Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wish You Were Here With Me ❯ Wish You Were Here With Me Ch. 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3

Author: Well I intend to finish all my fics so I'm gonna get onto Chapter Three!!! ^^

Malik: I'm not as angsty as you say I am!

Author: * sigh* That's cause I'm not there yet! Patience! If I started, BOOM, everything at once, then it would sound cheesy and rushed!

Malik: True...but Ryou's more angsty than me and I'm supposed to be the star!

Author: People these days... ><;;; Anyways, please R&R!


Bakura felt sticky when he awoke, his body still pressed to Marik's heated one. Looking up he stared at the other yami's face; his face looked so peaceful, at rest, exposing the beautiful porcelain features that he and his hikari shared. Pretending that the wild haired Egyptian was actually Malik, he reached up and kissed him gently, the way he usually did every morning.

Marik opened his eyes sleepily, "Hi bitch."

That instantly snapped Bakura from his reverie, Malik NEVER addressed him as that... he's too sweet, "Morning," Bakura said grumpily, angered by the last comment. Pushing Marik away he swung himself out of bed, "I'm going to take a shower."

As Marik watched the door slam, he grew pissed. What in the right mind did the thief have a right to do that? Was he just a sex whore to him? Was he nothing more but a good fuck to him? Throwing the covers back he climbed out of bed, "That son of a bitch, for a minute there I actually thought he cared..." growling he dressed and left the room. He was planning to leave in a fury, but Ryou's white haired head popped out from his bedroom.

"Are you alright?" his soft voice asked.

Marik froze at the stairwell, "Yes, what makes you think that?" he snapped back.

"You seem upset...I'm sorry..."

"You'd be fucking pissed too if Bakura treated you like a fuck toy!"

"Actually, I'm the one who was treated like a fuck toy you asshole!"

Marik whirled to come face to face with the tomb robber, his body wrapped only in a towel, drying his hair. He was about to make a retort when he was socked firmly in the jaw. Stumbling back he fell down the stairs.

"Omigod!" Ryou flew from the room after the Egyptian as he crashed down the stairs and landed with a dull thud.

"Oh.... fuck that smarts..." Marik groaned as Ryou knelt down beside him.

Bakura gaped from the top of the stairs; he didn't mean to hurt him that badly.

"You good for nothing bitch," Marik struggled to stand with the help of the pale haired hikari, "this is how you treat your lovers huh? After a good fuck you trash them; no wonder my hikari left you."

Trembling with renewed anger Bakura growled, threatening, "Don't you talk about our relationship you-"

"That's right, I shouldn't," heaving on his coat Marik turned to leave, "but I CAN wonder why I ever had feelings for an ass like you." He left.

Those words blew Bakura away; he stood there, stunned at the top of the stairs. Marik actually cared about him?

"Bakura..." Ryou tugged on his arm gently, "Bakura..."

Bringing his dark side back to reality he gazed at his hikari, "What is it?"

"Bakura...I think he means what he says..."

"Then maybe he wouldn't call me a bitch!"

Ryou cringed, "I'm sorry, I was just trying to help. Marik's...a little more wild and dark sided than Malik is, you would expect him to say something like that. You talk like that too..."

Now that he mentioned it...he did. Bakura rubbed his hikari affectionately on the head, "You're really sweet Ryou, and understanding too. Listen," he leaned in and pecked the smaller boy on the forehead, "I'm very proud to have you as my hikari."

Blushing Ryou squeaked as he backed away, "Um."

Smiling, Bakura went back to his room to get dressed, "I'll go see Marik later."

As he watched the door close Ryou spoke softly, "I'm proud to have you as my yami as well."

Malik pressed his head onto the table, too dizzy to even sit up. After 6 beers he felt sick, yet he kept the drinks coming. Without Bakura in his life, he is in the deepest realms of hell. HE wanted to hear the white haired thief's voice, even if it was just a ton of bitching, even if he was just yelling at him, he wanted to hear his love's voice.

Opening his eyes he groaned, "Shit..." everybody's face was becoming distorted, and he from his currently twisted mind everything was beginning to look like Bakura, even the bottle in front of him reminded the Egyptian of a certain body part of Bakura's body.

