Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wish You Were Here With Me ❯ Wish You Were Here With Me Ch. 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author: Sorry it took so long everyone! I'm going through some problems in my life right now so things happened that I don't really want to talk about...I'm still depressed but you guys deserve the next chapter.

Malik: And like last time, she wants 5 reviews at least!

Author: You make me sound like a brat...


Ryou flew into Malik's arms as he stepped past the gates, "My god! I missed you so much Malik! Welcome back!"

The Egyptian smiled gently, hugging the smaller teen back, "It's great to see you too. Thanks for coming and picking me up and all."

Ryou blushed a bit, secretly not wanting to let go, "I just got my license, so I wanted to test it out." He pulled away and walked with Malik to pick up his luggage.

"Finally! Someone I can trust my life to in a car!" Malik declared lightheartedly, causing the other boy to laugh, "No but really! The only other person I trust riding in a car with is Isis; Rishid prefers motorcycles so he can't drive a car if you bet your life! And I once rode in the same car as Bakura when he hijacked it for fun...I will NEVER forget that experience."

Ryou giggled, struggling with the black suitcase with the Egyptian's name on the tag. Reaching out with one arm Malik and Ryou pulled the large case from the moving conveyor belt. Soon a smaller case came along of which the white haired teen easily plucked off; seeing the tanned boy's nodded approval, they walked to the doors of the airport, Malik wheeling the large suitcase behind him and Ryou carrying the lighter load.

As they left the building and headed towards Ryou's car, the smaller teen began to chatter excitedly about the plans he had for the reunion, his tongue rapidly rolling off plan after plan and decision after decision. Malik smiled at the boy's enthusiasm about his return, touched by how much Ryou cared; if only Bakura...

"Here we are!" a cute little silver car awaited its driver. Ryou pushed buttons on his electric car keys, popping the trunk open; despite the appearance of the vehicle, its trunk was extremely spacious, "Just dump it all in here," he chirped as he placed the smaller bag to one side.

Smiling gratefully Malik heaved his suitcase into the space and closed the trunk door, "Thank you again Ryou."

"Don't mention it," the paler boy replied as he strode over to the driver's door and the Egyptian to the other. He gave a small sheepish grin, "You may have to bend over..." he said, looking over Malik's full 6 feet body.

"No shit," the tanned boy ducked into the small car, admiring the spacious interior despite its outer appearance. "Very impressive," he commented as Ryou got in beside him.

"It should be for its price," Ryou answered, "father spent quite a bit on me this time; he said I deserved it."

"And you do," Malik ruffled the teen's snow-white hair as he started the car and drove out of the parking lot to his house.

Bakura stroked the nape of Marik's neck as they sat side by side on the edge of the stone cliff, "Nice view huh?"

"Only you could find a place like this in the city," the Egyptian commented, looking at the thousands of city lights.

"We're outside the city," the tomb robber corrected lightly, feeling down Marik's back, feeling the muscles beneath the tight tank top.

Marik leaned his blonde head on Bakura's shoulder, one of the gentle, loving gestures that the couple has developed over the past week. The white haired teen in turn snaked his arm around the tanned yami's lean waist, rubbing it softly. The wild haired Egyptian felt at peace for once in his life, sitting away from the hectic world, free from his burdens, beside the person he truly cared about; the person who reserved his loving and gentle personality just for him, no one else.

"Do you just like me, Bakura?"


Marik turned his head up, gazing into his lover's brown orbs, admiring the red glint that reflected off of them, "What do you truly think of me? Bakura..." he chuckled a bit, "I think after Malik left and I became depressed, I began to look at all the little things in life that I regretted. I wished that I could tell Malik what a great hikari he was and how much I miss him now; I wished I had told him how I felt. I wished I had told you how I felt before you started dating Malik, but I was too proud. I don't know, it seems like my dark shroud has fallen or something…"

Bakura let loose a bark of laughter, "Now how can you possibly be the devil's lover then? All emotional like that?" he jabbed his chest, "You sound like a fucking angel!"

"Oh no!" Marik sat up straight and cuffed the tomb robber, "I'm no angel; just because I soften a bit and become a little more sane doesn't mean I become a…" he shivered, "angel. Malik takes that role for me!"

