Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Without A Voice ❯ Rescue Mission ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3: Rescue Mission   Kristy started to back up as he approached her.   “No matter how far you back away from me I’ll get to you eventually.” He said with a sly grin.   Kristy was terrified, the last time she had an encounter with this guy, she ended up in another dimension. Bakura continued to advance on her until she was against the wall.   “Hm, I think I’ll put you in Jou’s favorite card, he’s such a moron he’ll never notice the difference on the card.” Bakura said as he brought out his Millennium Ring and concentrated on Jou’s Flame Swordsman.   Before Kristy could try to find an escape she was engulfed in blue light and lost consciousness. When she woke up she was groggy and she was lying on a bed of some sort.             &n bsp; ‘What did that psycho maniac do to me?’ She thought.             “He placed you with me.” She heard a voice say.   She turned to the direction where the voice came from and saw a monster with a blue and orange outfit and extremely large head gear.   “I’m the Flame Swordsman.” He introduced himself. “Jou’s Flame Swordsman to be precise.” He continued. ‘That means Tristan has to be near by, they’re really close friends.’ Kristy thought happily. “That may be, but unless I show them some sign that you’re here, they won’t notice.” ‘Are you going to give them a sign?’ Kristy thought. “I’m afraid that if I do, you’ll just be transported to someone else’s card.” ‘Oh, well, okay.’ Kristy thought sadly. “It’ll be okay; the friends that my master has will never let you down.” ‘I never really knew if I should trust them because of my past, and now I might be here forever’ Kristy thought, upset at herself. “Hey, cheer up, you’ll find a way home.” ‘I’m not so sure anymore. I’m nothing but trouble; I’m not worthy enough to have true friends.’ “You’re friends with Tristan aren’t you?” ‘I’m not so sure. I haven’t been able to fully trust him or his friends since I got here.’ “Believe me, you are worthy enough to have true friends, but you have to be willing to trust people and open up before you can get them. If you’re too afraid to open up to people, you’ll never make any progress.” “How touching.” Bakura found a way into Jou’s card. ‘Oh no, someone help me. I’m in Jou’s card. Can’t anyone hear me?’   Yami’s Dark Magician suddenly appeared in front of the group and looked over at Jou who was holding his card loosely in his hand. The Dark Magician snatched the card from Jou.             &nb sp; “Hey, give that back!” Jou yelled.   The Dark Magician showed the card to Yami and pointed to two shadows that weren’t there before. With a nod, Yami used his puzzle and brought the Flame Swordsman out along with Bakura and Kristy who both landed hard on the ground. Tristan ran over as soon as he saw Kristy land and helped her to stand before glaring at Bakura.   “Thank you Dark Magician for pointing that out to me.” Yami said before the Dark Magician returned to his card.   The Flame Swordsman also returned to his card and Bakura was met by three angry glares.   “What didn’t expect me to do that? Well I wasn’t able to finish my revenge and I would like to carry it out now, come here Kristy!” Bakura said sarcastically with a hint of anger in his voice.   Kristy wasn’t able to stop the strong force that lifted her into the air and started pulling her towards Bakura and she began to panic as she got closer to him. Yami put a stop to that by using his Millennium Puzzle to force Bakura into the Shadow Realm. Kristy dropped to the floor and stayed down as she started crying because of all the trouble she had caused.                “Kristy, what’s wrong?” Tristan asked.   His only answer was her getting up and running out the door in tears. He looked back to his friends who nodded and he went after her. He found her in the park sitting on a bench crying into her hands. He walked up and sat down, before putting a hand on her shoulder. Kristy looked up and leaned into his chest crying as it started to rain. Tristan wrapped his arms around her and held her in a comforting hug. As her sobs subsided, Tristan realized that she had cried herself to sleep. He picked her up and carried her to his place where he wrapped her in a blanket and laid her on his bed before heading to the kitchen to make something for them to eat.   Kristy woke up four hours later and started to worry as she was once again in a room she didn’t recognize, only, when she went to the door, it wasn’t locked. Kristy stepped out of the room to the smell of food cooking. Kristy was still uneasy until she saw Tristan walk into the kitchen.   “Oh, you’re awake; are you hungry?” Tristan asked.   In response to his question, her stomach started growling. He just chuckled and set two plates of food down on the table. Kristy sat down when he signaled for her to have a seat and they started eating. Kristy’s eyes grew wide when she tasted it, the food was delicious.            &nb sp;  “You like it?” Tristan asked.   Kristy nodded her head and continued to eat.             &nb sp; ‘I told you, you could trust them.’           &n bsp; ‘Oh, be quiet! And thanks, for showing me how to trust again.’           & nbsp; ‘Hey, I’m your favorite card, would I ever steer you wrong?’           & nbsp; ‘Do you really want me to answer that?’           &n bsp; ‘No, that’s quite alright. Do I hear your sarcasm coming back?’           &n bsp; ‘I give up, do you?’           &nb sp; ‘I’ll take that as a yes.’           &nb sp; “Hello, Kristy, do you want some more?” Tristan’s voice cut in.   Kristy snapped out of it and shook her head.             &n bsp; “Are you okay?” Tristan asked worried.   