Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Working for Mr. Kiaba ❯ An ordinary day in the work space ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Working for Mr. Kaiba

Author: Jinhito

Summary: A little look into some of the new co-workers lives from a new employee himself at Kiaba Corp. All are under the employment of one Mr. Seto Kaiba... though, that could be their undoing... Complete mischief! Yaoi pairings present!

Jinhito: o.o Okies, uhm I have no clue what the hell prompted me to want to write this... in fact, I should smack myself for even thinking of writing another story, let alone typing it, when I haven't even finished RM or A&EA or even BWY... my other fics... God, I have way too many ideas... *coughs*

//.o;; Trowa: That you do... oh well, least it shows you have no limit to creativity. I guess that's good.

Jinhito: *coughing fit* >.o Ugh... not when you're sick... stupid throat... I'm currently infected with some kind of bothersome cough... Ack! I feel like I'm gonna hack up a lung or something just as vital!

//.-;; : Thanks for the nice mental image...

Jinhito: *hacking sounds* Don't mention it...

//.o : Well, onto the disclaimer. Jinhito and I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh-

Jinhito: Yet! We don't own it yet! *coughing* I'll own them once I get money and get better... stupid illness! XP

//.¬ : Yep. Well, we don't own the characters. But we do own the idea for the fic and some random characters we insert here and there. Other than that, let us know what you think! We like reviews... //.n

Jinhito: Yep! *sneezes* O.o That was new... uhm, yeah... Oh, and remember, this is a yaoi story. So if this isn't your thing, don't read. You were warned.


An ordinary day in the work space

"You moron! I can't believe you put more paper in an already clogged printer!!! My God! Are you stupid!?!?"

"Eh heh... well, Tristan said..."

"Tristan's a moron too!!! You trust his word!?!? Jesus my co-workers are idiots!!!!"

Joey stuck his tongue out at Pamela and flipped her the bird as she sauntered off, no doubt to go and bother Kaiba about that raise she wanted... She stopped at the end of the cubical rows and turned to glare at Joey. His tongue found refuge in his mouth once more, as well as his finger in his palm, and he made a dive into the nearest cubical to avoid Pamela's rage. It just so happened to Yugi's.

"Jo-Joey!? What the-!? What are you doing!?!?" Yugi all but squawked as Joey's dive knock him from his little swivel office chair. The tiny wheels on the bottom squealed in protest as the whole chair flipped over and landed on both occupants in the small work space.

"Eh heh..." Joey sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "Hidin' from the devil herself?" Yugi just shook his head and stood.

"You really need to stop provoking her Joe..." he warned, offering Joey a helping hand to get him on his own two feet also. "I swear, one of these days Joey, she's gonna seriously get pissed and beat the crap out of you."

"Aw hell Yuge, I can stand up to her! She's just a girl anyways..." Joey shrugged off his secret fear of Kaiba's secretary. Yugi just shook his head again and stood his office chair back up.

"Well, no matter, if you don't mind Joey, I need to get back to work... so...?" Yugi gestured towards the cubes small exit. Joey sighed and rolled his eyes.

"You're no fun Yuge..." he replied over his shoulder as he stalked off to go and bother Tristan.

"Well Joey, fun doesn't get work done." he muttered to a retreating Joey's back. Yugi paused in the small exit a moment longer and sighed himself. 'Maybe Joey's right... I'm not fun anymore... Well, I still have work to do...' Yugi entered his cubical and sat in his swivel chair. Reaching down below his desk he booted up the computer and leaned back in his chair. It would be at least four or five minutes till the computer was completely on-line.

Yugi turned his attentions back to what he had been previously doing. Watching his yami try and alphabetize files. It was quite amusing... He could name just about every emotion on Yami's face as he rushed back and forth between three cabinets. Two short beeps and a flash of life from the screen reminded him he should be working.

'Wow... that was... fast? My computer's never loaded that quickly before...' he mused as he twisted his chair back to face the screen. A small light-blue little mac-note appeared on his screen. [1]

"Yugi, I added more memory to your computer as well as a new cable to link you to our system's main computer faster. I hope it's to your liking that your computer now boots up at least ten times quicker. Kaiba. PS, I took the cost out of your bonus... Ha ha."

Yugi quirked an eyebrow at the remark. 'Is he joking?' Yugi hung his head, Seto had such a dry sense of humor... 'I can never tell if he's joking anymore... What am I saying? He never used to joke period.' Looking up to the screen, Yugi clicked the little x in the corner of his mac note from Kaiba. He then brought his hands up to the keyboard, making sure he was putting his fingers on the home row keys, he began to type up the new protocol for Kaiba's latest version of the in home dueling arena. 'Today's gonne feel long... perhaps I should have taken that frapachinno Ryou offered me... Naw, Bakura probably poisoned it.' Then the cubical was filled with the sounding of a keyboard clicking and an occasional bored sigh here and there... and some occasional shouting from Pamela at Joey...

