Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With you ❯ With you ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

With you… By Linkin Park

Malik: Marik's Yami. This takes place on the battle city blimp and the girl he fantasizes about is there too. Just what will he do to get her? It is in Malik's point of view. Please don't judge me! It's my first rape story and it includes: ME! Yea! ^-^ Enjoy and please no flames! Thanks… ^_^;;

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I stared at her perky nipples as they rubbed against the soft fabric of her black silk buckle shirt, much like my own. I saw as she smiled toward the pharaoh and he flirted back, it made my blood boil. {What did she see in him?! What is it I don't have that he does?} My brain bounced back and forth, questions filling my head and some I would never be able to answer. [Because idiot she doesn't like you…] the voice haunted me to no end. Every curve, every smile… even the little things he noticed with this girl made me even more determined to have her for my own. Her feathered blond and brown hair was always perfect and straight nothing ever made it matt or knot. It was sleek and shiny just rounding her perfect face. Her beautiful sapphire-gray eyes that held a spark, much like to my life and those perfectly shaped lips, cheek bones and every curve just made me mad… At nights I have wet fantasies but when I wake up I just get crushed knowing I'll never have this woman. Her smile was perfect all of her teeth were white and straight making her face brighten up… everytime I see her it's like a light in my dark world. {Jessica… what is it that I have to do to win your heart?} I kept thinking over the possibilities and came up with nothing. She was standing on the sidelines cheering me on… I could feel it. Even though she was on the pharaoh's side I could feel something… deep inside of her that wanted me to win. [Or is it just wishful thinking?] The same annoying voice called to me, telling me different then what my heart believed… [Are you even sure you have a heart?] It called to me, once again. I looked up and saw her smiling at me with those innocent eyes, that deep down held a fire just ready to be brought out. {Shut up! I don't care for your opinion!} I though angrily. [Or do you?] I growled angrily knowing this was an impossible fight, which I would never come out the victor.

"Come on Malik! What are you waiting for Christmas?" My opponent Joseph Wheeler called out to me. I had to stop staring for at least her sake. Putting away my feelings I drew my card and placed it in defense mode. Joseph snorted,

"What the hell kind of move did you call that?"

I looked over to Jessica once again… {Damn it! Snap out of it… the pharaoh will think something is up with me and use her to bring me down…} Joseph ended his turn and once again it was my turn. I drew a card.

"I play fear of the dark and then I shall play this magic card known as black pendant to increase its attack points by 500; now my beast, attack his life points directly!" I said making her smile and then blush like a school girl when I looked up at her. I shrugged it off like usual and frowned looking at the third rate duelist in front of me… [You know she might be fucking these men for money… who says she's innocent.] That's right she might be getting money by pleasuring the guys on this damned blimp! {NO! Don't think that… She'll be yours one way or another.} I wiped out the rest of Joey's life points and decided it would be best to try and send him to the shadow realm.

"Say goodbye Wheeler!" I said as he meekly took his defeat. Holding my Millenium rod up to his face the shadows took his mind. Smiling I looked over at Jessica and saw her eyes filled with glistening tears… {No, please don't look at me like that…} I felt something strike me… it was a sharp piercing pain in my chest area. [That's it… feel pain and agony like I did… you don't deserve her.] Sharply turning around so I wouldn't face her anymore… my purple cloak turned sharply with me cutting the air like freshly sharpen scissors cutting thin paper. As I walked it flowed behind me making me more intimidating then what I really felt. [That's it walk away like the coward you are!] I could hear the voice laughing at me…

~woke up in a dream today
To the cold of the static and put my cold feet on the floor
Forgot all about yesterday
Remembering I'm pretending to be where I'm not anymore
A little taste of hypocrisy
And I'm left in the wake of the mistake slow to react
Even though you're so close to me
You're still so distant
And I can't bring you back

I couldn't take it anymore… feeling hot liquid coming from my eyes. It stung and burned like a deep wound that would take time to heal but the scar would always be there to remind you. {What…? What is it with me… am I going soft? Why isn't it this specific woman giving me so much pain and yet so much pleasurable thoughts?} I locked myself in my room and stripped down to my original clothing… a white T and my black comfortable jeans. [What's the matter? Baby gonna cry?] The voice retorted.

It didn't matter if I lived anymore or not this has gone on too long. She was going to be mine! Weather the damned pharaoh liked it or not! {It's gonna be so simple! To hear her cry out my name like in my dreams! HAHAHA! And the look on her face will be priceless!}

~It's true the way I feel
Was promised by your face
The sound of your voice
Painted on my memories
Even if you're not with me
I'm with you

I jumped off of the bed and walked into the bathroom to look at myself. [Pitiful…] the voice said laughing. I laughed in the mirror wondering what it would be like when I break her… if she'll scream. {This is going to be wonderful… my dream come true.} I pulled on something comfortable. My black cloak, tank and jeans. Black is a great color to cover up ones blood. [That's right let the anger burn! Take it out on that wench! HAHA!] I stopped in my tracks… {What the hell am I doing? I refuse to rape her! She isn't some tool to be used and thrown away… Ra what has gotten into me?} [That wench that's who!]

"This'll be fun…" I heard myself say. {What has gotten into me!?} I asked myself again wondering if I am going soft.

I shook my head from the stupid though ridding myself of the weak though such as that. Grinning, I grabbed my Millenium rod and headed for her room.

