Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Worlds ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wishing Worlds

Disclaimer: I know this might completely shock you but I don't actually own either Yu-gi-oh! Or the movie "It's a Wonderful Life." I apologize for the horrific shock this news might have caused you.

Yugi <stares silently at the ground while trying to hide a yawn> I understand.

WeirdtheNorn <smiles> Good. So now we've learned the 100 reasons why not to encourage Marik's delusions. I guess it's time to start the chapter- <turns around to stare at Marik> what are you doing?

Marik <looks up from small pile of pebbles on the ground to smirk at them> I'm assembling my army of stone, foolish mortal. Once I have enough, I will train them to help me take over the world!

Yugi <giggles>

WeirdtheNorn <looks around for a wall to hit her head on> I'll explain this slowly Marik, so please concentrate. Pebbles are not alive. They can't do anything you command them to do. If you want minions, start looking for something with a pulse.

Marik <pouts at pebbles> But they had so much promise- they didn't eat anything, or talk back, and they were good at crushing things! <turns to look at Yugi still giggling and smiles> Yugi, how would you like to become a minion? I'll give you sugar.

Yugi <amethyst eyes lit up> Sugar?

WeirdtheNorn <quietly slinks away from the chaos> Hope everyone likes this next chapter, tell me what you think afterwards.

Chapter 3

Yugi stared up at the Kaiba Corporation building. It seemed bigger than before. "Kaiba's the owner, right?" Yugi asked as they walked in.

"Oh yeah, ever since he ran out his stepfather." Joey said.

"What about Mokuba? How's he?" Yugi asked.

"Mokuba? Oh you mean Kaiba's brother. He vanished a couple years ago." Joey explained.

"And Kaiba kept working? That's odd." Yugi wondered. They were forced to stop as they ran into Seto's secretary.

"Run along kids, Mr. Kaiba is very busy," the woman sneered.

"Oh I think he'll want to talk to me. I want to talk to Kaiba about Mokuba and the blue eyes white dragon card he stole from Solomon Motou. Tell him that please." Yugi ordered. The woman glared at him but called Kaiba. After a moment she gestured at the door. Yugi swallowed nervously and walked into Kaiba's office. He had never been there before and it was truly a scary sight. Especially Seto Kaiba sitting in a large chair, glaring at Joey and him.

"What do you know about my brother?" he demanded.

"I know you'll do anything for him." Yugi said honestly. "I know that he is the only thing you care for in this world. And I know Pegasus stole him from you." Seto stared at him for a moment before laughing.

"You're wrong Yugi. There's something I care about more than Mokuba and that is my company. I put everything I had into it and I was not willing to let Pegasus take it away." Kaiba said.

"So you let him keep Mokuba? For a company?" Yugi asked in shock. "How could you Kaiba, he looked up to you. You were a team."

"And we'll be one again. But I couldn't give up everything. How would we live after? It's foolish to give up everything for your heart. Now I can have both. And I have you to thank." Seto said with a smirk.

"Wait, what do you mean thank him?" Joey asked.

"Wait, how did you know my name Kaiba? What's going on?" Yugi asked but Seto just smiled at them.

"I don't like this Yug, let's get out of here." Joey said, pulling on Yugi's arm. Then he let go and fell to the floor, unconscious.

"Joey? Joey wake up!" Yugi cried, kneeling besides his only friend in this world, desperate to wake him up.

"It's no use Yugi, he's no longer aware of anything." Bakura taunted from behind him.

"Bakura, you can't do this! We're friends- all of us!" Yugi cried, trying desperately to wake up his friend.

"But that's a lie- isn't it little Yugi? You hate me and only like my hikari. You've always barely tolerated Kaiba and as far as Pegasus goes-" Bakura said, grabbing Yugi from behind him and dragging him towards Kaiba.

"So maybe I don't like you. You're evil and Pegasus did horrible things. But don't do this. Please, don't you owe anything to Yami?" Yugi pleaded, struggling against Bakura's grip on his waist.

"The Pharaoh? I owe nothing to that idiot who sentenced me to a fate worse than death. My alliance lies with Pegasus." Bakura said.

"A wise decision." Pegasus said, stepping into the room with a bodyguard carrying Mokuba. His eyes lit up when he spotted Yugi and he motioned for the guard to release the boy. Once free, Mokuba raced to his brother's arms.

"Seto I've missed you." Mokuba cried.

"I'm sorry it took me so long Moki. I promise never to let anything happen to you again." Seto swore to the boy. Then he glared at Pegasus. "Our business is concluded now. If you try to harm my brother or touch my company again you won't live to regret it, got it?" When Pegasus nodded with a smirk, he turned then to the struggling Yugi. "I'm sorry I had to do this. But my brother comes first. And I'm sorry I hurt that old guy when I took his card. I'll make it up to him, I promise. And I'll take care of your friend." Seto said, concern filling his normally cold voice.

"Aww, actual kindness. Better late than never Kaiba." Bakura taunted as he pulled Yugi's puzzle from his neck. "At last, I finally have all seven millennium items. The ultimate power is mine."

"No, Yami." Yugi cried, tears dripping down his face.

"Wait Bakura, we had a deal. I expect you to honor it." Pegasus said.

"Of course. The kid's all yours." Bakura said with a smile, releasing his grip on Yugi just so the guard could snatch him up in a tighter hold. "And Yugi, just so you know the first time Ryou put on the ring was the day I send him to the shadow realm. I don't know why you wished yourself here but I hope you enjoy this existence."

"Hmm, Yugi Motou? The boy's heart is definitely pure. He will make a fine addition to my collection." Pegasus declared, grabbing Yugi's chin and staring closely at the boy.

"Big brother? What's going on? Is Pegasus stealing that boy?" Mokuba asked.

"It's none of our concern Mokuba." Seto said.

"Let me go! I don't belong here. This isn't my world. Marik tricked me!" Yugi shouted, fighting against the guard, Kemo.

"Marik? I banished that dolt to the shadow realm years ago." Bakura said surprised.

"I'm talking about the Marik in my time. We made a deal- he lost. I want to go home now. My friends do care about me Marik. You hear me?" Yugi yelled.

"I don't know anything about Marik but I'll take you home Yugi-boy. Kemo let's go." Pegasus ordered.

"No! I can't go! Kaiba, Mokuba, Bakura help me! Marik get me out of here!" Yugi shouted, struggling harder. Bakura just smirked at him and Kaiba turned away with Mokuba, ignoring him.

"Kemo do shut him up." Pegasus commanded as he turned to go.

"No," Yugi whimpered as the man covered his mouth and nose with his large hand. Oxygen left him quickly and although he struggled, nothing he could do prevented his vision from blurring and the world from fading to black. 'This wasn't part of the deal,' he thought with his last breath.
