Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wish You Were Here With Me ❯ Wish You Were Here With Me Ch.1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author: Well, while in the midst of writing Internal Scars, I started this one! Starring Malik as promised!

Malik: YAY!!!

Bakura: As I say again, he's going to SO regret he said that...

Malik: No I won't! Unlike you, I happen to value my role as main character. Besides...I get to have you...

Author: O.o...........Anyways! Read on!


Malik gazed out the glass window of his new home. The busy night of Egypt emitted sounds of every kind from the marketplace. There were singers, dancers, storytellers and even those who played the music of a flute to lure a cobra out of hiding. He sighed, he felt lonely; true that Rishid catered to his every need and his sister was there, but he missed his friends, those who accepted him despite his ill will towards them at first. He missed his white haired lover, Bakura. The dark yet tender young thief who held gentleness in his heart just reserved for him. The two meant everything to each other...back then...

Distance became a huge component to their break up; the long distance relationship just wasn't turning out. Malik couldn't trust the tomb robber's wild spirit and constantly interrogated him if he's been seeing others behind his back. Bakura soon grew impatient with his lover. Over time, both soon realized how it just wasn't working out and finally reached an agreement to just stay friends.

But the friendship is marred, no longer the same. Malik no longer felt comfortable talking about certain subjects with the white haired youth.

"Any other hot guys in Egypt?" he would say.

"Umm...ummm..." Malik would feel trapped, "I'm not sure, I haven't been looking..."

"That's what you always say!"

"I just haven't been ok, Bakura?"

He could hear the tomb robber sigh on the other line, "Sometimes I wonder why I even call to check up on you."

"I wonder too."

This irritated Bakura immensely, "You ungrateful little brat! Here I am trying to maintain a good relationship with you and all I get is shit. So you only dated me for a few good fucks or something? Now I bore you?"

"No it's just-" Malik winced as Bakura slammed the phone down.

He hasn't talked to him since. Bakura seems to have instructed Ryou to tell him that his yami's never home. Malik has even pleaded, apologizing, but the white haired hikari seemed to have taken sympathy to Bakura and would just apologetically decline his requests.

He was alone.

Angrily he threw his beer across the room, watching the bottle smash into the wall and the bronze liquid sliding along the white paint. Sighing, he went to get some cleaning fluid and a vacuum, his urge to clean taking over again. As he cleaned up the liquid, he gazed at the pieces of glass, sparkling from the reflection of light. The glass is his heart, the beer his tears, dripping from his heart and filling him with sorrow. He began to work more efficiently, doing anything he can to get the pain out of his mind. But he could not cease as small drops of water fell silently from his eyes, gently splashing into the beer, swirling in the liquid, and disappearing.

Bakura inhaled his cigarette, relinquishing the bitter taste that entered his mouth. Shaping his mouth he blew out a ring, and leaned back to admire his handiwork.

"Honestly!" Ryou barged through the door carrying groceries, "stop smoking in my house Bakura! I told you a million times! I don't want to die of second hand smoke!"

Bakura snorted and took another drag, "It's only one cigarette; it's not going to kill even a little weakling like you."

He regretted these words when a box of Kleenex whizzed at his head, knocking him off the couch. Rubbing the beginnings of a swell on his head, he complained, "Holy shit Ryou! Don't freak out on me!"


"I'm going! I'm going! Sheesh!" dragging himself off the couch with a groan, he headed outside to finish his cigarette off. He sighed, he wanted Malik back. Then he could at least have something to do during the day instead of sitting around getting drunk and smoking. It's much more fun to terrorize people with the Egyptian, more fun to go to bars with the Egyptian, and then top the whole night off with a wild fucking session with the Egyptian.

Finished off his cigarette with a long drag, he walked over to Ryou's flower garden, dug a little hole, and buried the butt. He then re-entered the house.

"Bakura! You sticking around for dinner? Or are you going out again?"

The wild haired boy contemplated his hikari's question, Ryou DOES cook well... "Reserve a spot for me at the table!"

He could feel through the link Ryou beaming, "About time you had dinner with family!"

"I'm not part of your family!" Bakura retorted.

"Yes you are! You live with me, you're a part of me, so technically, you're my family..." The boy's voice faded away as he finished.

Bakura felt his heart go out to his hikari. It was true that Ryou was often alone, his mother dead and his father always on a dig. Heading into the kitchen he offered, "I'll set the table."

Ryou's heart grew warm and fuzzy at his yami's gracious act, "Thanks, Bakura."

Bakura was right about the dinner, Ryou is one damned good cook. The meat was a little too cooked for his liking but Ryou said that if he didn't, the bacteria would poison the meat. The tomb robber had no clue what rubble Ryou was rambling about: bacteria, maggots...

"Ok hikari, shut up with all that crap because you know very well I don't know shit about it."

Ryou spooned up more peas, "It's because you won't go to school with me! Alright, let me put it this way, if I don't cook the meat, little tiny white bugs will grow all over it and poison the meat." He then popped the spoon in his mouth.

The comment made Bakura sick to his stomach. He didn't mind bugs, but little white bugs...he can only imagine. When in Egypt in the past, he was never really clean, he was a thief after all; because of his long hair, it became a nesting place for strings and strings of little white bugs, lice. It was the most fucking disgusting experience ever. "Thanks for telling me Ryou," he said sarcastically as he stared at his steak, "I may never eat meat again."

Ryou giggled, "It's fine cooked, and you can only imagine how many others are around us..."