She nodded and gave him a smile.             & nbsp; “You worry me sometimes.” Tristan said.   Kristy signaled for him to get her a pad and pencil and she wrote down why she was hard to get through to sometimes. She wrote,   I was talking to the Summoned Skull. When I lost m y voice, I had to find other ways to communicate with my cards should I happen to be in a duel. Shortly after I came here, I was looking at my cards and my Summoned Skull started glowing, before I knew it he was standing in front of me and I learned then and there that I could communicate with my monsters telepathically. I was really not sure about whether I wanted to make friends because of what happened in my old town and the Summoned Skull helped me to realize that you and your friends are the best choice when it comes to making friendships. I know all this sounds crazy, but I’m just explaining how it happened. You might want to show this little note to Yugi and the others as well except for Ryou, his yami is way too dangerous and he doesn’t know about the telepathic link between my monsters and me.   Thanks for everything, Kristy   She turned the note over to him before heading home.             &n bsp; “Wait, I’ll walk you home.” Tristan offered.   Kristy nodded her agreement, and the two left his house to head over to Kristy’s. On the way to her house, they ran into bully trouble and Tristan stood in front of her protectively until a bully hit him in the gut causing him to collapse to his knees, before kicking him in the ribs. Kristy kneeled down to Tristan and looked up at the bullies glaring.   “Come on baby, he’s a wimp, how about going out with a real man.” One of the bullies said grabbing her roughly by the arm. “Maybe because she doesn’t see a real man around here.” A voice called out.   Kristy turned around and her mouth nearly dropped to the ground. There standing behind her was the Cyber Commander. Tristan managed to look up and see his favorite card behind him and Kristy and turned to the bullies with an evil grin on his face.   “Now you’re gonna get it.” He said with an evil smirk.   The bullies just laughed and started ushering Kristy away when she got fed up with always being the damsel in distress. She decided to stick up for herself and kicked two of them in the groin while she punched the other two in the back. Unfortunately, the two she punched weren’t that easily grounded and she was slapped hard and thrown to the ground. The Summoned Skull had had enough and his card started to glow before he appeared in front of Kristy blocking a punch that was aimed at her stomach.   “What the hell?!” one of the bullies asked in surprise. “My master is a kind and caring person with a good heart and I suggest you leave her alone before I dismantle your body parts one by one.” The Summoned Skull said with anger evident in his voice.   The bullies got up and ran away as fast as they could.   ‘Now I know why so many people don’t fight back; it just causes more trouble.’ Kristy thought. ‘You had the guts to stand up for yourself and help Tristan; I think that shows more bravery than cowardice.’ The Summoned Skull said, proud of her. ‘I still have to get home and I want Tristan to come with me so I can make sure he doesn’t have any damaged ribs.’ Kristy said to him before he returned to his card. ‘You may have a boyfriend yet.’ The Skull teased her. ‘Oh, shut up; that’s not true.’ Kristy retaliated. ‘Isn’t it?’ the Skull questioned her. ‘I’ve got to check on Tristan now; I’m ending the link here.’ Kristy said, changing the subject and going over to Tristan’s side.   Kristy helped Tristan to stand and supported him the rest of the way to her house.             & nbsp; “Kristy, that bully hit you pretty hard, are you okay.”   Kristy nodded at him as she unlocked her door and stepped inside and headed with him upstairs to her room. She then went and got the first aid kit from the bathroom and returned with bandages. She looked at Tristan sitting on her bed looking at the ground. She walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder causing him to look up at her and see her smiling at him warmly. Kristy signaled for him to take off his shirt which he did, reluctantly to reveal a dark bruise on his left side. Kristy grimaced at the site and touched her hands to his side to feel for any broken ribs. When she touched his side, Tristan winced; she looked up at him and stopped touching his side.   “It’s not broken, just fractured.” Tristan said as if it was nothing.   Kristy looked at him worriedly and then looked to the ground. Tristan put his hand under her chin and lifted her head up to look at him. He was smiling and as their eyes locked on each other they started drawing closer to each other until they shared a quick kiss and pulled away both touching their lips and blushing.   ‘Halleluiah!’ Kristy heard the Summoned Skull shout. ‘Would you shut up?! So we shared a small kiss whoop de doo.’ Kristy said a little embarrassed. ‘Suuuuure’ Summoned Skull said doubtfully. ‘You chose the perfect boyfriend, one who will protect you and one who will be able to talk to you about problems.’ He continued. ‘I’ll never hear the end of this will I?’ Kristy asked flatly. ‘Nope!’ the Summoned Skull said gleefully.   Tristan noticed the look on Kristy’s face as she finished talking with the Summoned Skull.             & nbsp; “Kristy, are you okay?” Tristan asked.   Kristy shook her head thinking,            &nbs p;  ‘I wish I could communicate with him telepathically like I can with my cards.’   Suddenly Kristy heard,             & nbsp; ‘Oh no, I shouldn’t have kissed her, now she won’t even look at me.’   Kristy looked up at Tristan with a shocked expression.