Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ My Watcher ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Yami ignored the group every time they tried to get him to talk to them again. Even Marik and Bakura were starting to get worried about it since Yami had never acted like that towards them and they seemed to think that he was really taking such a thing as the explanation they were told from Ryou and Malik in the park extremely hard. Yugi was also, once more, getting upset by Yami's behavior.

Finally, Yugi couldn't take it one day at lunch, after seeing Yami walk away from Bakura and Marik for what seemed like the hundredth time in the week. He ran away from his friends and past Bakura and Marik, who stared after him in confusion, and only stopped right in front of Yami.

Yami didn't even look up when he felt the shadow of Yugi overcast him from the sun. In fact, he ignored him for a good five minutes before Yugi finally tore the book he was reading from his hands and dropped in on the ground, all the while glaring at the crimson-eyed teen. He sighed and looked up to Yugi with impatience glaring back at the smaller teen.

"We need to talk, Yami. You can't enjoy being by yourself everyday, can you?" Yugi argued, trying to knock some sense into his friend.

Red eyes closed in irritation and Yami turned his head from Yugi's. "I like my privacy." He stated simply.

"This isn't privacy, Yami." Yugi felt like shouting, but instead said it almost calmly, his voice wavering in the slightest. "This is called letting your father get the better of you and not letting you be who you want to be."

Yami stood up so suddenly Yugi nearly fell on the ground.

"How do you even know about my father? If you want to prove yourself innocent of not being a stalker then you shouldn't say stuff you shouldn't know about. Unless you don't really care that your reputation is getting lower than the sewers, than I suppose that's just fine, but find somebody else to stalk because I don't like it."

"I'm not a stalker, Yami!" Yugi finally shouted. "Bakura and Marik told me about your father and what is a good bet to them what goes through your head everyday because of it. Don't let your father control you!"

Yami looked around the area and noticed people staring at them because of Yugi's shouts. He turned and grabbed his bag, storming away from the violet-eyed boy in just seconds. He stalled a few feet away though. "What I do is my own business, Yugi, and I can think whatever I want. You may not care that your parents left you on your grandfather's doorstep, but I do care that my father left me because of my love for art and imagination."

Yugi felt tears coming to his eyes and he didn't bother trying to go after Yami when he started walking away once more, nor did he ever notice when Yami turned to him with sad eyes and watched him for a short while before continuing to walk way.


That afternoon Yugi was laying on his bed thinking about what Yami had said to him earlier that day about his parents abandoning him. He vigorously wiped his eyes clean from the tears that started to shine in his eyes.

`Stupid Yami. How could I ever fall in love with a jerk like that!' He scolded himself. He turned over in his bed and stared out the window for a minute, seeing two birds twirling around each other before flying off. More tears appeared in his eyes and this time he didn't bother to wipe them away. Yugi turned towards the door when he heard a knock round on it.

His grandfather entered and gave him a small smile. "Your friends are here, Yugi. They said they were worried about you after lunch. Did something happen? And where's Yami, I haven't seen him for a while."

"Grandpa," Yugi whispered, his voice tight from holding back his tears, "did my parents really leave me on your doorstep when I was smaller?"

Solomon's eyes widened in surprise and he hurried over to his grandson's side, sitting down and holding him tightly. "Oh, Yugi, did somebody say that to you today?"

Yugi nodded, but decided not to say who.

"No, Yugi, your parents loved you. They would never do such a thing to you." Solomon explained.

"Then why aren't I with them if they're still alive?"

"They… aren't alive, Yugi. They died a long time ago. Your parents couldn't reach me, but they had no choice but to leave you here while they went on an important business trip they couldn't bring you on. On the way their though their plane crashed and that's when I gained complete custody over you."

Tears leaked down pale cheeks as Yugi hid his face in his grandpa's shirt, arms wrapping around him tightly in comfort.

"Yugi?" Ryou peeked around the door, not wanting to interrupt anything. "We just heard, Yugi." The white-haired teen said. Marik, Malik, and Bakura all came into view as well, worry for their friend all visible in their eyes.

"Can we just not talk about this right now?" Yugi asked, wiping his face with the sleeve of his jacket.

All three nodded and motioned for Yugi to follow them.

"There's that fair that just opened up last week a little ways from our school. Joey and the others are going to meet us there and we'll spend the whole night away there until they kick us out," Malik joked, trying to make Yugi feel better. "We thought it might cheer you up a bit since you looked so glum after lunch. Did Yami really say that to you?"