~You, now I see, keeping everything inside
with you
You, Now I see, Even when I close my eyes

I turned the knob to the door and entered seeing her looking through her duel monsters deck. I could feel my smile grow crooked and I twisted my face up. {Oh, no.} Jessica looked up and smiled like she won the lottery. "Oh, Hi Malik what brings you to my part of the blimp?" She asked sweetly.

[Answer her… tell her the truth.] I refused to listen to that damn voice but before I could do anything I had already said it,

"I'm here on official business."

"Oh? Well, what could I have that you could possibly want?" She asked so naively.


Before she could do anything about it I was already on top of her, kissing her neck and rubbing her left breast. She tried to scream but I slapped her hard. I could hear the voice whispering something but I could care… I was busy. Out of no where a fist connected with my face… {Damn can she punch…} I ignored it and started to nibble her right nipple through the thin fabric. [Bite her!] I bit down hard making her scream but I quickly shut her up my slapping her again. She was now crying… the tears falling freely as if she had no control over them. {What have I done?!} I continued, I took the ribbon that she used to tie up her hair today and tied her to the bedpost. Her legs were still free and I got a good kick in my balls causing me to growl savagely. I hit her on her stomach… that stopped every chance of her escaping. [Now… go in for the kill…] I undid her buckles that held her black shirt closed and started to undo her navy blue jeans.

~I hit you and you hit me back
We fall to the floor the rest of the day stands still
Fine line between this and that
When things go wrong I pretend the past isn't real
I'm trapped in this memory
And I'm left in the wake of the mistake slow to react
So even though you're close to me
You're still so distant
And I can't bring you back

There she was right in front of me in her white panties and bra ready for me to break her. I couldn't wait to see the look on the pharaoh's face when he found out I broke his new toy. Smiling to myself I continued, I quickly undid her bra and threw it in a random corner along with her panties. Her cunt was shaved and perfected just like in my dreams. {Do I really want this?} [There is no going back now….. finish her!] I sucked and nipped at her buds making her writhe under me but I just slapped her until she stopped. {The pain you're causing… it'll scar her. You'll never have a chance then idiot stop!} I didn't care, I just continued I then started on her clit. Swishing my tongue back and forth on her clit, making her moan. [LITTLE WHORE!] For no reason I stopped and bit down hard on her clit making it bleed.

"You, little whore. I bet the pharaoh uses you for his own purposes… doesn't he?" I heard myself say out loud. She shook her head left and right slowly as if scared of what I was going to do.

"Don't tell me different!! I know he fucks you… just like what you do to all of the other men on this blimp!" Again, she shook her head, `No.'

"Persistent bitch!" With that my hand connected to her face. I think I already saw a red mark forming.

~It's true the way I feel
Was promised by your face
The sound of your voice
Painted on my memories
Even if you're not with me
I'm with you

She was now crying again but this time pleading with me… with those angelic eyes of hers. I shrugged it off… I was really getting good at it. [FINISH HER!] the voice commanded. {Let's think this over!} Told myself: {I'm about to make my dreams come true but I don't want to rape her…} [FINISH HER!] It called again but I ignored it. This time I wasn't going to let someone boss me around! {NEVER!} I felt like a fool position right in front of her entrance and her eyes tightly shut ready for impact. This wasn't right and I was going to put a stop to it.

~You, now I see, keeping everything inside
with you
You, Now I see, Even when I close my eyes
With you
You, now I see, keeping everything inside
with you
You, Now I see, Even when I close my eyes

No, no matter how far we've come
I can't wait to see tomorrow
No, no matter how far we've come I
I can't wait to see tomorrow

I stood up and many thoughts raced through my head. {That was too close} I quickly grabbed her clothes together and threw them on the bed next to her. I pulled my clothes on and walked over to her. She was beaten badly… {Did I do this?} I asked myself. I took out my Millenium rod and cut her free… her hands were deadly pale because of poor circulation. I picked her up and felt her cold hand touch my cheek…

"Thank, you Malik." And with that her hand dropped down as she took her last breath. Her head turned to the side as she layed in my arms naked and because of my own pleasures I had killed her. {NO! She can't be dead!} My mind was screaming at me and in the back of my head I could hear laughing.

"NO! Jessica don't leave me!!! Come back…" I merely whispered.


Malik Ishtar sat up in bed with a jolt… looking at his hands he put his face in them crying. {Had it all been a dream?}

"I-I don't know…" He answered himself aloud.

Next to him there was shifting… he jerked his head to look around at his bed partner. There groggily looking at him with familiar sapphire-gray eyes, was Jessica.

"Hun, what's the matter?" She asked, her voice as real as can be.

Malik smiled and embraced her in a hug very tightly.

"Malik, baby are you ok?"

"Oh, Ra. Are you ok?"

"Yes… why? Did you have another nightmare, baby?"

Malik didn't answer he just held onto his wife… {Don't worry Jess, nothing will ever happen to you… my wife, my love and my life… nothing.}

~With you
You, now I see, keeping everything inside
with you
You, Now I see, Even when I close my eyes
With you
You, now I see, keeping everything inside
with you
You, Now I see, Even when I close my eyes

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So, did you guys like? I hope you did because it's 4:49 am and I have school soon. Believe me I'm fucking tired as hell and I kinda rushed through this… it's the first story I have ever finished! Well, *Yawn* Jessica loggin' out… *disappears in mist*