Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Without A Voice ❯ Bakura's Brilliant New Plan ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter: 6 Bakura’s Brilliant New Plan   When they all got back to the game shop, Tristan and Kristy walked into the living room and turned on the TV to watch the news when Yugi ran in with Yami hot on his tail.             &n bsp; “Give me the sugar now Aibou!” He yelled. “Yami, we all know what you’re like on a sugar high and I’m not willing to deal with a hyperactive yami tonight.” Yugi said while jumping over the coffee table. “Yugi, toss it over here!” Kristy yelled receiving the bag from Yugi. “Yeah, let’s play keep away from Yami!” Tristan said standing up and taking the bag from Kristy. “Give me the sugar this minute Tristan!” Yami yelled, chasing Tristan up the stairs. “I’ll take it from here!” Jou said as he walked out of the bathroom taking the sugar from Tristan and running in the opposite direction.   This game went on until they were all too tired to run around and escape from Yami. Yugi did manage to hide the sugar though, before Yami entered the kitchen.   “I would’ve been able to get the sugar from you if you hadn’t gotten help from our friends.” Yami said still breathing heavy from all the running that he did to try and get his sugar fix.   Meanwhile, Bakura was in his hideout trying to come up with a new plan to catch Kristy but all that earned him was a headache.            &nbs p;  ‘I will get her back in my possession; they can count on that!’ He thought angrily.   Bakura decided to sneak into the game shop that night and take Kristy right out from under their noses. His plan failed however when he ran straight into Yami who was still up and wide awake.   “What are you doing here Bakura?” Yami asked with venom to his tone. “I was going to take Kristy back, you idiot of a pharaoh.” Bakura snapped his response. “I’ve had it with your attempts to take Kristy and I’m going to let you know how it feels when you can’t speak worth a shit.” Yami said angrily as he used his millennium puzzle’s magic to take Bakura’s voice (1).   Bakura tried cursing at the pharaoh only to find that no sound came out and he heard Yami give a low chuckle.   “Unfortunately Bakura, I also had to take Ryou’s voice so that you wouldn’t be able to use his vocals to speak.” Yami stated.   Bakura stormed off in anger thinking,            &nbs p;  ‘Ryou’s going to kill me when he finds out.’           &nb sp; /Why would I want to kill you Bakura? / Ryou questioned mentally.             ; //Never mind runt! // Bakura snapped.             /I think it is my business if you’re afraid I’m going to kill you. / Ryou shot back. //Fine, the stupid pharaoh took both our voices because I attempted to kidnap Kristy again. // Bakura answered angrily. /You what!! Bakura you stupid tomb robber! You just can’t leave her alone can you! How are we going to duel if we can’t speak! I can’t even talk to my friends thanks to you! I would lock the door to keep you outside tonight, but that wouldn’t do any good cause you’d pick the lock! Now excuse me, I’m going to see if I can speak mentally with my cards! / And with that a mental block was slammed up until the next time Ryou would want to yell at his yami.   Bakura had a major headache before Ryou had started yelling at him, and now it was ten times worse.   ‘Stupid pharaoh.’ Bakura thought angrily. ‘I’ll get him for this; maybe instead of chasing Kristy I’ll start chasing Yugi.’ He finished his thought.   Meanwhile, Ryou was trying to communicate telepathically with his cards so that he’d have someone besides Bakura to talk to.             &nbs p; ‘Corazon, can you hear me?’ Ryou thought to his Change of Heart.             ‘What is it master?’ she asked.             ‘I hate Bakura.’ Ryou answered.             ; ‘You don’t mean that. He never hits you does he?’ Corazon asked. ‘No he never hits me, but he made it so that Yami took our voices because he wouldn’t leave Kristy alone; now the only people I can speak with are you, my other cards, and Bakura.’ Ryou answered. ‘I’m sure you two will learn to get along; it will take some time, but I’m sure you will be able to reach an understanding.’ Corazon reassured him. ‘I hope you’re right.’ Ryou thought with a sigh.   