Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yami V.S. The Doctor ❯ Dun Dun Dun! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A.N. OMG this is too funny! You'll die laughing!!

Yami had his arms crossed as he sat by his light in the waiting room. Yugi had refused to let him go, he even chained himself to him! His light he now considered evil because he had both his puzzle and his own! He threatened to break them if he struggled with him. Hence getting to this… this…. `place' this EVIL `place'.

Both owners of the millennium puzzle(s) looked up hearing a loud shout of `no!' They looked up to find Bakura dragging his light, Ryou into the clinic. "No! let go!' the usual calm, cool, and collected Ryou yelled, pulling on his own arm, trying to free it of his Yami's grasp.

"Hikari!!" Bakura growled.

It ended up a sniffling Ryou on Bakura's lap. The first had a fearful look in his eyes. Yami and Yugi just stared. Then stared some more. Bakura was bouncing Ryou on his knee. How or Why the older boy had warmed up to the younger was beyond them. But Yami sensed a love bond tying them together, like he and Yugi.

Then Bakura looked at them, and he blinked in surprise. "Pharaoh?" Yami cringed, the tomb robber of ALL people had to see him like this. There was a few minutes of silence between them before Bakura began to laugh insanely, "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Yami, Yugi, and Ryou stared at him as tears began to come forth form the tomb robber's eyes. This was so out of character. "The Pharaoh! AHAHAHA!! Is...AHAHAHAHHA afraid of the…. AHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!! DOCTOR!! AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!" Yami started to twiddle his thumbs.

"Shut up….." he muttered. Yugi patted his darker half's shoulder.

"Don't worry Yami, Ryou ahs to go first anyways ^^" The person mentioned froze, and his eyes became large and teary. Bakura glared lightly at Yugi and began to ounce his light on his knee again. Oh what a tangled mess the doctor's office was.

"Ryou Bakura," a plump old lady in a white nurse's outfit called. Ryou's face was white and Bakura had to literal drag him into the little room.

Yami looked at Yugi, and Yugi looked at Yami. The smaller one clutched the puzzles and the chain. "no way," Yami sank back down in his seat, defeated. He started to mentally write his will and testament in his head, and if he didn't die he was also plotting revenge.