"Hmmm…" Bakura appeared to be thoughtful, "Angelic emotions but still hell sexy…then you can be the devil's advocate, heh…" he looked pleased with his decisions.

"Sounds fine to me," the Egyptian pushed Bakura upon his back, his hands sliding up his shirt, "Wouldn't want to try to overthrow my beautiful Satan would I?"

"I actually would like to see you try…"

Taking on the dare, Marik hungry advanced with his actions. He didn't answer my question…maybe he doesn't love me then…

Malik dropped his suitcase into the spare room that Ryou offered him, "Thank you so much again Ryou…you're a real sweetheart to let me stay here."

The boy blushed, turning away, "Stop it Malik!" he giggled sheepishly, "I said you were welcome anytime!" Trying to find a way to get out of the embarrassing situation he offered to make dinner, "I need to go the grocery to pick up some vegetarian stuff for you."

"Don't bother really…I could…try…some…meat…" the thought made Malik ill.

"No no! Don't go through that trouble, I know you don't like meat; it's a short trip, I'll be there and back in a flash!"

The tanned boy smiled and kissed Ryou on the cheek, "You'd go through that trouble for me…you're the greatest."

Ryou felt heat flare up in his cheeks from the tender touch. He laughed nervously, nodded, then dashed from the room before he fainted or something.

Malik grinned after the smaller teen, he acts so innocent and cute, he thought to himself as he began to unpack, I wish Bakura was a little more sensible like that…I wish he appreciated it as much when I hugged or kissed him…I wishHis thoughts drifted off to the wild white haired tomb robber; then it struck him that the other teen's room was just down the hall from his. As he heard the front door click as Ryou left, he felt himself driven to the door of his room and looking down the hall, staring at the closed door at the end, I can…almost feel him… He stepped out. Even though he knew no one was in the house, he felt positive that someone was about to demand at that moment why was he walking slowly down the hall towards Bakura's room. His hand trembled slightly as he touched the doorknob; it has been such a long time since he felt that cool brass touch his hand. With some hesitance he finally opened the door, the memory of the room already flooding his mind as the door swung wide.

Just as he had left it.

The walls were still its extremely dirty white, paint chipped and soiled with mud and some blood. Ryou had refused to let the tomb robber paint it black, saying it will be far too hard to disguise if his father came home. Dirty clothes lay everywhere, and the bed unkempt. Normally the Egyptian would have been riveted by such a mess…but…Bakura's mess was…special.

He could still smell sweat within the room; Bakura rarely ventilated his `lair' so it always reeked of his smell, which pleased the tanned boy to no end. He edged slowly to the bed, staring at the still damp sheets and longing more than anything to just climb upon the bed and stay there. His eye caught an off colour from the cloth. Peering down he noticed something that made his heart beat faster, heat rushing to his pants. He stared at the small puddle of dried cum on the bed, almost tasting the sweetness in his mouth.

Before he could stop himself, he leaned over and just touched the small area with the tip of his tongue, tasting the salty bitterness in his mouth. It was Bakura's…he could tell…even after broken up for months he knew his taste.

He felt his manhood aching between his pants, the cloth getting awfully tight. Slowly he climbed upon the bed, his head falling upon Bakura's beaten pillow, inhaling the tomb robber's strong scent. "Oh Ra…" he missed this place, he missed their passionate nights together, he missed the way their sweat mingled; their seed mingled…everything…

He could feel the rough bed covers scratching against his caramel skin. Trembling and sweating, he unzipped his pants and pulled down his undergarments, freeing his arousal. Taking the rough cloth he rubbed it against his manhood, moaning and gasping at the touch. His hand drifted up and under his shirt, teasing his nipples to hardness, longing for more contact. He paused for a moment to pull his shirt off and kick off the rest of his pants, discarding them upon the ground, and lay naked upon the bed, drenched in sweat. He shifted so that he laid face down, his hips on top of a portion of the scratchy blanket, and began to rub against it, groaning in pleasure at the contact. "Oh Ra…Bakura…" he gasped as he pressed his body against the bed, breathing in the sweat of his love, his tongue darting out to taste the heated air. He reached down, rolling back upon his back, and took his throbbing sex into his hands, pumping himself. He writhed upon the bed, entangling himself in the sheets, sticking to his sweaty body as his fingers moved expertly along his erection, fingering his sacs and flicking the tip.

