Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wrongful Feelings ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Seto's Point of View
It just wasn't meant to happen, not to me, Seto Kaiba, I am not meant to have these kinds of feelings for other people, especially that dog Wheeler. “Why can't I get him out of my head?” I said aloud “Why can't I stop thinking about him?” I finished. “Why can't you get who out of your head Big Brother? Are you thinking about Joey again?” Mokuba asked. “Yes, Mokuba, I am still thinking about that damned mutt and his gorgeous blond hair and his beautiful golden eyes.” I sigh. I was whipped and I cannot talk to him without insulting him though, it sucks.
“Why don't you throw a party and invite Yugi and the gang including Joey and see how it turns out? You could try to talk to him; Yugi said he is really depressed because of something that happened at the end of the year party with Mai. I heard that whatever went on between them caused him to get drunk and her to leave the party all pissed off.” Mokuba said to me. Just then there is a knock at the front door of the mansion, Mokuba got up and walked out of the living room and over to the door and answered it, it was Mai. “Where is your brother, sweetie?” Mai asked him sweetly. “He is in the living room; would you like me to go get him for you?” Mokuba asked her. “Yes, please. Thank you.” She said.
Mokuba came back into the living room and said “It's Mai; she wants to talk to you. I didn't ask her why.” “Okay, Mokie, I'll go talk to her.” I say as I ruffle his hair and then get up and walk over to the foyer where Mai is waiting for me, she looks pissed for some odd reason. “You no good rotten bastard! How could you do that to me?! I thought you were my friend!” She screamed at me I look on confused. “What are you talking about, Mai? I didn't do anything to you.” I say, surprisingly calm. “Yes, you did! You made Joey break up with me! It's your fault that he is gone!” she says with tears in her eyes. “I'm confused, how did I make the mutt break up with you? I haven't seen him in almost 3 months. What could I have possibly done to cause him to break up with you?” I ask her.
“He told me that he is in love with another person, he said it was someone you introduced him to.” She says. I look at her confused again. “I have no idea what you are talking about, I never introduced him to anyone.” I say. “And even if I did, he wouldn't like them.” I finish. I look her in the eyes, she looks genuinely hurt. “What's worse still is he says it's another male. I knew he was bi, but I never expected him to break up with me, we were together for 6 months, I loved him, and I thought he loved me. I guess I was wrong.” She sighs. “He did love you, when we were actually on speaking terms he told me that he wanted to marry you, and give you children. I would offer to talk to him, but he hates me now for some reason.” I say. She wipes the tears from her eyes and smiles weakly. “I should just try to get him back, I love him, and I think I may be pregnant, but I haven't told him anything.” She says.
“You should take a pregnancy test first to see if you are pregnant and if you are then and only then try approaching him again. He might not want the child though.” I say. She looks up at me “Yes, I know, he told me he wanted to wait awhile before having kids. If I am pregnant, I don't want to have to give my child up. I should just try to find someone who will take care of us both and forget about him, even though I love him.” She says. “You could do that, but it might hurt him in the long run.” I say. “When you put it that way, maybe I shouldn't tell him if I am pregnant and just keep the child a secret until I think he is ready.” She says. “That would be a good idea, here let me call my family doctor to give you the pregnancy test, if you are pregnant, I will cover your medical bills until the child is born. My doctor knows I am not interested in women so he will know that it isn't my child.” I say. “Thank you, Seto; I don't know what I am going to do if I am pregnant. I want the baby, I know I do. It will be my reminder of the wonderful man that I lost.” She says with a sigh.
I call my doctor and he gives Mai the pregnancy test, it came back positive, she was happy but at the same time sad. Happy because she was going to be a mother and sad because Joey wouldn't be there to know that he was a father, to a baby boy as my doctor found out through a new test. “Congratulations, Mai. You are going to make a great mother. Take care of yourself now; you have two people to worry about, you and your baby.” The doctor says. “Thank you for coming on such short notice, Doctor.” I say as I lead him to the door. “You are most welcome Seto-sama.” He says as he walks out the door.
About an hour later Mai leaves. I walk back into the living room and sit down on the couch. “Mokuba, Mai blamed me for breaking her and Joey up. She said that he said that he is in love with a man that I introduced him to, but I never introduced him to anyone.” I say as I sit down. “Why did you have Dr. Yamamoto look at her, is she sick or something?” Mokuba asks. “Mokuba, she is pregnant with Joey's child, but Joey doesn't want kids yet so she is going to keep him a secret until she thinks Joey is ready to know. I am going to be covering her medical bills until the child comes.” I say.
