Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wish ❯ Wish ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Note: this is going to be in Joey's POV!!! I don't owe Yu-gi-oh! am i updating my
stories too fast are what? *sighed* oh well, let's get this on!!!

I just wish his always home with me everyday and night. I mean, his always either late

or coming home early for some reason. I miss him, why couldn't he take a day off like normal guys? I'm

all alone in this house. Mokuba notices Kaiba's off and on days, his lonely now cause of his brother always

away. I tried talking to Seto once, he wouldn't listen. He always backs off and ignores me, its like we don't

love each other anymore. I just wished that he takes at least a day off to be with me and Mokuba. Well, that's

what we did this morning before lunch. We went to the beach to have some fun, but you know what? Seto wasn't

paying attention to us at all! He keeps looking at his watch to see what time it is, guess he wants this day to

be over as soon as possible, huh?

Everytime Mokuba asks a question, Seto always turns away or just ignore him. When it was lunch time, that's

when it happened. We went inside a cafe for lunch, as usual Seto gets coffee while me and Mokuba gets junk food. He

was looking around bored as hell though why wouldn't he listen to us for some reason? I asked him why isn't he taking a

day off, that's when he went all angry at me. He yelled at me in front of Mokuba! How's that for a perfect day on a Sunday?

Everyone around us gasped at the sudden change of the CEO, guess he probably drank too much coffee. He yelled at me for being

in the way and not letting him get his work done. I was looking at me like his crazy or something, I was standing in his way?

What about me? I was waiting for him to come home and at least to make love for the night!

That's when I stormed out of the cafe and went back to my apartment. Of course that's where I am now, it was at least

seven in the evening after that little arguement we had in the cafe. It wasn't my fault, I was just implying for him to go and

take a day off for once. Is it too hard to ask? Somebody was knocking on my apartment door, I got up and went to go and get the

door. Sure thing, it was Kaiba asking for forgiveness. Should I forgive him after what he has done to me in the cafe with his

little brother watching us? Mokuba isn't with him right now, guess the kid was too tired after what he saw today in the cafe.

Kaiba was on the floor with his knees, I smirked at the sight. He was acting like a dog that he calls me, but his eyes seems so

sad and worried. He really does want me back in his life. "Kaiba, do you want me back?" I asked unhappily, Kaiba nodded. "Please

love, I'm miserable without you," Kaiba said pleading.

I looked at him as if I was searching for something inside of him and couldn't find it the outside, I don't know if I should

forgive him or not. "At least take a day off tomorrow for me? We don't have school or nothing," I said to him sadly. Kaiba looked at

me surprised, "of course love! I'll do anything to be yours again, anything!" Kaiba said begging. I laughed, "bark like a dog," I said

smiling at him. "What?! Your joking aren't you?" Kaiba asked stunned at the statement I gave him. (A/N: should I call it statement or

order? *snicker*) I shook my head slightly, Kaiba frowned. "Arf!" Kaiba said loudly enough for me to hear, I laughed as I fell on the

ground and was holding my stomach hard. "Oh man! I should have recorded that!" I said smiling, "do you forgive me?" Kaiba asked suddenly.

I looked at him sadly as I stopped laughing hard, he was really serious about me for my answer. I sighed, "yes koi, I do forgive you for the

way you were acting today," I replied as I kissed him on the cheek.

Kaiba's face lit up with surprised, "I am so sorry koi!" He cried hugging me. He began to sob quietly, I was surprised. He never cried

in front of me nor Mokuba, guess this was a tough situation he was in for the first time. I rubbed my hands to calm him down, "shh, its going to

be ok love. I'm here for you," I said as I tried to sooth him slowly. Kaiba began to stop crying, "I'll do anything for you koi, just name the

thing and I will do it to make our relationship work. I even take time off from work," Kaiba said smiling. I smiled back, "that would be great

love," I said as I hugged him. Kaiba hugged back, "guess what koi?" I asked him smiling. "What?" Kaiba asked confused, "I made a wish that you

are going to take a day off," I whispered to his ear. "Guess it came true, huh?" Kaiba asked smiling. I nodded and we began to kiss each other after

the little arguement we had in the cafe.

The end...

Me: how was it?
Yami: *pouts* how come we can't read the other reviews in our other stories?
Me: don't you mean "Trusting Or not?"
Yami: yea, we can't read the others!
Me: there's at least 11 reviews and we can't read it, how come?
Yami: if somebody could tell us why, we will dedicate a chapter in Trusting Or Not for you!
Me: that is if you got it right!!!
Yami: e-mail "us!" Cause we can't read the rest of the reviews!!!
Me: yea, until than!!!
Yami: see you guys later!!!