"Yes, he accused me of being a stalker again because I knew about his father and he hadn't told me himself. I explained that you two had told me," he nodded at Bakura and Marik, "but then he just said that and walked off. I bet he didn't even care that he hurt my feelings either."

"Nobody wouldn't get hurt by such a cruel remark, Yugi. Now come on, or Joey will get bored of waiting and go in and spend all his money on junk food. Then we'll never hear the end of it."

Yugi nodded and they ran off down the street together.

When they arrived though they were surprised to see Joey was talking to none other than Yami.

"What are you doing here, Yami. I didn't think you liked these sort of things." Bakura asked curiously.

Yami visibly tensed and glanced over at Yugi for a moment before turning his crimson eyes to Bakura. "When then you thought wrong didn't you, Bakura. I can be here if I want."

Joey and the rest of the gang with him, Seto, Tristan, Serenity, and Duke, all looked surprised when Yami said this, but didn't say anything until after he left.

"That's weird. We just asked him if he was here with anybody and he told us that he was waiting for you guys and that he had something to tell ya." Joey told them, a confused look on his face. He shrugged his shoulders and turned towards the ticket booth with a large smile. "Oh well, let's get some rides in! I want to go at least a hundred times each tonight!" He shouted excitedly before running towards the booth, nearly trampling an old lady and a small child on the way.

Yugi glanced around and was surprised when he suddenly saw Yami staring at him from behind a corner of a tent before he noticed he'd been seen and jumped out of his sight. `That's weird." Yugi thought, deciding not to mention it the others in case they wanted to do something to him for what he had said about his parents; he didn't want any trouble.

Yugi finally had to call it quits on the beginning of the group's third round of rides. He needed to get something in his stomach so he told the group to go ahead with the ride and he'd wait for them at the exit. That wasn't the case however, when Yami grabbed his arm and pulled him out of view of the rest of the public.

The amethyst-eyed teen got defensive though since he didn't feel like talking to Yugi after what he'd said to him at lunch. He crossed his arms and glared at the slightly older teen.

"We need to talk, Yugi." Yami said, obviously doing his best not to be worried about Yugi's attitude. "About what I said at lunch, I wanted to apologize."

"Yami, I'm sorry, but there isn't anything you could really say right now to make it better. I just want to be alone with my friends."

"Aren't I your friend too?" Yami asked, surprised.

"You've made it perfectly clear to me that you don't want a…what was it, Yami? Oh yes, a stalker as a friend."

Yami visibly flinched at Yugi's harsh tone and took a step away from the shorter teen. "Please, Yugi, I didn't mean it like that. I've had some time to think and I know I've been a jerk. I'm sorry for what I said and if you'd only looked up after I said that you wouldn't have seen me looking back at you too. I regretted it the second it left my mouth."

Yugi smiled and looked back at the ride that was just beginning to slow down. "I'll forgive on one condition, Yami."

"What's that?" Yami asked, surprised.

"You have to go on the rides with us."

Yami smiled and even laughed along with Yugi. "I'm pretty sure I can do that for you."

"And Yami?"


"I know it isn't the best time to be asking this or anything, but do you really think your father is going to come back after all this time?"

Yami sighed and looked over towards the lights of the Ferris Wheel. "No, Yugi, I don't. I've known all along that he wouldn't come back, but I just wanted to make myself believe. I finally decided to let it go past me just a short while ago; that's why I decided to come here and I've been waiting for a minute when you were alone so I could talk to you privately. I found out you were coming because I overheard Marik and Ryou talking to Joey and the others about it."

"Yugi!" Joey's voice hollered. "Where are you, buddy?"

Yugi looked up and smiled at Yami. "We should go then. Bakura and Marik have also been somewhat upset about your attitude towards them since this whole dumb argument started. They'll be glad to know."

"Actually, Yugi," Yami's voice stopped Yugi midstep as he was going around the tent, "I wanted to keep that part about my dad just between us for right now. I know they worry over me about it, especially when I get broody about it, but I don't want them to know just yet."

"Okay, Yami. I can understand that. There are some things that I'll tell Ryou or someone and don't want anyone else to know either. Like what happened when we got transported back to Ancient Egypt we all quietly agreed not to say anything to the others."

Yami nodded and followed Yugi out to meet the others.


