Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Worst Hang Over Ever. ❯ Loud wake up call. ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. (>< I love that quote...sorry had to put it up) ~ Einstein
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except a brand new car, 14,000$+ trust fund, 24,000$ gun, A castle in Wales, A mansion in…err...I don't own anything at all; I live in a box with internet hook up. Please don't sue me or…well after that please don't stalk and kill me either,
Boogie notes: I really need to stop writing stories; they're pretty much all total crap. Anyway this story came to me while I was in the shower, to much information, I don't care. So anyway this story is probably going to start out as darkshipping, and most likely end up as yamishipping (maybe..¬¬), what more could someone ask for? But if this is anything like my other stories it's going to turn out the opposite of what I wanted. Well read and review and hopefully enjoy. Oh and they are going to be probably OOC.(cough) really OOC…
It was early in the morning and all threw out a warm house it was quiet. A young woman slept soundly in her respective bed. A man slightly older then the woman slept soundly in his respective bed. A young boy, younger then the woman by some, slept uneasily on the families couch. A blonde psychopath was currently wide awake and grinning like a fool in his respective bunk bed for reasons I'm not at liberty to comment on at this moment. Last but not least two young men slept soundly in someone's respective bed, who's they weren't sure but they'll find out when they wake up. This by the way is just about now just a few seconds, they're starting to stir from their peaceful slumber.
“Fucking hell my head feels like shit…” A white haired man groaned and sat up some on his elbows, squinting at the window in the far side of the room.
“Will you shut up, I'm trying to sleep.” The annoyed mumble came from the white haired mans side. There was a long pause while the two let this new information sink into their newly awoke brains. They both shot up and stared at each other.
Bakura stared at the wide eyed Yami while Yami stared right back at the wide eyed Bakura before, well you can't say you didn't see this one coming a mile away.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Hi Ryou, its Yuugi, I know its early and everything but you know how Yami just legally turned 20 give or take a few thousand years?”
“Uh yeah Yuugi I remember, seeing how everyone came over and you threw him a giant birthday party…”
“Right well see he went out to finally drink alcohol for the first time in awhile, and well he didn't come home and I was wondering if you might have seen him or if Bakura had even seen him, I'm just worried is all, its not like him to not come home!”
“No Yuugi, I'm sorry I haven't seen him since the party, in fact Bakura didn't come home either but that's not all that strange for him. But calm down, I'm sure everything is fine. How about I come over and we can walk to Malik's and then look high and low for Yami? There's a fair chance he just got drunk and passed out somewhere.”
“Okay I suppose, but I really don't think Yami is the type to get drunk.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Oh my god, I got that drunk?!” Yami screeched holding his stomach looking about ready to be sick.
“Really now, that's the least of your worries, getting drunk ha. You slept with Bakura and a hell of a lot more shit happened.” Marik chirped. Wait…Marik? Yes Marik happened to be in the bunk bed above them; he had stuck his head over the side and was smirking down at the two. The upside down blonde glanced over at the white haired yami.
“I think he's in shock, poor thing having to sleep with the Pharaoh, but like I said, that's the least of your problems!” Bakura slowly looked up at Marik paler then normal.
“How exactly is this the least of my problems, I'm pretty sure this is the worst thing I've ever done, and I've done some pretty bad shit.” Bakura stated giving Yami a weary glance as Yami took his time to slowly scoot away from the other yami and wrap the blanket that was on the bed around his slim waist, “ Don't take all the blankets, you don't want to see me naked do you?” Yami paled and Marik snickered.
“You've already seen each other naked, done things while naked and-“Marik was cut off by Malik slamming the bedroom door open and storming in carrying something in his tan arms. He shoved the bundle in Yami's arms.
“That's it I can't take it anymore, that thing kept me up all night! And when it wasn't crying, you were screaming, so just take it and never bother me with it again!” And with that the slightly saner blonde left.
Yami looked down at the bundle in his arms; it was a baby. Nodding to himself slowly Marik smirked.
“See what I mean by sleeping together not being the worst dirtiest wicked thing you two did last night?” Gulping Yami handed the child to Bakura who took it blankly and glanced at it himself while Yami promptly passed out.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
There was a knock at the door and Malik grumbled from already being tired and just generally being slightly pissy. Opening the door he was relieved to see Ryou and Yuugi standing there, Ryou was smiling slightly and Yuugi looked basically like a worried mother hen.
“Hey, what brings you two by so early?” Malik tilted his head trying to ignore the fact he was dead tired.
“Yami didn't come home last night and Yuugi's worried, we were wondering if you wanted to come help us find him, and may I ask if Bakura might happen to be here?” Ryou asked calmly.
“Actually they are both here.” Yuugi's eyes widened, Malik wasn't sure they could get bigger but apparently they could.
“Yami's here?! Where is he, is he alright?” Malik bit his lip and looked to the side trying not to laugh.
“He's um…well he got drunk last night and had a romantic encounter with someone and some other things happened.”
“He slept with Bakura, crashed here and I'm guessing some other less then legal activities happened.” Ryou stated calmly while Malik and Yuugi gaped at him.
“You seriously scare me sometimes…but yeah, that's pretty much the gist of it, lets see what else happened...Oh you'll love this-“
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Yami groaned as he felt himself being shook, blinking open his crimson eyes he looked into dark burgundy eyes, gasping he pulled away from the white haired male.
“Calm down Pharaoh, I need to tell you everything that happened so well…when it comes back to you on your own you won't murder me.” Glaring at each other Yami nodded.
“Fine, do tell Thief.”
“Okay well it starts out, we got drunk-“
“Shut up, anyway if I can continue your majesty, we got drunk, apparently…got married and adopted a child and fucked.” Yami felt sick again.