He shook his head, moaning in pain from the wave of nausea that overcame him. He knows it's dangerous to hallucinate like this; he could end up following some stranger home or something... "Must...not...think...must not..." pushing away the beer offered to him by the bartender he ordered some water instead with the hope to dilute the alcohol in his system.

"Hey bitch."

Malik turned around, it can't be! Standing casually, leaning against the counter, drinking beer, was none other than his lover, Bakura. "What...the hell are you doing here?" He gazed at his surroundings, everything else seemed to have gone back to normal despite the blurriness; this MUST be Bakura.

"You've had too much to drink, come you bitch."

Malik was dragged roughly from the stool of where he sat, "W-where are we going?" his words slurred.

"To fuck." The words were simple enough. Bakura must be sex deprived from the tone of his voice.

Malik willingly followed the other out of the bar into the night. It seemed too good to be true; is that why Bakura hasn't been calling him? To surprise him with a visit? Being tugged after the boy, he saw a large building come into view.

"Welcome to my apartment," Bakura lead Malik up some flights of stairs and down hallways, up to a worn, green door.

That didn't seem right, "Huh? Why would he have an-" he cried out as he was thrown roughly into the room. Landing on the floor his world spun, too disoriented to get up.

"I've hadn't had a good fuck in awhile, I hope you are one good whore."


Malik's P.O.V.

I couldn't tell what was left or what was right. Pain shot from my groin as Bakura grabbed it roughly, groping me painfully. "S-stop...it hurts."

"Don't you stop me you whore," I was brought into a bruising, punishing kiss from the tomb robber. I was then flung onto his bed. Bakura was wild! I've never seen him so aroused before. I was afraid, but I didn't want to stop him, what if he got mad and left me again? I let him continue his advancements.

My body jerked as he tore my shirt away from me, "Damn, you are one sexy slut," he bent over and sucked forcefully at my nipples, I could feel them hardening under his tongue. I moaned in pained pleasure as he bit down.

"You like it you bitch, tell me you like it."

Gasping, I replied, "I-I like it…I like it…I LIKE IT!!!" I arched towards him, eager for more. If this was a dream, I didn't want it to end.

"Good whore," the young man flipped me around, "what the fuck is with the designs on your back?"

Flinching away I grew confused, Bakura knew that there were carvings on my back, "They're the carvings that were put on my back when I was ten, the memory of the Pharaoh. Don't you remember?"

"I have no fucking clue what you're talking about, but you're hot so I don't give a shit." The hands began to rub against my back, and the sensitive skin goose bumped with pleasure.

Normal P.O.V.

Malik was very perplexed; how could Bakura forget what was on his back? Much less not care? Was he hallucinating still that the person in front of him was Bakura? But everything had gone back to normal at the bar…. what the hell was going on?

He wasn't given much time to contemplate when a hand grabbed the bulge in his pants. Surprised he lashed out and knocked Bakura onto the ground.

"Fuck!" he picked himself up, "Bad dog, you deserve to be punished."

Panicking Malik backed up on the bed, but the other leaped upon him, restraining his arms effectively against the bed poles. His hands were tied there with rope that was just SO conveniently placed nearby. Bakura must have planned this all along, "Let me go…please."

"Not until you get your just desserts, slut." Malik felt his legs getting pushed up to meet his face. He thanked Ra that he was flexible, or else he would have snapped a tendon by now. Bakura tied his ankles next to his hands; it was extremely uncomfortable, his butt perked up from the position.

"Bakura…what are you…"

"Shut up slut, and don't call me a name I don't know of."

The young Egyptian's eyes widened, "What do you mean?"

"SHUT UP!" a long rod rapped against his bottom painfully.

Confusion plus his drunken state left Malik completely stoned, he must be misinterpreting words or something, it must be Bakura…what in hell is he even thinking about? Completely lost and dazed, he didn't notice the blow until a second, harder one came. "Ah!" Malik cringed, "Stop it!"

"This is your punishment," whipping him over and over again Malik could feel tears stinging his eyes.

"Stop it…please…" the boy's beg sounded pathetic even to his own ears, "I'll be good, I promise, I'll do anything…I'm…I'm…" choking he finished, "I'm your whore. I'll do anything you want."

The beating stopped almost immediately, "I see you're learning."

