Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Stalker ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yugi and the rest of the gang turned out to be great friends with Yami, Bakura, and Marik. Ryou and Malik were the most excited about meeting Bakura and Marik too, just like Yugi knew they would. The one thing that freaked Yugi out the most though was the fact that he could fall in love with Yami present time since he and the Yami of the past were so similar in so many ways. Just by looking at Ryou and Malik proved that they felt the same. He would've been able to figure out that out even without them having talking to him about it earlier - a couple days after he introduced the three to the rest of the gang.

Right now though Yugi was trying desperately not to stare at Yami as they were waiting in line for movie tickets. Ryou and Malik were inside getting the snacks with Bakura and Marik. Yami was trying to make small talk with him, but he seemed to be losing his voice every time he was around Yami now, and there was no doubt in his mind that Yami was starting to notice it and get curious about it too.

"Yugi?" Yami called for the fifth time in two minutes.

Yugi started for a second before looking at Yami questioningly.

"Are you okay? Did I do something wrong because lately it seems like you don't want to talk to me or something?" He asked.

Yugi tensed up before shaking his head, hoping Yami didn't notice his reaction to his question. `What did I say? I knew I should've acted better around him inside of being afraid to get close to him. Yami did say to not worry about him and that he no longer exists in my time, but reincarnations definitely could.' Yugi thought to himself. He figured Yami was getting sick of just him looking at him though, so he decided to answer the question instead of just shaking his head. "Of course not, Yami; why would anything be wrong? I've just had a lot on my mind lately."

"Oh. So…why do you think I'll like this movie so much?" Yami asked him.

Yugi smiled and was about to reply, "Because you loved it before when you were the spirit of the Millennium Puzzle," but he realized that he would look like a freak so he racked his brain to think of something that would make sense. Suddenly he remembered what Yami had told him a few days ago. "Well, because you told me a while ago that you liked action/adventure with a little bit of romance in it and I've read the reviews for this movie and it sounded perfect."

Yami nodded and stepped up to the ticket booth when the person in front of him left and paid for his ticket. Yugi then stepped up paid for his ticket, using the money that his friends had given him to get their tickets as well.

"Let's go see if they've gotten the snacks yet." Yami suggested as he held the door open for Yugi. Yugi nodded and stepped in.

It took only a minute to find them in front of the door for their movie, waving them over. They walked over to them and exchanged the tickets and food before walking in. They found some good seats in the middle row while the advertisements were playing and quickly made their way over before a group on the other side of the room to get them. Bakura sat on the end with Ryou next to him, Malik sat next to him, Marik beside Malik, Yami next to him, and then Yugi next to Yami.

The movie started shortly after they got situated and they quieted down to watch, munching on popcorn and sipping their drinks.

When the part came to when the two lovers in the movie met up secretly to arrange their plans to run away together since their parents disapproved of each other, Yugi unconsciously snuggled up to Yami and sighed, remembering that he did the same thing when he first watched the movie with the spirit Yami.

Yami glanced at Yugi, slightly confused, but ignored it when Yugi sat up quickly and apologized. He shook his head and turned back to the movie.

Towards the middle of the movie though Yugi was trying to force himself to stay in his seat. The two families were looking for their children and were fighting each other, somehow thinking that yelling until their throats were sore would bring their children back. The daughter of the lower class family couldn't take the screaming and finally showed herself from where she hid with her lover, the boy from the rich family. Unfortunately, the hiding place was on a high building and she was calling down to them to stop fighting, hot tears streaming down her face. A large wind picked up and through the girl off the building. The boy screamed and jumped after her. The part that made Yugi jump from his seat and start sobbing into Yami's jacket was when the director went through all the trouble of actually showing what the lovers looked like when they fell to the ground.

"Yugi, are you okay?" Yami asked, wrapping his arms comfortingly around the shorter teen.

"Yami?" Yugi looked up and his eyes widened in shock and realization. This wasn't his Yami. This was the reincarnation of his Yami. The Yami he was thinking of when he jumped into his arms was the Yami who loved him back and knew the perfect thing to say at the right time. "I - Oh Gosh, Yami! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to - I just," Yugi jumped from Yami's lap and ran from the theatre.

