Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wish You Were Here With Me ❯ Wish You Were Here With Me Ch. 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author: WAAAHHHHH!!!! I'm soooooo sorry everyone! I had vowed to get lots of writing done this summer but I actually was even busier than the school year! I'm soooo sorry everyone! Forgive me!!! I'm actually doing most of my writing on my palmtop so I don't have the precious chapters as references! Isn't it sad that I can't remember the details of my own fic?

Malik: Isn't she pathetic?

Author: He's being mean today!

Malik: Cause you haven't been writing about lil ol' me but you had time to write Internal Scars!

Author: I only did one chapter damnit!

Bakura: Thank Ra…

Malik: Whateva *flicks hand like a ditz*

Author: Grrrrrr….Anyway! I'm doing the drawing for the winner of this chapter and this chapter will be dedicated to them! Thank you everyone who reviewed and/or entered!


Malik: *sticks hand in bucket* and the winner is….*pulls out paper* Deme!!! Congrats!

Author: Ok, so this chappie is dedicated to Deme! Thanks for reading and reviewing and answering the question! I'm still accepting entries *pokes* don't cheat, cause I could use more people in the draw! Happy reading!




Bakura never noticed the changes in the colours of the sky until the rays of dawn peeked through his usually shut window.

Did I really ponder that long…? It wasn't until the sunlight began to blind him did he get up and close the blinds. The former thief was surprised that Marik didn't even come by throughout the night. Probably getting reacquainted with Malik he snorted to himself as he headed to the bathroom to relieve his cramped bladder. Why did Malik come and ruin his newly built life? He was getting it on perfectly with Marik and now the third wheel comes back. It was obvious that Bakura was still angry at Malik and their last phone conversation; he has never been one to forget grudges against people. The Egyptian having had masturbated on his bed is no helping matter.

The white haired yami discarded of his clothes and stepped into the shower, turning it on cold…he DEFINITELY needed a cold shower…


He had realized this long beforehand; he just decided to blame Malik for it just so he wouldn't have to deal with any awkward situations…

Malik still loved him. He knew every single time he called up the tanned teenager and listened to his weak excuses of not seeing anyone attractive in Egypt. He knew the time Malik was sullen to him on the phone was that he was still upset about their breakup. He was reminded of that fact when he found that mess on his bed…

All the thinking made Bakura dizzy. He pressed his forehead against the wall of the shower; in the end he always tried to avoid edging to the subject of their relationship in those phone calls just so he wouldn't have to say something about it, although Malik was hinting at it all this time…Then he took out his own frustration on Malik on their last phone call…it makes sense in a way…then again it doesn't…he doesn't understand.

Feeling like lead has been shoved into his head he turned off the faucet and exited, dripping.


Marik was like a dream come true to him. Once he got hooked up with that Egyptian yami he felt as if all his troubles with Malik have come to an end. It would be simple; he didn't have to frustrate himself over trying to carry on conversation with Malik without involving their relationship because he now WOULD be in a relationship, and all chances of them being together would end…Therefore no awkward situations! It was wonderful…

But when Malik suddenly popped up on him like that…the shock.

Too lazy to get new clothes, he retrieved the sweaty, crumpled garments from the floor and dressed himself. It felt disgusting but what did it matter?

Because of his new loyalty to Marik, he's completely over Malik and moved on, but that doesn't change the fact that he still cares for the Egyptian hikari as a dear friend. He and Malik have been through so much together, much more than even with his own hikari, due to the fact they didn't settle their differences until much later, that he couldn't help but feel bad for getting together with Marik.

But he did care and probably loves the tanned yami…he just doesn't show it too well…he never did…not even with Malik.

Poor Malik…


Bakura's bare feet padded across the room, across the hard floor towards his door. He really didn't want to leave, but what else could he do in his room except warp his mind more within his own thoughts? Besides, his stomach was complaining with hunger and it'll just be worse for his head should he not satisfy it first.

To his relief, no one was in the kitchen when he entered. It was still too early in the morning for anyone to wake up. Marik was notorious for oversleeping and Ryou, playing host all last night, probably wasn't going to be up to his usual speed either. It only left Malik…who was an early riser.

Perhaps if he caught a really quick breakfast…or sneak some food up to his room…no he'll have hell to pay later should Ryou find out. His little hikari was such a clean freak, just like Malik was…

"Damn!" he hit his head on the corner of the cupboard door as he opened it, why must I be thinking about him? Damn him…why did he come back…? He feels uneasy in his own bloody house. Half of him just wants to act like the careless bastard he once was who wouldn't give a damn about hurting anyone…

But he knew he would never go back to that. Ryou had warmed his heart with never ending kindness and Malik…Malik was once his lover for Ra's sake…no way he can treat Malik that cruelly and brush him off. He did hurt him on the phone but that was a fight. It's much different than the Egyptian actually residing in his house…

He was so confused…


Bakura spun around, smashing his eye in the corner of the cupboard door again, "Oh shit! Sweet Ra, mother of Isis! Ahh that smarts!"

"Ra, I'm sorry Bakura!" Malik's scent washed over the half blinded thief as the tanned boy rushed to his aid, "I didn't mean to startle you, really!"

"No no…not you fault…I should have been paying attention," Bakura rambled, lost in the chaos of the situation, letting himself be led to a chair and pushed down upon it.

"Hold on," he felt Malik breathe into his ear as he got up and left his side.