"Bakura..." he gasped as his grip tightened around his arousal, increasing the friction of his movements as he continued to masturbate, feeling with all his being Bakura's presence around him. His hands worked with fluid motion, whimpers escaping his throat as he neared his release. His hips began to thrust upwards into his hands to speed up his actions; his fingers caressed the slit at the tip of his hard organ with feverish intensity. "Bakura!" he cried out and arched his back as he exploded into his hand, the hot, white seed spilling forth.

He collapsed back upon the bed, panting heavily as his hand slid off his groin. His hands drifted over to where Bakura's dried cum was, mixing his own release with it as he remembered their blissful nights together.

What have I done?

A sob escaped his lips as he fought with the damp bed covers, falling clumsily off the bed as he struggled to throw on his clothes, shoving his penis back into his pants. His head spun as he stumbled out of the room, tears streaking his face. Upon entering his own room he tripped and fell upon his bed. He clutched the blankets and sobbed, burying his face into the soft fabric, utterly ashamed for what he has done.

Bakura...I love you so much...don't hate me...I love you...don't hate me...please don't hate me…

Marik slowly walked towards Bakura's home, the thief's hand cupped on his ass. He had lost the dominant position in the afternoon, getting fucked silly by his Satan lover. Still he felt sullen; Bakura's evasiveness to his questions on love that afternoon still bugging him. Ask him again, his mind urged, press until you are sure he loves you. No...He shook his head, wait and see...

"What's wrong?" Bakura squeezed the Egyptian's behind, "you've been quiet since we got off that cliff. Pissed that I screwed you senseless?"

"No..." Marik smirked a bit, "it's fun to get fucked for once; plus, I like it."

"That's good..." the white haired teen began to caress the round flesh beneath his hand as they walked on. "Stay tonight. We'll take the house down...how well can you do marathons?"

The wild haired Egyptian grinned, "My endurance runs a lot higher than Malik's ever did."

The comment immediately turned Bakura on, "You're DEFINATELY staying over!"

Marik continued to grin as they walked on, but it soon faded. He treats me like a good fuck...am I anything more?

They approached the Bakura house and the tomb robber pulled out his house keys, finding them much more convenient than his pick locks. "I'm home!" he bellowed as he flung open the door, flamboyantly announcing his entrance.

"Welcome home Bakura!" came Ryou's cheery voice from the kitchen, "I have dinner ready! Come and join us!"

"Us?" curiosity peaked within the wild white haired teen. He led Marik into the house, kicking the door shut behind them. He never expected who he was about to see.


The tanned boy choked on his food, startled. He gazed up, "Bakura..."

Bakura was shocked into silence.

The tension began to build in between them, both wanting to say something to break the uncomfortable silence but neither wanting to take the initiative to do so.

Luckily Marik spoke up, "Hikari!" he swept Malik off his chair into a hug, "You little freak! You didn't even tell me that you were coming. I missed you damnit!"

Malik was in shock at his yami's gestures, but touched at the same time. He laid his head comfortably against Marik's chest, easing up, "Sorry," he smiled gently, "I missed you too."

"You better have!"

Ryou giggled, "Looks like you two are happy!" he forked some peas into his mouth. "I told you Marik has been dying to see you again!"

"I didn't know how much," tears of joy filled the Egyptian's eyes.

"You're my hikari damnit! Of course I would miss you!" Marik bopped the smaller teen on the head as he released him.

Malik held the back of his head, a sheepish look on his face as he sat back down, Marik plopping down next to him.

Bakura looked around, an uncertain look upon his face until Ryou gestured to an empty spot beside him, the food already set in front of it. "Thanks."

Silence returned again for awhile as Marik and Bakura dove into their food, devouring it while Malik and Ryou ate politely. It was only when the wild haired Egyptian finished his meal did Ryou spoke up.

"Marik, do you want to stay at our place for awhile? Malik is staying with me so I wondered if you wanted to stay as well and get...well...reunited."

