lair)

It was about time his class had an interesting field trip Joey thought to himself. Most of the trips his 'Culture of Foreign Lands' class had taken so far reminded him too much of high school. This one was to a local winery, not that that was the interesting part. No the interesting part was, afterwards they got samples! 'Oh wonder of wonders,' Joey thought, 'isn't it great to finally be 21.'

He still didn't know what had gotten into him to even take the class in the first place, wasn't as if he would ever go to a foreign country. However, an extra credit or two wouldn't hurt his grades any. Of course, that was before he found out who else was in the class. "Learning anything Mutt?" Only one person had ever talked to him like that, the extremely irrating, cocky, son of a bitch, Seto Kaiba.

Joey didn't even turn around, "You know one day I'm gonna knock you on your ass for calling me that."

"Anytime." Joey would have given anything to do it right then, but even in college they frown upon killing your classmates during courses. So he had to settle on ignoring Kaiba for the moment. Of course as the tour went on it got hard to do so. Kaiba seemed to seek him out to torture, actually making the effort to stay close enough to him so that Joey had no choice but to hear his comments.

After having heard enough to make his blood begin to boil, Joey finally turned back to yell at Kaiba. He stopped first determined to win this one using his head. "You know, for such a 'third rate duelist,' not worth your time, you sure do spend a lot of it running me down. Must be on your mind a lot huh? And so far you've been following me around today, kinda like the dog you keep insinuating I am...looking for your master, Pet?"

Kaiba's eyes widened in shock at Joey's suggestion. "You've got another thing coming if that's what you're thinking Wheeler. Just because you'd sniff at every piece of tail that comes your way, doesn't mean mine is there for inspection."

"Nothing wrong with your tail Kaiba, it's quite nice actually." Joey noticed their tour group had moved on. He left Kaiba standing there as he went to catch up with the others.

They were almost at the end of the tour. This part was the corking room and the guide was explaining the process. Joey's mind wandered as he figured this would just be another boring section. That is until the guide mentioned something..."What did she just say?"

"Pay attention Mutt. She said they were soaking corks here. They have to soak the corks before inserting them into the openings of the bottles, so this is where they do that." Joey started turning a bright red shade as he tried not to laugh aloud. "What's so funny Wheeler? It's just cork soaking?"

"What you said. Oh come on, even you can get that Kaiba."

He had to think about it for a moment but then Kaiba's eyes narrowed looking at the blond, "Get your mind out of the gutter, Wheeler."

"Hey you're the one who mentioned tail earlier. You can't blame me." His color slowly came back as he calmed down but he had an interesting idea. "So Kaiba, ever soak cork? Or had your cork soaked?"

Kaiba made a noise somewhere between a snort and a choking sound, "Have you? Just looking at you, I'd bet you're a natural cork soaker aren't you Wheeler?"

"I'm famous for my cork soaking skills. But there's only one way for you to find out for sure." Kaiba looked him over, raising an eyebrow slightly. "Ask me nicely." Joey left him standing there as he followed the group to the end of the tour.

Kaiba was stunned, "Did he just offer...No he said I had to ask him. But it was an offer to if I asked, right?"

'Did I just offer to 'soak' Kaiba? What the hell am I doing?' Joey hadn't been joking earlier when he had said Kaiba's tail was nice, but he still could believe he had just said that. He nearly jumped as he felt a hand ghost over his ass. Turning his head, he looked into a pair of bright blue eyes, "Something you want? Just have to ask..."

"I don't ask for anything, I take it."

"Not from me you don't."

Something at Joey's wrist caught Kaiba's attention. 'Jelly bracelets?'

Joey saw where Kaiba's' eyes had landed, "Interested in my fashion sense now?" He knew there was no way Kaiba could know the significance of the bracelets around his arm. No way had Kaiba ever been around the club scene.

"Aren't those a woman's accessory?"

"Not always. Besides I like them."

"And so many colors too." Kaiba had moved Joey's sleeve up his arm to get a better look. He fingered two of the bracelets and then catching Joey off guard, snapped them off. "Oh damn, I broke them. Looks like you owe me."

It was Joey's time to be shocked. "What? How?"

"Never mind how I know, just that I do." Kaiba looked around the room to see if anyone was watching them. "Come on. You forgot something in one of the rooms."

They walked back down the way they had come earlier to one of the side rooms. Entering Kaiba turned and locked the door. He then turned to Joey, pocketing one of the bracelets and held out the other, "You can have this back when your'e done. I'll keep the other one for now."

"You don't honestly expect me to...You cheated! I didn't know you knew."