“I am still trying to figure out who I could have possibly introduced Joey to that he would have fallen for.” I finish. “The only person you ever introduced him to, was yourself, Seto. Do you think he is in love with you?” Mokuba asked me. “I forgot about myself, but no I don't think he does.” I say. “I may love him, but I don't think it will ever be returned.” I finish. “You never know, Seto, there is always that possibility.” Mokuba says. “Okay, Mokuba, call and invite the entire nerd herd. Every last one of them, including the Egyptian psycho, and the albino serial killer, they will make it more interesting. The party is tonight starting at 8 pm tell them to bring 3 days worth of clothes, they are not allowed to leave for three days.” I say as I walk out of the room and head towards the stairs. “Now all I need to do is find something suitable to wear to the party.” I finish as I walk upstairs to my room.
Mokuba called everyone and they all said they would come to the party. “Mokuba, make sure all the security cameras are up and running, I don't want anyone going where they are not supposed to be.” I say. “Way ahead of you Big Brother. Everything is all set up for the party tonight.” Mokuba says. “Great, now all we need to do is get ready for the guests to arrive.” I say. It was w quarter to eight o'clock when the first guests started arriving. The first people through the door were Malik, Marik, Ryou, Bakura, and Tea'.
“Hello, welcome to the Kaiba household.” Mokuba said as he greeted all of the guests. At about 8:45 pm Joey came through the front door. “Hey, sorry I'm late, but I had ta walk all the way here through my neighborhood and through Yugi's neighborhood. It was not pleasant.” He said as he walked through the door and into the den of my house. “It's alright, Joey, you could have called us and we would have sent a car to pick you up.” Mokuba said. “I know Mokuba; I just didn't wanna be a burden on anyone so I decided to walk. Took me longer than I thought though.” Joey said.
Joey was the last to arrive, as he walked past Mokuba, he saw Mai; she was walking towards him and he was trying to stay away from her. “Joey, I just want to talk to you about our last night together. What is the real reason you wanted to break up?” she asked him. “I already told you the answer to that question Mai, I am in love with someone else, and I don't think I ever really loved you. I think I was gay the entire time. I still want to be friends, but I don't want any kids, that is another reason I wanted to make the breakup official yesterday. Mai, I know you are pregnant, I know the kid is mine, I jus don't want one right now. My teacher showed me the pregnancy test that he administered to you, because he knew I was the father. I will help you with the kid; I just don't want it to know that an abomination such as myself is its father. I want it to have a happy life, free of me. I think I am going to wind up like my father and I don't wanna put you through that kind of pain, you are better off without me.” He said.
She sighs. “I love you, Joey. I don't want to lose your friendship because I am pregnant. I am hurt enough now, knowing that you don't even want him to know who his father is. I will put it on the birth certificate though, if that is alright with you of course.” She said. “Yes, go ahead. I would love the child if I were a little older. Now I want to enjoy this party, so will you please let me?” he asked. “Yes, Joey, go ahead enjoy yourself.” She said as he walked past her and towards me. “Hey, Kaiba, thanks for the invite, I will try to enjoy myself.” He said to me with a saucy wink and walked into the ball room where every thing was set up. If I wasn't drooling before I am now. He was wearing black cargo pants with some chains hanging off of them and a black fishnet shirt with some gold body glitter on his bare shoulders. He looked hot enough to melt ice, and he was. He was melting the ice around my heart, I love him, but I don't think he feels the same. Well there is one way to find out.
“Hey, Wheeler.” I call out to him. “Yes, Kaiba?” he asks. “Can you dance?” I ask. “A bit, why?” he asks. Instead of answering him I pull him close and we start dancing to the music, the song is ending and the next one is coming on. The beat starts up and I start smiling inside, the song was “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails a pure grinding song. Joey starts to grind against me and I grind against him. “I believe everyone is watching us, Wheeler.” I say in his ear huskily. “Yes, Kaiba, I know.” He says back just as huskily. He made me hard with that sentence. I am going to be getting myself in trouble if I cant control myself. He turns to face me and says “Is that a duel disk in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” with a saucy wink as the song ends he saunters away towards the snack table.
