Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wingzero's Yu-Gi-Oh Outtakes ❯ Yugi's Little Secrets: Confrontation ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wingzero: And here we are with another chappie of outtakes.

Ray: Why am I here?

Wingzero: Don't you like me? *sniffles*

DS: *pops up in one of those circle things, giving Ray the If-You-Make-My-Aibou-Cry-I'll-Make-You-Rue-The-Day-You-Met-Me glare*

Ray: Of course I like you.

DS: *exits*

Wingzero: *glomps Ray* My little kitty. ^-^

Ray: Meow.

Wingzero: Oh and we have a guest, Shinimegami.

Shinimegami: *runs onto the stage breathing deeply*

Wingzero: What happened?

Shinimegami: Someone turned off my alarm clock. *glares daggers at Tyson*

Tyson: I didn't do it.

Yami: *thinks* >.< Darn! I thought it worked!

Bakura: *thinks* I knew Yami's plan wouldn't work.

Ishtar: *thinks* We're doomed.

Scene: ~Someone get this kid a hearing aid!~

Seto: Your call Yugi.

Yugi: A phone call?

Seto: --U

Scene: ~=9 I'll have some.~

Seto: Your call Yugi.

Yugi: I would like pineapple, mushrooms, ………….

Seto: -- We're not ordering pizza.

Yugi: Oh.

Scene: ~<.< No need to yell.~

Seto: Your call Yugi.

Yugi: Yes please.

Seto: *turns to servant* ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!

Yugi: HEY!!!!

Scene: ~Can it be?????~

Yugi: But I don't want you to fall behind just because of me. *puppy dog eyes*

Yami: AIBOU!!!! *nervously twitches*

Seto: *nervously twitches*

Yugi: -- Not again!

Wingzero: -- You said it.

Scene: ~He's getting better, I think.~

Yugi: But I don't want you to fall behind just because of me. *puppy dog eyes*

Yami: *tries not to cave in*

Seto: *still nervously twitching*

Yami: …………………..

Yugi: Well, *pokes the two of them* Your lines!

Wingzero: ………………………&he llip;..

Scene: ~Oh how the mighty have fallen.~

Yugi: But I don't want you to fall behind just because of me. *puppy dog eyes*

Yami: *thinks* Must resist cuteness. Must resist cuteness. Must resist cuteness.

Yugi: *widens his eyes to look even more cute*

Yami: *breaks down* You can have anything you want.

Seto: *tries not to cave in and fails*

Scene: ~He's such a good parental figure.~

Yugi: But I don't want you to fall behind just because of me. *puppy dog eyes*

Yami: Oh no. *shakes his head* He's giving you the puppy dog eyes. He does it so well.

Yugi: Remember your promise.

Yami: I promise I'll be a good father.

Yugi: ^-^

Seto: O_o

Scene: ~Or I'll rip your *beep* out.~

Yugi: But I don't want you to fall behind just because of me. *puppy dog eyes*

Yami: Oh no. *shakes his head* He's giving you the puppy dog eyes. He does it so well.

Yugi: Remember your promise.

Yami: Yes, I will be there when you deliver the baby.

Seto: O_o

Scene: ~I hear wedding bells. *ding* *dong* *ding*~

Yugi: But I don't want you to fall behind just because of me. *puppy dog eyes*

Yami: Oh no. *shakes his head* He's giving you the puppy dog eyes. He does it so well.

Yugi: Remember your promise.

Yami: Yes, I'll will call the wedding planner.

Seto: O_o

Scene: ~Suuuuuuuuuure, he will.~

Yugi: But I don't want you to fall behind just because of me. *puppy dog eyes*

Yami: Oh no. *shakes his head* He's giving you the puppy dog eyes. He does it so well.

Yugi: Remember your promise.

Yami: I promise I won't faint during your delivery.

Seto: O.O

Scene: ~He takes things too literally.~

Seto: *takes out a missile launcher and shoots Yami*

Yami: @_@

Yugi: --;;; I don't think she meant that.

Wingzero: SETO!!!

Scene: ~The yami sleeps tonight. *sings*~

Seto: *takes a dart gun and shoots Yami*

Yami: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Wingzero: >=( SETO!!!

