Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With and Without You ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3
Seto was most displeased with the new development. Some random person the Prince had picked up in a brothel becoming a Priest? If that wasn't a stain on Egypt's honor, he didn't know what was!
Still, it did not seem as though he had any choice in the proceedings….
Yami was quite pleased with Mahaado on two counts instead of one then. Now, he had someone to actually talk to, and he spent many afternoons in Mahaado's quarters, briefing him on royal living and all the other proceedings they had to put up with, and asking him about life outside the palace.
Secondly, now he had an ally against Seto! Not that he hated his cousin, they just didn't get along. Seto was so stuffy and boring and was always teasing him…
Mahaado did not mind his new status. He still kept jewelry minimal, but Yami thought that the gold and blue accents with his robes looked nice, even though the gold did hinder his spell casting at times, and as for the headdress…
Mahaado's first impression had been one of a crocodile… Yami had wondered about it until the image finally clicked.
“It's not that bad, Mahaado. Really, it isn't.”
“I have no desire to impersonate Hathor, my dear Prince…”
“But Mahaado, if you don't wear it, they won't be able to tell you're a priest!”
“I suppose a circlet like Karim's was out of the question then, my Prince?”
Yami didn't answer. He began to suspect that Akunadin was somehow manipulating things, but he wasn't sure how…
“Well… just wear it for now, Mahaado?”
“As you wish, my Prince…”
Honestly though, it wasn't as bad as he had feared… so all in all, they were getting along somewhat well - the other priests were a little wary, like they expected him to drop dead any minute, since the Ring apparently had a nasty habit of doing that to it's holders, but right now, he felt fine…
Besides, the Ring liked him. It whispered darkness at him… in fact, it almost purred… oh yes, it was odd, feeling the Item's thoughts link with his own so perfectly, but perhaps it was Fate.
Perhaps this was the way things were meant to be.
Mahaado snapped back to attention as Seto began to speak, saying how they should all adjourn to the Dueling Rooms for some practice, as there had been no pressing matters of concern today. He followed the other Item Holders, pretending not to notice the pitying glances they were giving him.
Did they honestly all think he was that weak? Well, he'd have to prove himself to them then, but he would not mind, much….
“Shall we do two on one for now, until our newest member is confident in his abilities?” Pharaoh Akunumkanon asked kindly. Mahaado met Aishizu's eyes and she nodded. It was good to let them underestimate him… for a few seconds. Besides, the Pharaoh was just being kind.
“Very well. Mahaado and Aishizu, you will be on one team. Karim, you may go first.”
They took opposite sides of the dueling arena and waited.
“Summon Ka! Supiera!” Aishizu called, the beautiful winged sprite appearing.
“Summon Ka! Magician of Illusion!” Mahaado said. He saw their surprised glances as they looked at the… well, tiny little mage…
Karim nodded. “Curse of Dragon! Summon Ka!”
The dragon breathed out a wave of flame, but Aishizu's Supiera blocked it with her Rainbow Barrier. Karim was not dismayed, as he summoned Gaia the Fierce Knight and used the power of his Millennium Scales to polymerize the two into Gaia the Dragon Champion.
“Hades Time-Space Portal!” Mahaado called, the portal absorbing the attacker's energy and then spitting it back out. Aishizu shot her brother a grateful smile.
“Interesting special ability.” Akunadin observed dryly. The dragon staggered somewhat under the assault of it's own power, and now Supiera and the Magician of Illusion both attacked together. It was just enough to tip the scales in their favor and send Karim's monster to the graveyard.
Karim breathed heavily for several moments, but was otherwise fine…
Shadah stepped up next. Supiera would not be able to use Rainbow Barrier again. “Summon Ka! Two-headed jackal warrior!”
Not bad, Mahaado thought, but his mage was doing a good job of dodging. Brilliant, of course, brilliant…. He closed his eyes and felt the magic in his mind's eye, ready…
Supiera gave a cry as the jackal was almost upon her, Kunai with Chain poised to strike… Mahaado intervened just in time, his Mage whacking the Jackal in the head with his staff. Admittedly, it wasn't the best, but…
At least it deterred him for a bit.
Shadah blinked, but shrugged and had his warrior attack the mage instead… just as Spell-Binding Circle snapped around its waist. Mahaado gave a small smile.
Akunumkanon frowned. Surely… this was too powerful for a wanderer?
Akunadin also frowned. Did his Ka have more than one special ability? That was strange and unnerving…disturbing, also…
At least it was a Spirit-beast and not a Fiend, but even so…
“I won't let you win.” Seto said, as he took his place. His father would probably have no idea how to defeat this upstart, but Seto had an idea…. He could summon a special monster that blocked magic from working…
There, that should do it…
Aishizu looked worried. True, she didn't sense a defeat, but she was unsure of how Mahaado was going to win this way….
Mahaado stared at the dragon with a feeling of annoyance, before he smiled. Might as well show off some then...
The Ka he had summoned began to glow, and as he poured more of his magic into it, it seemed to increase, growing larger not only in size, to that of a full-grown man, but also in appearance.
Yes, it no longer resembled a mage as much now. The armor was studded with gems, and the staff had become a wicked blade…
Mahaado smiled curtly. This form was quite useful to deal with dragons… not that he'd seen many, but he knew that this was better.
Black Paladin swung his glaive forwards, cutting the dragon's head off.
Mahaado hid a smirk at Seto's stunned look. How weak did he think he really was? Besides, the Ring was like an extra battery to power up his magic…
Yami, who was not supposed to be watching but had snuck in anyways, grinned?
Seto looked furious. “Blue-Eyes White Dragon!”
Well, now that was different, but he ought to still have enough Attack power to deal with it…
Just in case though…
Mahaado began chanting a string of hieratic in his mind, watching the silent movements… in front of his magician appeared a small bronze jar covered with strange patterns. Everyone blinked at it. A jar?
Well, it was different at least… actually, it was quite tricky, and Seto was furious when the jar sucked his dragon inside. Fool.
A Magic Trap…
True, they could berate him for his weakness, always relying on magic and traps later, but for now…
“Black Paladin! Destroy Blue-Eyes White Dragon!”
And the look on Seto's face was *priceless*.
End Chapter
Completed 10/18/05
I know, dislike Seto, Seto fangirls stay away from this fic! And Uber! Powerful Mahaado is so fun to write