Ryou and Malik exchanged glances before they started running after Yugi, Bakura and Marik close on their heels. Yami sat back in the theatre in complete shock.

`Why did Yugi look so terrified? That couldn't have just been for the movie that he was crying? And why would he apologize for being scared?' The questions ran through Yami's head until the lights turned on and he realized that he was still sitting in the theatre while the others were probably comforting Yugi and finding out what was wrong by now. He jumped from his seat and shoved his way out of the theatre and ran down the street towards the game shop, hoping that Yugi had run there instead of the opposite direction.

He was gasping for breath when he reached the shop and was surprised when he saw Ryou and Malik knocking at the doors.

"Where're Bakura and Marik?" He asked.

"They went around to the back door in case Yugi tried getting out that way. He's really upset, Yami, and he won't let us in." Ryou explained sadly.

Malik cried out in frustration and suck to his knees, his pounding on the door ceasing to small knocks.

Yami looked around and saw a tree leading over to a window. "Is that window Yugi's room?" He asked, pointing.

Malik turned to look and nodded slowly. "Yeah…"

Before Malik could finish his sentence Yami ran to the tree and started to climb up it. He reached the window and had to balance on a shaky limb before he could knock at the window.

Yugi looked up from where he sat in the corner of his bedroom. Had he heard wrong or was there somebody knocking at his window? He wiped his eyes and stretched his neck up to see, his eyes widening at what he saw.

He stood on shaky legs and walked over to his window, unlatching it and stepping back so Yami could get in.

The least expected thing happened. Yami pulled him over after getting in the bedroom and pulled him into a hug. "Yugi, what's wrong with you? You had us all worried." He explained to the shorter teen. "I wasn't mad at you just because you jumped into my lap. There has to be more than what it seems and I'm guessing that Ryou and Malik know it too. Tell me, Yugi, you can trust me."

Yugi nodded and stepped back, wiping the tears from his eyes once more. He went on to explain that he had a lover once, not telling who or what gender in case Yami was disgusted by that sort of thing, and explained that he had seen that movie before with them and got scared by the same parts. Not long after they'd seen the movie they saw an accident occur on the way home and it turned out that the two teens that were involved in the crash and died had also been lovers. He'd got spooked by it and he hadn't been able to get over it.

"Oh, Yugi." Yami pulled Yugi back into his arms. "We're friends, Yugi, and we're supposed to look out for each other. I wouldn't be upset with you just because you got scared."

Yugi nodded and went to sit on the bed. "I'm sorry I acted that way. I seem so childish now."

"Don't worry about it." He headed for the door. "I'm going to go let the others in. I'm sure they're tired of pounding on the door if Malik is anything to go by." He chuckled a little before leaving.

Minutes later all six friends were crowded in Yugi's bedroom playing a board game and deciding to ignore the strange occurrence that had happened only half an hour before.

The game was one they had created on their own before they had met Yami, Bakura, or Marik. It didn't really have an object to it, just for laughs and basically hanging out. You went into partners and one couple asked another a question and if they got it right they got a point.

It was Bakura and Ryou's turn to draw a card and ask a couple. They looked at the question and simultaneously agreed that it would be Yugi and Yami's question since they had asked Malik and Marik before.

"Yami, what's Yugi's favorite color?"

Yami looked over at Yugi and then around the bedroom for any sort of clue before realizing that it was useless. There were all sorts of colors in Yugi's bedroom. Finally he shrugged and said blue.

Yugi smirked, but nodded anyways.

The older teen sighed in relief that he hadn't gotten something completely off.

"Okay, Yugi," Ryou started, "This might be a bit hard. What's Yami's favorite pastime to do?"

Yugi looked at the floor and didn't notice the small blush that had appeared on Yami's face. Finally Yugi decided to just guess with stuff he knew about the spirit Yami. "Having long bubble baths while listening to soft music?"

Yami's jaw dropped and the blush spread over his cheeks. "T-that's right. How did you know that?"

Yugi's eyes widened and he stared at Yami in disbelief. He knew that his Yami and this Yami were similar, but now it was starting to get ridiculous. Luckily, Ryou decided to save him.

"I think we should play a different game now. How bout Monopoly?" He suggested.

