Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Gone ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everybody I'm back! Here's the fic that won the votes so I hope you all enjoy. Can't think of anything else to say though so enjoy the fic and remember that I love reviews!

Here's a big thank you to my beta reader too! Thank You!

And lastly, I don't own Yugioh, but if I did than Tea wouldn't exist (sorry Tea-lovers).


"I wish you didn't have to go, Yami." Yugi cried into his lover's chest.

"I know, little one, but I must. I don't belong in this time." Yami sighed as he looked up into the sands of Egypt and to the sun that was slowly descending towards the horizon.

Off to the side Malik and Ryou were also saying their goodbyes to their respective yamis.

The Pharaoh felt bad for all three hikaris. They had to be left behind, separated from their soul mates; while he, Bakura, and Marik, had to go back to their own time in Egypt, picking up where they left off.

"Do you have to go, Yami?" Yugi muttered into his shirt, pulling Yami from his thoughts to look back down at his own saddened hikari and embracing him tightly. "Isn't there some way you could stay?" He pleaded.

Yami petted Yugi's hair back sadly, wiping the small beads of sweat that had formed on his light's forehead; the journey to the decaying palace had been short, but the Egyptian sun was blazing. "I must, Yugi. There is no other way. If we don't go we'll end up leaving this world."

"But I don't want you to go!" Yugi cried loudly into his shirt. "I want you to stay here, with me," he finished quietly.

"I know how you feel, Yugi. I wish to stay too, but I can't; none of us can."

Yugi looked off to his side to glance at two of his best friends also embracing their yamis.

"I'm going to miss you, Bakura. I wish you didn't have to leave." Ryou mumbled into Bakura's jacket.

"I'll miss you too, hikari." Bakura pulled away from Ryou. He removed his Millennium Ring from around his neck and replaced it around Ryou's. "I want you to have this. It is of no use to me anymore. Whenever you miss me you'll have this to remember me by."

"Okay, Bakura. I'll take good care of it for you." Ryou promised as he wrapped his arms around his lover once more and hid his face in the crook of his yami's neck.

"I love you, Marik. I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'm going to miss you too, Malik." Marik pulled his hikari into an embrace. He leaned over slightly and picked up the Millennium Rod from where it was leaning against the side of the crumbling walls. "I want you to have this, Malik, so you can remember me."

"I could never forget you, Marik." Malik replied, taking the Rod and holding it closely against his chest as though it were his yami.

Yugi glared at his two friends, jealous that they could have their yami's items and he couldn't because Yami was Pharaoh, and needed the puzzle in order to keep the portal to their world open long enough for them to get through safely. Not that he didn't want the three yamis to get through safely; especially his own yami, but he wished he too could keep the precious puzzle that had first brought Yami to him.

The doors of the once great palace creaked open noisily and allowed entrance to those who stood in front of it. "It's time to go." Yami whispered regretfully. He looked back to Yugi who had squeezed him tightly in his arms. "I'm sorry I can't give you the puzzle, Yugi."

Yugi pulled away from him sadly. "It's okay, Yami. I know you need it as Pharaoh."

"Yami?" Ryou whispered to the Pharaoh, guilty for having ruined the moment. Yami looked at him and gestured for him to continue. "What's going to happen to Bakura and Marik? They've already sworn not to go back to their old ways, but… are they going to be punished?"

Yami shook his head. "No, I'll make sure they get jobs in the palace. You won't have to worry about them getting into trouble when we return."

Ryou nodded and looked back to Bakura, relief written all over his face. He was glad Bakura wasn't going to be thrown into a jail cell or beaten once he got back to his time in Ancient Egypt.

Bakura and Marik also nodded their thanks to Yami before they returned their gazes to their hikaris once more; soaking in the sight of their soul mates before being separated, possibly forever.

"Yami?" Yugi whispered, burying his face in the crook of his yami's neck. "Can't I come with you if you can't stay? I don't want to be away from you."

"I'm sorry, little love, but you can't. What about your friends and your grandpa? They need you here, Yugi."

Before Yugi could reply Bakura spoke up, "It's time to go, Yami."

Yami nodded decisively and the yamis walked ahead of the three hikari's that looked as though the world was coming to an end. They reached the throne room and, once on the steps leading to the collapsing marble throne at the top, the puzzle began to glow. As it did a circular, golden-glowing portal slowly broke open and grew, allowing the three yamis to travel back to the Egypt of the past.

Bakura turned back to Ryou and stared at him sadly before he stepped back and fell through the golden passage. Marik waved a sad and regretful goodbye and he before followed after Bakura through the glowing portal.

Yami almost didn't turn around in fear of the tears he knew he would see on Yugi's face, but he did even as his own tears swelled in ruby red eyes.

"Yami, I'll never love anybody again! Nobody could ever take your place in my heart! I love you, Yami!" Yugi yelled just before Yami stepped back and disappeared from their time forever.

The portal closed seconds after Yami stepped through. The golden glow that had been lighting the darkened throne room vanished, leaving only the faint blush of illumination from the high windows that let the last of the sun shine through before it too dispersed into the night.

Ryou dropped to his knees in sobs and Malik wrapped his arms around the smaller boy to comfort his best friend, his own silent tears trailing down his cheeks.