Marik grinned, a bit of a smirk curling at the corners of his lips, "That kicks ass. Thanks Ryou." Reaching over he fluffed the hikari's hair.

Bakura fidgeted in his chair. He didn't even know Malik was coming and he was totally unprepared; and he was staying in his house! Talk about feeling uncomfortable.

Yami? Ryou's voice echoed in his mind through their link, what'swrong? It's Malik isn't it?

Why didn't you tell me he'd be coming? Bakura accused.

The smaller teen hesitated a bit before replying, I didn't want you to avoid him...it'd be mean...besides, you dismissed me every time I spoke of him.

Oh so it's my fault... Bakura thought to himself, making sure that his light didn't hear, fine...I guess I'll just put up with him.

Please Bakura...don't be mean, he still...

I don't want to hear about it.

Ryou flinched from his spot at the table when Bakura closed off their link. It broke his heart every time his yami got mad at him; he didn't mean to upset him...he just...he just wanted to help.

Bakura sighed and stood up, taking his dishes to the sink, "I will be up in my room..." and he wandered out.

Malik cast his eyes downwards, no longer hungry; maybecoming here was a bad idea...

Marik could feel his hikari's emotions radiate from him. Was he like this in Egypt too with no one to look after him? My poor hikari... he wrapped an arm around the tanned boy's shoulders, "Don't be so gloomy Malik. Come on, get over it; we all know Bakura can be a real shit head sometimes."

Malik smiled a bit, "Yea, you're right."

Bakura leaned against his door as he closed it, breathing in deeply, "Ok...calm yourself down Bakura; you've gone soft and mushy over these years. No Thief King would get all uneasy just because his former lover comes for a stupid visit! Damn!" He stalked over to his bed and flung himself down upon it, "And things were flowing so smoothly too!"

He knew he shouldn't blame Malik for him being uncomfortable, but he was notorious for putting the blame on someone else; it makes him feel better thinking someone else is screwing things up.

Turning he shoved his face into his pillow, inhaling the scent of detergent, his sweat, and the sweet spicy cinnamon of Malik...


He jerked his head back, effectively banging his head upon the headboard. "Fuck!" he cursed and rubbed the bump that was beginning to develop. He stared at the pillow again and sniffed it; indeed Malik's sweet fragrance was lingering there, and on the blankets and bed sheets, "What in the name of..."

His fingers brushed something crusty upon his bed. Peering down he saw large splatters of dried cum upon the fabric. His brain froze. He stared mesmerized at the white encrusted substance. Even though he didn't even taste it, he knew whose cum it was. Malik's.

Malik masturbated on his bed...Malik masturbated on HIS bed...Holy shit Malik masturbated on his bed!!!

He didn't know what to feel as mixed emotions swept through him, one making itself apparent in Bakura's pants. "Stop it damn it!" he snapped at the bulge in his pants, knowing that he was fighting a losing battle. Quickly he unzipped his jeans, grabbed his arousal and began pumping, relieving himself.

"Damn..." he wasn't about to let Marik see this. He knew very well that the Egyptian yami would recognize his hikari's scent anywhere, even if he didn't see the cum. He yanked the bed sheets and covers off his bed, and then the pillowcases. Dragging them across the room he threw them into a dresser. He rushed into the hallway, taking fresh bed sheets from the linen closet and rushing back into his room before anyone caught on. He crudely arranged the bed sheets, covers and pillows on his bed, satisfied that it looked passable.

He then laid back upon the bed, pondering the twist of events. "Osiris what is the world coming to..."


Author: Well I finally made this chapter long enough to be posted!

Malik: Took almost a month!

Author: Silence you! *cough* anyways, before I end this chapter I'm going to announce a lil contest. Heh...did I get your attention? Probably not, but for those...if you noted in the middle of the chapter Bakura claims that Marik is his right hand, therefore Satan's right hand man. Those who can tell me correctly in their review or email or whatever who Satan's right hand man is, gets entered in a draw. I will dedicate the next 5 chapters of this story to the five people who I draw out of the hat!

Malik: That has GOT to be the absolute LAMEST contest that I've ever heard of!

Author: Shut up you! *smack!*

Malik: X.x