"Don't remember reading a rule book Mutt. However, if you don't want to fine. You can refuse. Just remember everyone else will know by 5 o'clock tonight. Try playing then." Kaiba had him there and they both knew it. If it got out he hadn't backed up a broken bracelet, no one would ever break another one. Right now, Joey really wanted to wipe the smirk off Kaiba's face and if that was what it took, he'd do it.

Joey pushed him back against the wall then pressed his leg in between Kaiba's. Kaiba's body reacted to the pressure, hardening under his touch. He bent down on his knees before Kaiba and started to undo his now even tighter pants. Joey brought the pants carefully down to free Kaiba's erection. He then ran his tongue around the ridge of skin where head and shaft met. Moving his mouth up, Joey licked at the head of Kaiba's cock catching the first few salt drops trying to lubricate its entrance.

The position was extremely awkward, but since Kaiba wasn't complaining, he wasn't going to either. As he moved to accept the engorged flesh into his mouth, he placed his hands against Kaiba to keep him from forcing himself in too quickly. Joey worked slowly, moving down on Kaiba while flicking his tongue back and forth across the sensitive skin. Between movements, Joey applied suction to tighten even more on the cock taking up most of the space in his mouth.

A series of low moans came from Kaiba who was obviously enjoying himself. Joey barley noticed when the broken blue bracelet fell from Kaiba's hand next to him. He did however notice when the black one followed. 'Let's see how well he knows the 'rules'.' Not missing a beat as he sucked, Joey pulled Kaiba's pants down further, uncovering his ass in the process. Other than a slight shudder, which could have come from the cooler air in the room or Joey's talented mouth, there was no real change in Kaiba's stance.

Joey reached into his pocket pulling out a small packet of lube he always kept on hand, just in case. With still no sign from Kaiba, Joey silently opened the pack and emptied some of it onto his fingers. Keeping Kaiba distracted by picking up his pace on the ready to explode organ, Joey inserted his finger into Kaiba's tight ass.

Kaiba gasped, and there was a bang on the all as his head knocked back hitting it. "Joey. What. Are. You. Doing?" There was no answer other than a movement of the digit invading his body. He tried to relax around the pain, focusing instead on the warm mouth that was still caressing him. That worked until a bolt of lightening hit him. At least that's what it seemed like as he lost all sense and nearly fell on the floor.

Joey just laughed around his mouthful. He pulled back on the finger and shaking at Kaiba's reaction at the loss, quickly reinserted it with another. He stretched Kaiba's entrance moving his finger around preparing him for the next step. Kaiba's head was spinning; everything had gone out of his control. He'd never felt anything like what the Mutt was doing to him. When Joey stopped, he almost cried out.

"Get on the floor."

"What?" His brain was refusing to work now.

"Lay on the floor before you fall there."

Okay that made sense Kaiba figured. He lay down only slightly realizing Joey had somehow taken off the rest of his clothing and was taking his own off. When Joey positioned himself between Kaiba's legs it hit him that this was not what he had intended. It was too late as he felt Joey press his own hardened organ into his tight virgin hole.

Joey took his time, moving cautiously noticing the change that had come over Kaiba. "Relax." He pressed further in moving until he was flesh to flesh with him.

"Not supposed to be this way. Bracelet..."

"Says I'll fuck you. Doesn't say who's where. Relax, you'll enjoy this more." Joey pulled back most of the way out before plunging back into the body below him. He kept up at this, moving his position to add more pleasure to Kaiba's experience. He knew it must have worked when Kaiba started moving with him matching Joey's thrusts with his own.

He reached to take Kaiba's erection in hand, pumping it along with their movements. Not long after Kaiba orgasm spilled out over Joey's hand and his own stomach. Almost immediately after with the incredible tighten of muscles around him, Joey also came, filling Kaiba.

They lay there a few minutes afterwards trying to catch their breath. "So. What do the other colors stand for? I'd only heard about the blue and black."

Joey laughed aloud at him, "Why don't we go to my place and I'll show you?" He stood up and reached down to help Kaiba up off the floor. "Oh and I told you I'd knock you on your ass one day."

A/N: I used the Dub name Joey this time simply because the scene had to take place in either America or somewhere there are wineries. Yes, I know the Japanese make wine...but I don't know a damn thing about rice wine and how it's stored, hell I don't even know anything about wine, wine.

Anybody see Saturday Night Live (4/10)? That's where the main plot bunny came from...

Info on the bracelets and their meanings can be found at http://www.sex-bracelets.com/