“We're married?!” Bakura nodded and held out the bundle that happened to be a child wrapped up.
“And this is yours.” Yami held the little baby, and stared at it for a minute.
“I can't take care of her.” Bakura raised an eyebrow.
“How do you know it's a girl? Is that motherly instinct kicking in?”
“She's wrapped in bright pink blankets you moron.” Bakura rolled his eyes before jumping slightly as the bedroom door was slammed open yet again.
“Oh Yami! I was so worried!” Yuugi ran in and glomped Yami (Who had handed the baby to Bakura before it could get squished) to the point where he was turning purple in the face. When Yuugi finally noticed his yami's discomfort he let go; he then turned red and turned around, “Y- Yami, you're kind of naked…” blinking and blushing himself Yami covered himself up again.
“Aw isn't that sweet or it might be if I didn't wake up next to my enemy, married and with a child.” Bakura sneered at the two spiky haired youths.
Yuugi let out a gasp and turned to Yami once again wide eyed, “Is it true you two got married?” Yami glanced down at his hands; there was in fact a wedding ring on one of them.
“I think we did hikari…no matter how disturbing or revolting the thought of that is.”
“Oh shut up Pharaoh, your worse then I am.” Bakura leaned back trying to regain some of his pride even if he was currently now holding a sobbing child in his arms. Yami glared at the other male.
“Spare me hunny, and give me the child, I think you're scaring it which by the way doesn't surprise me.” Yami grabbed the child and held it close, hearing the sobs slowly become quieter, turning to ask Yuugi something he found all three of the hikari's with big smiles on their faces.
“Aw that's so cute! You two act like an old married couple!” Ryou said happily.
“An old homicidal sadistic hateful married couple…” Marik mumbled from his place on top of the bunk bed.
“Aw is Mariku jealous?” Malik smirked as his yami glared at him.
“Dear diary, today I found out that I'm in love with-!”
“Shut up!” Malik screeched wide eyed, “How the hell did you find that? You know what never mind, I don't want to know.” Marik grinned and said something that vaguely sounded like `Revenge is sweet' under his breath.
“So…” Ryou started glancing at the child in Yami's arms, “What are you guys going to name it?”
“There will be no `Naming it' we are going to take her back and explain it was a giant mistake. And that's period.” Yami said firmly trying to convince himself he wasn't growing attached to the baby.
“Speak for yourself Pharaoh, I'm keeping her.” Bakura said, surprising the people of the room, glaring at them “I grew up mostly without a family; I'm not letting it happen to her. Got it?” A few nods came from the room and one snicker.
“Kura' wants to be a mommy!” Marik squealed, “And here I thought Pharaoh was the panties in that relationship!” Yami growled, reached up and grabbed a fist full of Marik's hair and yanked. Marik whimpered but was still able to speak, “But Pharaoh was the `bottom' last night, what I said is true! Anyone wonder why he hasn't gotten up and walked around?” Yami blushed and yanked the psychotic yami's hair again.
“Gee I don't know, maybe because he's naked?” Ryou mumbled, rolling his eyes.
“Anyway, Bakura we don't actually have to stay…married do we?” Yami questioned, wondering why he was even asking and not demanding a divorce.
“Hell no, unless you secretly love me and that's why you got me drunk and made me bugger you.” Bakura said calmly.
“Well of course, I had this all planned out for months, the baby and shiny rock was a bit of a surprise though.” When everyone was left staring at Yami slightly wide eyed he sighed, “That was a joke people.” They kept staring, “Stop that! I was joking! Only joking!” Yami groaned
“Right…anyway we do have to name her then.” Bakura stated. The room went quiet for a few minutes as the yami's and hikari's tried to think up the perfect name.
“Ilori or Leila” Everyone turned towards the speaker; Marik.
“What? They're good names!” Marik protested to the blank stares.
“Actually…I kind of like them.” Yami said softly and Bakura nodded along with him.
“But which one should you guys pick?” Yuugi cocked his head curiously at the 3, counting Marik because he chose the names.
~ ~ ~ End of chapter one! ~ ~ ~
Boogie notes: EE!>< ...I don't think that totally sucked, might have, I'm tired and I've been adding a few paragraphs everyday, but anyway, there it is! Darkshipping and maybe Yamishipping in the end, I don't know yet! I have this strange wanting to keep it Kura/Yami and have the other couples be like Marik/Yuugi (No idea why, I just for some reason like this couple and never see it.) then maybe Malik/Ryou. But who knows..>>
So like I was all sitting around and thought, what would happen if Bakura and Yami got drunk and slept together, but I didn't feel that was enough, so I obviously added a few things to torment the poor darlings to actually make it one of the worst hang over ever, one might argue that sleeping with Anzu would be the worst thing to happen, but I'm not that cruel. Being 15 I have no idea what a hang over feels like but I might today, my mother actually agreed I should try alcohol before I'm of legal age…crazy lady.
Okeedokie I need to know what name you guys like best, Ilori or Leila or both.>> or any other ideas for names would be good.
Ilori: Special Treasure (With Bakura in the picture I thought treasure would be a good thing in a name and I believe Ilori is African so not to far off ><)
Leila: Dark Beauty (Its Arabic! And do I really need to explain why I chose `dark beauty' as a possible name?)
Fun facts: I don't know how many of you noticed at the top of the page for the legal drinking age I said 20 and not 21 (for the Americans like me…>>) it's because Japan's drinking age is 20 and not 21! Also did anyone know that the female name in Japan Kura means Treasure House, I found this funny you may not.
Review please, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, any pointers would be lovely, and I still have no beta…>> (hopes to kill exbeta)