Bakura turned his head, his good eye watching the Egyptian open the freezer, rummage for awhile before pulling out a frozen bag of gel, the ones that a person would use to keep their food cool in a lunch bag. The tanned boy wrapped the pack in a nearby towel, and then returned to his side.

"Here," one smooth mocha hand cupped the yami's face as the other placed the covered ice pack upon his eye.

"Thanks," Bakura held the bag to his eye. Malik backed off and went back around the kitchen counter to fix himself coffee.


Now that things were back to normal and the panic and excitement of the moment was gone, and tense silence ensued. Bakura watched carefully out the corner of his eye Malik stirring instant coffee mix into hot water in a mug, observing the graceful movements of the blonde Egyptian. So why did they break up again?

Bakura smacked himself mentally for even thinking of the question. He had just gotten together with Marik and here he is already considering taking Malik back, if he would have him.

But of course he would if I asked, he thought obnoxiously, from what I heard, he still wants me and all…

Malik returned to the table with his steaming cup of coffee, "Ummm…you want anything?"

"No, thanks. I think I've lost my appetite," he replied, indicating his eye.

Malik laughed gently and sat down across from him.

The room was tinted a gray blue, the rays of the sun only giving light through the curtains, the dim light flickering now and then with the shadow of a moving object outside. They sat there, an awkward silence settling in the otherwise peaceful setting of an early summer morn.

"So…umm…how long are you staying to visit?"

Malik sipped his hot drink delicately, taking care not to burn himself, "I'm not sure yet. I bought a one-way ticket and I guess I'll buy another ticket when I decide when to go back. It has been awhile after all."

"I see…"

The silence continued.

"Marik told me that you two have just…gotten together…" Malik said quietly.

"Yea…we are," Bakura fidgeted a bit, switching the hand that's holding up his icepack, the injury already numb from the cold.

"He tells me…how you two got…together the first night."


"So now you have someone…"

"Yea…" the young thief was beginning to feel extremely edgy. Just how much did Marik tell his hikari anyways? Did the wilder Egyptian tell in detail every single little thing they did in bed? Did he tell Malik all his feelings towards him, ones that even he didn't know yet?

"Ahh…" Malik stood, pushing his chair back, "Well…I better get upstairs and…unpack…" The boy rinsed the mug then set it on the rack to dry. He nodded at Bakura curtly before heading upstairs a little faster than necessary.

Bakura stared at Malik's retreating back, feeling sorry for the other.


Malik shut himself in the bathroom, and stared at himself in the mirror, willing with all his heart to not shed the tears that were pooling in his eyes.

"Stupid stupid…" he muttered, his voice choked and broken, his breath feeling hot. He looked up to the white ceiling, hoping for the tears to drop back into his eyes and disappear. "Stupid stupid…" he muttered again.

He made sure his link was carefully blocked off his yami's, not wanting him to be caught in this state. He felt humiliated, angry, jealous, hurt… and it wasn't anyone's fault but his…

"Stupid stupid…"

It was Bakura's fault too. He knew that the white haired demon could read him well…Bakura wasn't stupid, he knew that Malik still loved him…he knew and yet…he got together with Marik. He came back from Egypt MAINLY with hopes that maybe if he came back he can Bakura could mend their old relationship…then maybe this time he would stay…but his hopes were shattered after his discussion with Marik the previous night then having it confirmed by Bakura just now.

But he also knew…Bakura is usually really selfish and couldn't give a damn about anyone else. So Malik knew whether he still loved Bakura or not didn't matter to the thief. Whatever Bakura wanted he would go and get without a second thought to how all the others are feeling. The bastard…Malik wished so much that he WOULD care for once…

"I shouldn't have come back…there was no point…" he said in despair, turning his head back to the mirror, his eyes slightly red with his efforts not to cry. "Shit…" he still looked like he cried despite his efforts…

Ryou… Malik slapped himself on the side of the head. How could he…how dare he even say that there was no point to coming back? He missed his friends…he missed his yami and vice versa. When a hikari is separated from his yami it feels like they've lost a half of their soul. His heart has never felt so full since he came back. And Ryou…the bright smile on the boy's face when he stepped out of the terminal at the airport…the eager voice he heard on the phone as he planned his trip to Japan…he came back to people who meant the most to him…how DARE he say there was no point to coming back? His thoughts on Bakura had blinded him…

But sadly, in reality, the main reason he came back was to see if he could be with Bakura again…not because Ryou had wanted him to…not because he missed his yami…not because he missed his friends...

Just how selfish can one get?

Malik turned on the tap and leaned over, splashing cold water upon his face. His purpose for coming was completed, now he has no more reason to stay. For the sake of dear little Ryou and his yami he will stay for the week, so he can reunite briefly with his friends; then, he will go home…back to where he should be…




Author: WAAAHHH I was hoping so much to make this longer but the stress of school is beginning to catch up to me and I'm failing miserably so I think it's best to just end the chapter here so you know I actually still exist!!!

Malik: Again…she's so pathetic…

Author: ARGHHHH I'll show you! *throws evil pile of homework at Malik*

Malik: Nooooooo *drowns*

Bakura: Oooo…sex in pile of homework *dives in*

Author: O.O If my teacher asks what THAT stain is on my paper….*shakes fist* *sigh* anyways…I hoped you liked the chapter…you can tell I'm turning this more into an emotional angst story rather than the usual violent angst I do…lots of mind warping personalities and thoughts here…hope you got them…I just wrote what a person usually would feel in such a situation…I hope I was at least relatively accurate…>< Please review! *glomps*