And so dinner went on like that. Bakura in took vast knowledge about how little monster bugs invisible to the eye was infesting ever square inch of his territory. Now he understood why Malik and Ryou have that cleaning fetish of theirs, and he was more than tempted now to clean as well. He doesn't want strings of bug nests in his hair again.

Following dinner, Bakura offered to wash the dishes, not only because he wanted to help his hikari, but also because his values towards good hygiene has increased as well.

"I'm going to call Marik over, is that ok?" Ryou went for the phone.


The young boy shrugged, "Maybe we could all spend an evening together with dessert and a BIT of alcohol. Besides, he's been feeling a bit down since Malik moved back to Egypt. It must be hard for them to be apart from each other."

Bakura nodded, "I tried to hang with him a few times but he got too depressing." In reality, Bakura went over to get a good fuck because he was suffering from sex-with-Malik withdrawal, but Marik just kind of shut the door in his face. If only the wild haired yami was more co-operative, then he wouldn't have to call Malik all the time. The darker side was as sexy as Malik and would be a good partner, yes, a very good partner indeed.

Marik was just about to take a casement of beer out of his cellar when his phone rang. He considered letting it ring, but thought the better of it. "Hello?" he grunted to whoever is on the other line.

"Hi Marik!" Ryou chirped on the other end.

"Oh...hi..." he kicked the case of beer back into the cellar and closed the door, "what do you want?"

Ryou sounded a little hurt when he answered, "I just wondered if you wanted to come over for dessert, that's all. But if you're too busy..."

"Actually," the Egyptian ran his hand through hair, "I'm doing absolutely nothing and I'm bored shitless. I think I'll stop over."

The young hikari's voice became cheerful again, "Yay! I'll prepare the dessert and alcoholic pina colada!"

"Be over in ten minutes." Hanging up, Marik breathed out, and then went to get his coat. He hoped that Ryou's yami would be there. Bakura never gave him a second glance, but he sure is beautiful to look at; if only Bakura was over Malik. Giving a loud, over exaggerated sigh, he left for Ryou's house.

Ryou was pulling the alcoholic beverage out of the liquor cupboard when his doorbell rang, "Bakura! Go get it please!"

"Yea yea!" Bakura stared at the dishes one more time, then went and opened the door, "Umm...yo."

Marik caught his breath at the sight of the beautiful, white haired, wild boy in front of him. Bakura leaned against the door casually, his shirt untucking itself from his jeans as he raised his arms to support himself. "Hey," was all he can say, coldly as he quickly shoved his way into the house.

Bakura closed the door behind him and followed the Egyptian into the next room, "Looks like you have been drinking again."

"How about you just shut the fuck up about my life already! Ra! Do you have a fucking problem with me?!" Marik turned bitterly towards the thief.

"Shit no." Bakura walked around Marik and picking off from where he left off, beginning to set the dessert dishes, "but it's a fact that you're in a pissed mood, Ryou's going to feel responsible, whether it's his fault or not."

Marik heaved; breathing heavily, "Alright I'll try to calm down..." he took off his coat and threw it on the couch, "so how are you doing? Fucking around since my little hikari left?"

"Shit no," Bakura said again, "but I could use someone sexy to fuck around with. Malik was a god; he literally glowed when we had sex. I can't think of anyone else who can match his skill."

Marik's eyes suddenly grew hungry, unable to contain his excitement anymore, staring lustfully at the white haired boy, "Oh you never know..."

"Oh yea?" Bakura straightened and turned to Marik, "You know someone good to fuck with?"

Bakura was shoved forcefully into the wall by the wild haired yami, "Of course I know you little fucker," Marik leaned in huskily, "meet my hikari's yami."

Bakura felt Marik's hands fist into his hair and yanked his head forward into a rough, demanding kiss. Fighting for power, Bakura kissed back, growing more passionate as he pulled at Marik's blonde hair. The tanned young man opened his mouth in silent gasp of pain and Bakura's tongue glided in. Their tongues wrestled each other, battling for dominancy.


The boys flew away from each other, flushed and panting, as they stared at the pale, smaller boy who just entered the room.

"I have dessert," Ryou said, shaking his head as he put the cake on the table, next to the pina colada liquor. "So sit and enjoy."

Bakura and Marik sat across from each other, staring with desire at one another as they forked cake absentmindedly into their mouths and downing their drink.

Ryou looked between the two yamis, and gave a little sigh to himself, almost unhappily. "If you guys are finished..." he addressed the boys as they still sat there, still forking now empty air into their mouths, "You can go now."

Bakura snapped out of his trance first, embarrassed about the situation and his behaviour, "Sure hikari; come Marik, I'll show you some better beer than Ryou's shit."

Ryou pouted as Marik stood up in agreement. He patted the boy's head, "It's not shit Ryou, don't worry about it."

Ryou blushed, flattered as Marik followed Bakura out the room.

"Still miss Malik?" Marik said thickly as he vigorously pressed his tanned body against Bakura's pale one. He blew on the young thief's perspiring face.

Bakura moaned as he spelt the alcohol in Marik's breath, getting drunk on the scent, "Hell no, not when I have you, you fucker."


Author: Okie dokie! I'm done my first chapter! And with all luck! Even though I don't have 10 reviews regarding votes for Internal Scars, I'll just take the ones I have and draw them out of a hat.

Bakura: NOOOOOOO!!! That's decreases my odds of getting someone decent! Please wait!!!

Author: You do know that you'll end up with the guards if I don't draw…

Bakura: *silences*

Malik: I only had one paragraph to myself this chapter! It's so unfair! I thought I was the main character!!!

Author: *sighs* You will you will…after the lemon scene in the next chapter you'll have the spotlight.


Author: -_-…..anyways…please R&R…