As Ryou thought the mental wall came down and Bakura spoke to him shyly.             & nbsp; //Um, Ryou? //             /What is it Mr. Antisociopath?!/          &nbs p;  //Um, can I talk to you? // /Well, let’s see; thanks to you, you’re the only one I can talk to aren’t you?! And what’s with the shy act all of a sudden?! Did we switch rolls?!/ //You’d be amazed at how powerful light is against darkness when given the right incentive.// /You could say the same about the strength of darkness against light. Do you know how Yami knew where to find Kristy when you attacked her?! I told Yami about your plan to make her your new abuse victim! / //WHAT!! How did a pathetic vessel like you find out about my plan?!// /That’s for me to know, and you to find out. / //I have ways of finding out what I want to know; you know that! //   As Bakura said this, he grabbed Ryou by his shirt collar and got quite a shock when Ryou looked at him defiantly and showed no signs of fear towards him.             &nb sp; //Since when do you have the guts to defy me you worthless vessel?!// /Since I realized that you wouldn’t kill me even if you wanted to because you know full well that if I die, you die. /   Bakura growled and dropped Ryou to the floor none too gently before storming off.   ‘Hmm, some brilliant plan that was; I never expected it to backfire the way it did.’ Bakura thought angrily to himself. ‘The plan was to grab the girl and I would’ve succeeded if it hadn’t been for that damn pharaoh!’ He continued his mental rant. ~*Meanwhile, back at the game shop*~   Yugi went downstairs to get a glass of water when he saw Yami standing near the door.             &n bsp; /Yami, what are you doing down here so late? / He asked. //I just took Bakura and Ryou’s voices so that Bakura would learn from experience what it felt like for Kristy to have no way to speak to others.//             ; /Why? / Yugi questioned. //Because he came here to kidnap Kristy.// Yami answered simply. //By the way aibou, what are you doing down here so late? // Yami asked. /I came to get a drink/ Yugi answered.   Yami started chuckling at a thought that popped into mind and at Yugi’s confused expression he stated   //I was just thinking about the arguments that could be going on between Bakura and Ryou; I’m sure that Bakura’s gotten an earful by now because he’d either have to tell Ryou what he had done or Ryou may have found out on his own.// /I don’t know Yami; I don’t see Ryou as the type to have the courage to yell at Bakura. / Yugi stated. //If he had the guts to go into Bakura’s mind to find out his plans, I’m sure he’d be brave enough to stand up to him. // Yami reassured. /Okay, I think I’ll go back to bed now. / Yugi said completely forgetting about getting a drink. //Yugi, weren’t you going to get a drink? // Yami asked. /I’m not thirsty anymore. / Yugi said as he reached the top of the stairs.   Yami watched as Yugi went back to his room and went to bed before he himself turned in for the night.   *~Back with Bakura and Ryou~*             & nbsp; /Bakura, dinner’s ready! / Ryou called out mentally.             ; //I’m not hungry! // Bakura called back before thinking ‘stupid hikari.’   The next thing Bakura knew, he was being dragged downstairs by a very upset hikari who had a hold of the back of his shirt collar.   /You are eating and that’s final! / Ryou yelled mentally. /Any questions?! / Ryou was pleased when he saw his other half shake his head ‘no.’ ********************************************************* ****************************** [What’s with making me get my voice taken?!] Bakura  [You were being rude and it wasn’t my idea; one of my reviewers came up with that brilliant idea.] WB Chan [What’s so brilliant about some lousy idea to make me miserable?!]Bakura [I thought it was very clever, or do you want me to make your voice disappearing a permanent thing?]WB Chan [You wouldn’t dare; besides, if you make it permanent Ryou won’t be able to talk either!] Bakura [I could just make it so that he’s the only one that gets his voice back.] WB Chan [WHAT?!! Don’t you think that’s going a little too far?] Bakura             [No, should I?] WB Chan             [YES!]Bakura   (1)  I got a request to have this happen from one of my reviewers thanks for the idea crystal crittenden.