That night Yami walked Yugi home, talking about different things and sometimes Yami asking Yugi different questions about what his previous self had been like and what it was like in ancient Egypt.

Yugi didn't really want to say goodnight when he arrived at the game shop, but he eventually did. He was most surprised though when Yami grabbed his arm after he had turned around and placed a small kiss to his lips before he smiled and ran off down the street.

A small smile broke out on the amethyst-eyed teen's face before he turned and walked into the game shop.

Solomon was putting a few things away at the time and when he turned to greet his grandson he was glad to see a smile on his face again. "That fair must've done you some good, Yugi."

Yugi nodded.

"Are you still upset about what that person said about your parents?" He asked with concern.

Yugi shook his head and continued to smile, finally turning to look at his grandpa. "Yami made it all better. It doesn't matter to me anymore."

"That's good. You look a bit worn out though. Why don't you go to bed? I'm almost done here and will soon anyway."

Yugi nodded and started up the stairs. Entering his bedroom the first thing he noticed was that someone was throwing rocks at his window. He hurried over to it and unlatched the lock, sticking his head out to see who it was.

"Yami?" Yugi asked with surprise. "I thought you went home."

"I did, but I wanted to give this to you," he pulled out a folded piece of paper from his pocket. "Over the excitement of tonight and everything I sort of forgot about it until halfway home." He replaced the paper in his pocket and climbed up the tree to give it to Yugi, jumping back down to the ground afterwards. He waited expectantly though so Yugi was guessing he was waiting for a reply to whatever it was he gave him.

Unfolding the paper he looked at it for a minute before he gasped. "Yami, this is beautiful…but why?"

"I was inspired by the story Malik and Ryou told us at the park the day I called you a stalker. I've been working on it for a while and last night I decided I was going to give it to you, after a put the finishing touches on it."

"Thank you, Yami. This means a lot to me."

Yami smiled and turned back to the road.

"Yami!" Yugi called him back. When Yami turned around he smiled and blew a kiss back to Yami. Yami smiled and pretended to catch it before waving goodbye.

That night Yugi went to sleep with a smile on his face with an unknown visitor lurking in the shadows.

"Well, my love. It seems that we really are destined to be together." The deceased Pharaoh Yami whispered into Yugi's ear, chuckling when Yugi rolled towards him and whispered his name back. "I'll always watch over you; you and my reincarnation."

His crimson eyes turned to the picture sitting on Yugi's desk. `My reincarnation will certainly be able to make Yugi happy if he can make pictures as beautiful as this.' His hand slid gracefully over the carefully pastelled sands. `Looks exactly like home.'


Well there's the end peeps!! Hope you all liked it. I wanted to put Pharaoh Yami in at the end to show that he was still watching over Yugi even in his death. Just wanted to clear that up in case some of you were like `What's the point of the former Yami being there.' I thought it was a nice place to end. OH!! And for those of you who didn't get the picture that Yami gave Yugi, it was supposed to be a picture of Ancient Egypt with sands and pyramids and a shadow of the palace in the background with the sun coming up just behind it.

And now!!!!!!! All you wonderful readers get to pick the next story. I've been working on most of them and I think only two are still in an outline form, but other than that I hope you enjoy your picks. Have fun!!

To Tell You -Yugi leaves clues for Yami (Malik's idea) since everyone kept interrupting him when he tried to tell Yami how he felt for the whole week now.

Unexpected Love - Marik's jealous, Bakura's lonely, Ryou is saddened and confused, and Malik can't see this because he's trying to find out if he really loves Ryou or not

It was just a Game - Yugi is just a regular teen going through the regular problems. He's got great friends and a girlfriend he would never give up. What happens when his world is turned around by an unexpected visitor and in a weird arrival? It was just a game until a strange power surge made one of the characters in Yugi's favorite game a reality

Out at Sea - Inspired by Pirates of the Caribbean; Bakura's a captain of his ship, The Sennen, along with his two top mates, Marik and Yami. Bakura kidnaps Ryou in order to keep from being killed from Ryou's father, the governor of the island, and Yugi and Malik follow for their own reasons.

Train Ride - Story kind of like the movie On the Line

Love is Unexplainable - Yami and Yugi are twin brothers who get separated when they're babies. They meet up again in high school and they fall in love with each and are very happy with each other until Yami's parents (both of their parents) tell Yami he can't date Yugi anymore and they tell him that Yugi's really his twin brother that he was separated from when they were babies.