* * * One hour later... * * *

Yugi looked down to his keyboard. His typing had decreased from all ten fingers in use to only one. His right index finger. He idly tapped the e key and watched the screen for it to appear. 'Whooptie doo... I hate this job...' Yugi straightened up in his seat and spun around once. 'I think I want my customary break now. Because if I don't have it, I'm gonna go crazy from having to stay in here a moment longer.'

Yugi stood up and winced when his abused lower back cracked from his awkward position in the cubical. "I need to ask for a bigger box to work in..." he groaned as he made his way back to the water cooler.

Ryou and Malik were conversing at the "water hole," as Yugi approached, they offered him warm smiles and signs of greetings.

"Hello Yugi. How's your day going?" Ryou asked in his soft voice. Yugi groaned and reached for a little paper cup on the side of the wall. He slowly, almost mechanically, poured himself some water and took a quick sip.

"Long..." he finally responded.

"Monday's tend to do that to you." Malik offered. He gulped the rest of the water in his cup down and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Well, I must go back to the advertising department... I swear, it's like working with monkeys in suits in there..." Malik stalked off leaving Ryou and Yugi to shrug at one another. Kaiba's building wasn't that bad was it?

"Well, how's your day Ryou?" Yugi asked taking small sips from his cup to prolong his break.

"Well, other than Bakura sexually harassing me, like he does every day, pretty good!" Ryou smiled. "Joey and Pamela were at it earlier. I swear, these little wars over Kaiba's attention are ridiculous..."

"Yeah, I know. Joey dived into my cubical..." Yugi mumbled, unconsciously gripping his cup tighter. Ryou gasped.

"You weren't hurt were you?" he asked with concern in his chocolate eyes.

"No, but I was a little miffed... Right now though, I'm willing to trade boredom for miffedness. Typing up new protocols is the most boring thing in the entire world!" Yugi emphasized this fact by throwing his hands up in the air. Ryou nodded and was about to comment when Bakura did for him.

"RYOU!? GET YOUR SEXY ASS OVER HERE NOW!!!!! ... I need help with the copy machine..." he added in a low supposed to be sexy voice. Ryou blushed crimson and covered his face with his hand in an embarrassed manner. You'd think he'd be used to it by now... Ryou bid Yugi farewell and ran off in the direction of the copy machine hoping that his yami hadn't destroyed it yet. Yugi clearly remembered the coffee machine incident... no one was allowed in the break room for a week and the ceiling was now permanently stained with black-brown splotches of what once was coffee.

Throwing away his cup in the trash can, conveniently located near Pamela's desk. 'God, please, if there is a God, don't let her notice me... I don't want to hear about her ex-boyfriends or her nails...' Yugi crept away lowly to avoid her from seeing him, but if you whack your hand on their desk, you're bound to get noticed...

"Yugi!?" Pamela squeaked as she stood up to check her prediction.

'Dear God no!!!!!' Yugi whimpered out loud. 'Of all the people to have think that you are one of their friends... God must hate me.' Yugi was about to throw his head back and scream why when Joey walked back into the office from the break room. He was laughing hysterically, probably from some stupid joke Tristan had just told him. 'I love you God.' Yugi corrected thankfully.

"You!?!?" Yugi forgotten, Pamela turned her attentions to Joey. "What's so funny blondie!?" she demanded. When Joey laughed like that, it meant her character had just been bashed... horribly...

"Ohhhhhh nothin' ma'am..." Joey replied cheekily. Yugi took that opportunity to dash out of the soon to be war zone and hid in his cubical. Shouting and cursing was heard shortly after.

'I unconsiously love you Joey... You are a life saver...' Yugi sighed and sat down back in his chair. "Back to work again... why am I already bored?" Yugi looked down to the protocol he was supposed to be finishing up. 'I'll do it tomorrow morning... Right now...' Leaning down to an open drawer, he slid the protocol papers in and clicked open a new word document on the screen. "Let's try something new..." he whispered to no one in particular.

Jinhito: O.O Yesh! ^.^ I am awesome! Prologue done! Whoo! Think it's funny so far? Hee hee... new work from me! *coughing fit* Ugh, now... to type up chapter four for Returning Memories. Yep, I know, don't get happy sappy, I'm updating today. What are your opinions Trowa?

//.n : We're back in business again! Good times! *does a flip because he's so happy*

Jinhito: Hot damn... he is in a good mood! n.n Well, we're leaving this off here for now. Hope you guys enjoyed the beginning... I'm already working on chapter one... this fic's fun... *cough* Grrrrrrness! My lungs are trying to escape!!!! Argh... Well, please review. We'll post something again soon. Promise! ^.~

//.^ : Till, then, ja ne minna-san! Hope you enjoyed the prologue. And hopefully Jinhito'll be better soon...

Jinhito: I better be, or else I'm gonna be one pissy authoress for the next few days I'm sick... *sneezes* What the hell is with the random sneezes!?

//.o : Maybe it's just for variation?

Jinhito: ¬.¬;; I'm beginning to think I'm allergic to my muse... *coughs*

[1] Mac notes! For those of you who have a mac computer, you know what these are, but for everyone else... they're these little post-it like things you can put on your screen to remind you of something or to stand in for a memo. Kaiba hacked into Yugi's computer to put it there. Hee hee... mischeif...