Scene: ~Now if I only had a rubber duckie!~

Seto: *pelts Yami with water balloons*

Yami:>=( If I wanted a bath, I would have taken one!!

Scene: ~Who let him in there?~

Seto: *up in the sound area*

Yami: Where is he? *taps his foot impatiently*

Yugi: *jumps up* I'll go find him.

Wingzero: He had better have a good reason. *storms out of the set to find the billionaire*

Seto: *plays heavy metal over the speakers REALLY loud*

Yami: @_@

Scene: ~Pharaohs need to be properly bathed.~

Seto: *pulls out a hose and sprays Yami on full blast*

Yami: GRRRRRR!!!!! *soaking wet*

Yugi: *giggling*


Scene: ~Look, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's only Yami.~

Seto: *pulls out a super leaf blower and turns it on Yami*

Yami: O.O AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! *gets blown away*

Yugi: -- This is getting old.

Wingzero: *runs onto the set and maims Seto*

Scene: ~His children must have felt that.~

Yugi: *hops onto one* >.< The pain!!

Mokuba: Ouchies!!!

Scene: ~Tilt-o-matic.~

Yugi: *climbs onto one*

Mokuba: *starts the game*

Yugi: *goes into a turn and falls off*

Mokuba: *goes onto the same turn and fall off*

Seto: --U I'm surrounded by klutzes.

Scene: ~Practice makes perfect.~

Tea: Listen guys, I have a dance rehearsal in an hour. We're putting on a show in less than a week. Sorry, I can't stay longer.

Tristan: Yeah, you're going to need all the practice you can get.

Tea: JERK!!

Scene: ~You gotta be kidding.~

Tea: Listen guys, I have a dance rehearsal in an hour. We're putting on a show in less than a week. Sorry, I can't stay longer.

Joey: They're ACTUALLY letting you dance in the play.

Tea: >=( JERK!! *slaps Joey*

Mai: *slaps Tea even harder*

Scene: ~Tea's farewell party.~

Tea: Listen guys, I have a dance rehearsal in an hour. We're putting on a show in less than a week. Sorry, I can't stay longer.

Yugi: YES!!! *pulls out a stereo*

Yami: Wha?

Joey: *celebrates and busts a few moves*

Tristan: *smiles and joins in the celebration*

Serenity: *sings with the music*

Mai: *brings out a piñata that resembles Tea*

Ryou: *brings out the grub*

Tea: ???????

Yugi: You're leaving.

Tea: >=( *storms out of the studio*

Scene: ~Cat fight!~

Seto: You entered his soul room without his permission!

Yami: That's nothing new! Besides he was sleeping!

Seto: You shouldn't have gotten him pregnant!

Yami: Both of us wanted it!


Scene: ~May he rest in peace or is that pieces?~

Seto: How could you do that to Yugi!

Yami: It's none of your business.

Seto: It is my business! Especially when I ask for his hand in marriage!

Yami: *maims Seto*

Scene: ~>.> They make such good parents.~

Seto: How could you do that to Yugi!

Yami: It's none of your business!

Seto: It is my business! I will not raise a child of yours!

Yugi: --;;; Such good parent material.

Scene: ~Kinky Yugi.~

Seto: How could you do that to Yugi!

Yami: It's none of your business.

Seto: How could you force Yugi to sleep with you!

Yami: He wanted it as much as I did!

Seto: No he didn't!

Yugi: Yes I did!

Seto: O.O

Scene: ~The irony.~

Seto: How could you do that to Yugi!

Yami: It's none of your business!

Seto: You got Yugi PREGNANT!!!

Yami: SO???

Yugi: --U

Wingzero: And now ends another chappie.

Shinimegami: What a shame. Where is Seto?

Ray: The yamis have taken to torturing him.

Shinimegami: Oh.

Wingzero: /DS, what are you doing?/

DS: //Seto hunting.//

Wingzero: /Why?/

DS: //We have a fake.//

Shinimegami: Whasup?

Wingzero: They're Kaiba hunting.

Shinimegami: Where are they?

Wingzero: The reviews.

Shinimegami: *runs off to the review*

Ray: --;;;