Malik's legs sprung out and collapsed on the bed immediately once he was untied. He didn't have much time to rest, however, as he was yanked up by the hair, "Blow me, you fucking whore."

The Egyptian complied. Slowly he unbuckled Bakura's pants, and tugged them down with his boxers. He leaned in, but still slightly dizzy his head fell onto the other young man's groin, "I'm sorry…you're just…comfortable," Malik said quietly, rubbing his head against Bakura's manhood and testicles.

There was no move to hit him, "I'll let you go this time because it feels good, damn…" Bakura gave a small moan, "but hurry up."

Nodding, Malik slipped the penis seductively into his mouth, suckling on it as a cat would for its mother's milk, "Come for me," he said silently as he sucked on the erection; the only sounds in the room the sounds of his mouth. Using his hands, wrists slightly raw from the rope, he fondled the other's sacs.

Bakura moaned, latching his hand in Malik's hair, he brought the boy up and down upon his hardness, "You are very good at this…"

Encouraged, Malik sucked harder, longing for his lover's release. A hot liquid spurted into his mouth and he swallowed it graciously.

As he just finished licking the remains of the semen off his lips he was hurled onto the bed again. His stomach started to churn, but he swallowed his bile; he'll puke later, in the morning…

Bakura was masturbating himself quickly to erect against and advancing to the other boy he grabbed moisturizer off a shelf. He slapped some on his erection rapidly and grabbing Malik's ass cheeks he plunged inside the other boy.

Malik arched, his gasp cut off by his injured choke; he couldn't recall Bakura being so big. All the sessions he's had with the boy they always fit perfectly. This time, however, was painful and uncomfortable. "Dear Ra…" The white haired yami didn't wait for the other to adjust as he quickly withdrew and thrust full force into him again.

"Dear Ra," Malik whimpered again as Bakura pounded into him.

"Tell me you like it bitch," Bakura slapped his buttocks as one would to a horse. The young man lay down and brought Malik into a sitting position, "Pound yourself, slut."

"I like…it…I'll fuck myself for you…" placing his hands on either side of Bakura's hips to steady himself, he brought himself up and down upon the thief's manhood, feeling the swollen organ jab into his body, "Oh…Ra…" his breathing grew heavy as he bounced up and down.

"Come on bitch, tell me you like it, tell me you want me to fuck you!"

"I WANT IT!" Malik cried out, " Dear Ra fuck me!!! FUCK ME!!!"

Bakura placed his hands around Malik's lean waist and took over, bringing Malik up and down upon his erection, "Touch yourself, I want to see you please yourself."

The tanned boy slowly brought his hands to his own penis, stroking it, his fingers sliding up and down as he continued to be pounded, "Oh…" he stroked his testicles, rolling the velvety sacs between his hands, "Oh Ra…don't stop…. don't stop until you've released into me…please…"

"I'll do as you say you whore," the thrusting continued until Malik felt him explode into his body. He pumped himself faster until he released into his hands. He collapsed on top of his white haired lover, "I love you…"

The tomb robber ignored him, "feed me your cum, boy."

Hurt by his ignorance, Malik raised his fingers for Bakura to suck on.

"You taste great, I haven't tasted such great cum in a long time."

Did that mean that Bakura was sleeping with other men? "You mean…you've had others before me? Tonight?"

"Fuck yea, you're a whore, what do you expect? Of course I've fucked many others. But you're a good one; I think I'll keep you this time."

Tears pricked Malik's eyes and he tried hard to blink them away; so Bakura has been with other men in the meantime. Unable to derive a reason he concluded that it must be his fault. He made Bakura upset in their last conversation, that's probably why Bakura slept with other men; they HAD broke up after all...but he wants him back now…smiling softly he closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep, lulled by the other young man's snores.

Malik's P.O.V.

My eyes opened sleepily. I took in my surroundings, trying to recall what happened last night. My head hurt like hell, I don't even know why I binge on alcohol so much especially when I know the side effects. I remember vaguely getting super drunk, and then I went to the apartment of….


My heart leaped. Bakura took me back; it was just too good to be true. Twisting in the sheets, I turned to see the face of my lover.

My heart broke in despair and in fear.

The dream I wished wouldn't end, just did.

Lying beside me was a foreign Englishman.


I had to twist things up a bit, what do you think? Please review!