“Damn, Joey, if I didn't know any better I swear that you were enjoying grinding against your arch enemy.” Tristan said as he walked next to Joey by the snack table. “I was enjoying it. He got a hard on because of me grinding against him.” Joey said. Tristan sputters and spits his soda out onto the floor, it's a good thing the ball room has waxed floors. “I so did not need to know that little piece of information, Joey.” Tristan said. “Of course, you are the only one that knows that I am in love with Kaiba, I know he can never return my feelings though. It sucks, he is gorgeous, but I can never have him, and to top this whole mess off, Mai is pregnant, and I don't know how. I used protection every time; do you think that she poked holes in the condoms to get pregnant so I wouldn't leave her?” Joey asked. “That would be so like her to do something like that.” Tristan said.
“Phase one of keep Joey away from anyone else is complete, Tea', I'm pregnant with his kid.” Mai said as she walked up to Tea' and gave her a kiss. “Well, now me and you will have our child, even if that idiot is the one who donated the sperm, so how did you do it?” Tea' asks. I over hear their conversation and decide to listen in on it. “I know he is in love with Kaiba, and I want to stop him from getting with his soul mate the only way I see I can. I poked holes in all the condoms so they didn't work.” Mai said. I gasp at Joey being in love with me, and me being his soul mate, and I decide to see if it is true. I walk over to where I see Joey standing with Tristan. “Hey man, here comes the love of your life, Kaiba.” Tristan says as I get within hearing distance. I see Joey blush a deep crimson and look towards me. “Why don't you tell him how you feel? I remember overhearing him that day when he wore that black turtle neck to school and all the girls were staring at him he said `I hate it when all the girls stare, I'm just not interested.'” Tristan says.
“Hello, Tristan, Joey. Are you two enjoying my party?” I ask as I get up to them. “Yes, as a matter of fact we are, now if you will excuse me, I see Serenity telling me to go over to her. See you later Joey.” Tristan said as he walked towards Serenity, needless to say that was the last Joey saw of Tristan that night. “So, Kaiba, I hear you're gay?” Joey asks me. “Yes, I am Joey, and ironically the very man I am in love with is in this very room.” I say huskily in his ear, he visibly shivers. “Really? Well it just so happens that the very man that I am in love with is in this room as well.” He says. “I know what Mai is planning on doing to you, Joey. She is planning on using you so that her and Tea' can have kids. She poked holes in all the condoms so you would get her pregnant and then she planned on forcing you into staying with her to keep you away from your soul mate.” I say.
“I know, Kaiba, can you do me a favor?” Joey asks with a serious look on his face. “What is it? I will do anything for you.” I say. “Kiss me.” He says and I do just that. I pin him between the wall and myself and ravage him. He kisses me back with just as much if not more enthusiasm than I had. “I know this is a stretch, but I love you Seto Kaiba.” He says as we pull apart. “I love you too Joey Wheeler.” I say back we both smile and he pulls my neck down and our mouths meet in a different kiss as we both open our mouths and our tongues meet. The song called “When Love and Hate Collide” by Def Leppard came on while we were kissing. “I dedicate this song to you, Joey.” I say as I pull him onto the dance floor and we dance the slow dance.
“Mai, bad news, Joey and Kaiba just stopped kissing and now they are dancing.” Tea' said to her girlfriend as she applied more lipstick. “Damnit! This isn't going the way I planned it! Its all wrong!” she screamed as she ran towards me and Joey and jumped on him and started beating on him. “If you don't stop beating on my koi I will have to escort you off the premises.” I say with a lot of venom. “I am no longer going to take care of you through your pregnancy, you can do it yourself.” I finish and I snap my fingers and security comes and grabs Mai and escorts her off the Kaiba Mansion premises.
“Now where were we?” I ask as I pull Joey up off the floor. “Thank you so much Kaiba.” He says. “Seto, Joey.” I say. “I love you Seto.” He says as he pulls me into another kiss. “You know I love you too, Joey. I want to be with you forever, I never want to let you go.” I say as the song ends and we kiss, this time it's a nice slow sensual kiss that lasts more than a few seconds. There is giggling coming form our left and when me and Joey part I look towards it and I find Yugi staring at us with his eyes wide and he says “It's about damn time you two got together.” As he walked towards his lover Yami.