Everyone except Yugi agreed. He went downstairs to the kitchen and poured himself a cold glass of water, downing it in one gulp. He nearly choked on it though when he heard Yami call his name from behind him.

"Yugi, I don't know how you know what my favorite pastime is and all that; I mean, even Marik and Bakura didn't know that and they'd be the first people I would tell, but this is just getting weird. You know a lot of stuff about me and I don't about you."

"Listen, Yami that was just a guess. Remember my lover I used to have? Their favorite pastime was sitting in a warm bubble bath and listening to soft music too so I just said that because I couldn't think of anything better."

"And what's with you calling your lover them and they and all that. Doesn't she have a name or don't you want me to meet them?"

At this point Ryou and everybody else who'd been waiting upstairs was watching the two's conversation from the foot of the stairs. Ryou and Malik didn't like where it was going and Bakura and Marik were just curious as to why the two were fighting when they usually got along very well.

"Because you just wouldn't understand it!" Yugi shouted angrily, turning his back to Yami and blinking the tears out of his eyes. He wouldn't cry, he couldn't. Ryou and Malik didn't cry for their lovers so he shouldn't cry for his. It was over and that's that.

"How wouldn't I understand? Did she move away or dump you? It can't be as bad as you're making it seem!" Yami shouted back.

Just when it had come to shouting, the two didn't know. They weren't even sure why they were arguing in the first place. It had just been a simple statement after all and now they were on about who Yugi's lover was and why he was talking about them the way he was.

"You don't get it, do you? I never had a she, Yami!"

Yami fell silent and Ryou and Malik gasped to themselves. Before they realized it or could stop him, Yugi had practically ripped his pocket apart pulling his wallet out and he opened it to the first picture, thrusting it into Yami's hands. By then the two hikaris on the stairs got out of the shock and had just seen what Yugi had done.

"Yugi, wait!"

"Don't, Yugi!"

Curious and also suspicious as to how they were acting about a simple picture, Yami brought to picture into his sight and looked at it for a second before his eyes widened. For some reason he couldn't pull his eyes away from the people in it. For a minute Yami just had this surprised look on his face before something like disgust and realization dawned on his face. His crimson eyes turned to Yugi with repulsion and hurt in them. "Yugi, there's something wrong with you." He whispered, his voice seeming unable to get any louder.

Yugi took a step back and looked at Yami with confusing before his eyes turned to the ground where his picture of him and his Yami were sitting on a bench at school; Yugi with his arms and Yami's neck and was kissing him on the cheek and winking at the camera at the same time.

"I've had lots of admirers, Yugi, but this is wrong."

"What is?" Yugi asked confused. He was talking about his Yami, didn't this Yami get that?

Ryou turned to look at Bakura when he was tapped on the shoulder.

"Did you know Yugi was like that?" He asked.

Ryou glanced at Malik for a second before looking back at Bakura. "Like what?"

"Like what?" Marik asked in disbelief. "A stalker for crying out loud!" He whispered back.

Ryou and Malik's eyes widened in shock, now they understood it. The pharaoh Yami and present-time Yami looked exactly alike. Why would anyone who saw a picture of one not think it to be the same person they were thinking about rather than another?

"Marik, Bakura, let's leave." Yami called to them when he noticed them waiting on the stairs. "You two can join us if you want." He added to Ryou and Malik, backing away from Yugi without turned his back.

"I don't understand what you mean though!" Yugi called back when they were at the door. Obviously, he still didn't get what they were trying to say.

"Stalking, Yugi. I never in my life ever had a stalker, only admirers. I thought you were my friend, Yugi. Now it makes sense how you know so much about me. Especially my favorite pastime, which my best friends didn't even know. And throwing yourself at me in the movie theatre. You never had a lover," he accused, "you were just saying that as an excuse." He threw his hands up in frustration. "I guess you shouldn't always look at first impressions when you meet someone new." Yami whispered just loudly enough for Yugi to hear, sadness laced in his voice before he closed the front door behind him.

Glancing at the stairs, Yugi felt an unbelievable amount of sadness and betrayal when he saw that Ryou and Malik were no longer there and they had obviously gone with Yami and the others.