Yugi continued to stare at the spot where the portal had been, where he last saw his own soul mate disappear from his life forever. He knew his life would never be the same again. Nobody would be able to heal him from the terrible pain he'd be feeling for the rest of his life. Not that he wanted to have it healed; he wanted that pain to stay so he would have something to remind him that Yami was real. He wanted to remember that what they had was forever.

It seemed like hours before the three heartbroken friends turned and walked out of the palace, the doors closing noisily after them as they stepped into the humid night air. They trudged back to the small town just at the base of the deserted city where the rest of their friends waited for them, since all had agreed it would be better if they said goodbye to the three yamis before they left for the palace, so the hikaris could have time alone with them.

"Are you guys going to be okay?" Mokuba asked as the three stepped through the door sadly.

Malik looked down at the younger Kaiba brother and nodded, holding Ryou closer as his friend stiffened in his embrace.

Yugi didn't acknowledge anybody in the hotel room and closed the door behind him and he made it to the room he had shared with Yami only the day before. He collapsed in emotional exhaustion on the bed and squeezed the pillow Yami had used during the night closely to him, letting his tears fall freely.

Malik sat down on the couch holding Ryou closely. He knew it was going to be hard for all three of them to adjust to the loss of their yamis, but he somehow felt that Yugi was going to take the worst of it.

Yugi and Yami had only been together a week before the yamis discovered their need to be back in Egypt before the full moon, or else the magic of their Millennium Items would wear out and no longer be able to support them in the future world. Ryou had been with Bakura for almost a year and he and Marik a little longer than that. He just didn't think it was fair to Yami and Yugi that they be torn apart so soon.

"If you guys ever need anything or just want to talk about it, we'll be here for you. You know that, right?" Joey told Malik and Ryou.

Ryou, nearly asleep against Malik, nodded tiredly and Malik nodded after him before glancing worriedly to the door that hid Yugi from view. He was sure Yugi needed somebody to hold him right now, but he was too stubborn to admit it. He didn't like it when anybody worried about him, even if he worried constantly about everybody else.

Solomon stood from the chair he was sitting in and walked into the kitchen; he reappeared minutes later with a tray of sandwiches. "A big dinner wouldn't be right for tonight. How `bout we eat and go to bed early since we have to leave well on time tomorrow. I have to get back to the shop and the rest of you have school the day after tomorrow."

Everybody nodded and took a sandwich, eating slowly. Solomon went to the closed door down the hall and knocked lightly. "Yugi, you should eat something so you can get some rest tonight."


"Yugi?" Solomon opened the door quietly and looked around the room before his eyes settled on his grandson on the bed, sleeping. He walked in and placed the tray on the nightstand, covered Yugi in a light blanket and, kissed his forehead lightly before leaving.


The next morning was just as quiet as the night before. Everybody packed their things into the two jeeps taking them to the airport and climbed in silently. The drive there was just a solemn affair as was settling in the plane that was taking them back to Japan.

"How're you feeling, Yugi?" Ryou asked his tri-colored friend shyly after they had taken off. Yugi nodded and continued to stare out the window. "If you ever want to talk, Yugi, you know you can always come to us. Don't you, Yugi?"

"There's nothing to talk about, Ryou. I just want to be left alone." Yugi told him, almost harshly.

Ryou was taken aback and looked up when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Malik shook his head and gave Yugi a pointed look. "Let's not bother him right now. He might be like this for a few days, but I would feel this way too if I had been with Marik for as short a time before we were separated"

Ryou nodded and let himself be led by Malik to some empty seats a little further ahead in order to give Yugi some alone time.


"Well, I better get going. I have to go to the museum and tell my sister that we made it back okay before I head home." Malik waved goodbye to everyone. "Need a ride, Ryou?"

Ryou nodded and waved goodbye to all of his friends before following Malik out of the airport.

"I'd better be going too. I promised Serenity I would call her when I got home if it wasn't too late." Joey told everybody. "Seto, could I get a ride? My dad dropped me off here last time but he's at work right now and I don't want to bother him."

"Sure, come on Mokuba." Seto called for his little brother.

Joey threw a concerned look at Yugi, who was staring out of the airport's windows with a glazed look over his eyes, as he walked hand-in-hand with Seto out of the airport; Mokuba walking on the other side of his brother.

"I have to go too. I told my mom I would come home as soon as I could." Tristan turned to look at Yugi. "Later, Yugi. I hope you feel better soon." Yugi didn't acknowledge him. He only continued to stare longingly out the window. Tristan shook his head and started walking away after giving a quick nod goodbye to Yugi's grandpa.

"Well, come on, Yugi. You have school tomorrow and I'm sure you'd like to get a little bit of sleep in. You look exhausted." Solomon told his grandson quietly, not wanting to disturb him but needing to at the same time.

Yugi pushed himself away from the window and walked almost pensively out of the airport and stayed that way the whole car ride home. He didn't say anything once they reached the game shop either. Just trudged up the stairs to his room and collapsed on the bed like he did the night before. A few minutes later he let sleep overcome him.


As an ending note I'm not sure if I'm going to have a lemon or anything else considered R-rated right now so for the present time it's going to PG-13. If I come up with anything or if I get ideas from my wonderful readers that will make the rating go higher than I'll change it.