Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yu-Gi-Oh! A Tapestry Incomplete ❯ I Hate Water, But I Love You ( Chapter 7 )
~Previously on Yugiou; "Come on guys, you can't judge her so quickly, I mean she was influenced, and controlled, by an entirely different being. She shouldn't be held responsible for what someone else did. She doesn't look like the sort of person that would want to harm anyone, does she?"
Jounouchi peered back at Yuugi and growled, "Oi, oi, she said something about Seto and Umei, she was talking too fast for me to hear it but I wanna know what else she-"
As soon as Jounouchi turned back to glare at Mesmori, he realized he was glaring into the very pit of a black revolver with `Schwarz' written on the barrel in silver.
"Don't hurt Jou-sama." Mesmori's eyes sparkled with tears flowing everywhere.
"My destiny is not with killing you, I have to keep my engagement with Umei." Anzu and Honda began to cry from relief at what Dene had just said. "Besides, someone else is destined to kill you anyway." Anzu and Honda began to blink.
Yami Yuugi relaxed, "Someone else?"
"And Yuugi," Dene attracted Yami Yuugi's attention as he turned to face her. "The one destined to kill you is someone you already know… very well."
Yami Yuugi was tempted to ask but he knew Dene would not tell him. How was she able to discover how people would die? Was she born with an ESP like Umei?
"Little Mesmori…" Dene called as she began to walk away.
"Hai?" Mesmori gasped a little hesitant.
Dene stopped again and quarter-turned to the group, "A message for you, `He' sees you right now, `He' knows you had the chance to do it. But if you listen to `Him', if you kill her before I `marry' her, I will kill you."
A Tapestry Incomplete
Episode Seven: I Hate Water, But I Love You
Dene emerged from the forest, the sun beaming down on her lightly tanned skin. She brought her palm to her forehead as she tried to shield her eyes and become aware to her surroundings. Around her was more and more trees, but before her however, was the end of the island, nothing but cliffs and ridges for miles. Where did he go! Where did Keith Howard, no, `Bandit' Keith Howard, go?
"Not only is he here, nor is that underdog!" Dene fumed at the same time she clutched her fists. "When I see them again, both Motou and Matouchi will die no matter what." She was about to reach for her bag and pull out her gun when her eyes peeked at what was so significant about the area before her. By the edge of the cliff was a small fire contained in a circle of rocks. Three fish kabobs on some sticks were being roasted by the flame and smelled quite pleasing to Dene. She was lured to them because she hadn't eaten anything since her breakfast back on land at her home in the East Domino district-and the only thing she had eaten for breakfast was Colby cheese on a sandwich roll.
Her heels clicked over to the meal, she wobbled a bit since the area was very jagged. Around the fire was very large stones in a circle. They were large enough for her to sit on one so she did. Dene fanned herself for a bit because the sun continued to shine harshly down on her and she knew she was perspiring a bit.
"I need a drink." Dene reached into her tote bag and pulled out a full bottle of hard lemonade. She engulfed half the bottle in one gulp and wiped off the corners of her mouth. "I better salvage some of this, it's the last bottle out of twelve I got left."
Dene began to whirl the bottle around, making its contents splash about. She stared down at the fish and began to make a disgusted countenance. "If I weren't hungry I wouldn't eat this trout. Eck. Detestable, even more detestable than my Umei Jopa Crawford." Dene looked out into the sea. Sea gulls hovered over her and were screeching for food. The noise from the birds got on her nerves so much she just had to stand up and shout, "Damn birds, shut the hell up! I need this more than you!' She threw her bottle at one of them and hit it head on as it fell into the sea. "AH! My last one!" Dene shrieked. "Man oh man, I wanted to pour some of that on MY fish." She slouched back down, obviously she didn't care whose fish it was, it was hers now anyway.
"Ugh, I hate the ocean."
`What was that?' I thought. I was standing on the bottom of the ocean floor examining the kinds of fish that roamed here on this magnificent island. The water was beautiful here, it was very lively and very pure too. A lot of fish swam every which-way and the sea floor was so glorious. But I brought my self back up to the surface for air. As soon as my head emerged from the cool water, something fell on my head. It was rather soft and I took it off my head to study it.
"A bird?" but suddenly, something else fell on my head, this time much harder. I was knocked senseless for a few seconds and choked on the water that entered my mouth as I brought myself back up from the water.
"A bottle?!"
I removed the goggles from my eyes and sat them on my head. Who in the world would throw this stuff down here? I was too famished to think right now, that person's loss was my gain. "Well I am quite hungry, and these three crabs will go great with my three fishes. Now I can have this bird to add to my lunch, and this thing is still a little bit full. Who knows, maybe I'll find a duelist to duel while I eat."
I clamped my spear into my mouth, the three crabs dangling with the little life still in them since they were skewered onto the spear. I brought my hands over the rocks that stuck out on the cliff wall and began to climb up, only thinking of the delicious meal I would soon be feasting upon.
"Water, the ocean, the sea, the lake, the pond, those damn creatures that live in the water, but most of all… I HATE THOSE SEA GULLS!" Dene screamed. The birds were still squawking over her very head. "Will you go away!"
"Huh? There's that voice again? Someone's up there…" I murmured to myself as I began to climb faster,. "And from the sound of it…. It's a girl!"
Dene flopped back down to her seat, she finally got the buzzards to fly to some other location. She saw their feathers lying everywhere, and the more she watched the feathers, the more it reminded her of those bastard birds of the sea.
"Maybe it's just the sun that is getting to me. Blast it, so hot." Dene panted. "I can't take it anymore." She puffed and pushed her cape off her shoulders along with the strap of her tote bag. Dene then started unbuttoning her see-through shirt and threw it by her cape. "I'm still too hot." Dene reached behind her and was about to remove her corset when she noticed a shadow looming over her. She shot her head up to look in the eyes of a man standing in blue, jean trousers and midnight-blue hair in a ponytail. A spear in his hand and a scar on his cheek made him even more intimidating to the female. In his other hand he held Dene's bottle of hard lemonade and the bird that was now dead. The sixteen-year-old female was at a loss for words.
I had to admit that I was dazed to see her. This girl sitting there, probably preparing to eat my lunch. I didn't realize that the spear or the duck and bottle of liquid fell to my feet. I could've fallen over the cliff because of my legs wobbling from seeing her if I hadn't kneeled down to pick up the items I dropped. For a second I wasn't looking into her eyes as I collected the stuff on the floor. I couldn't look into those eyes again, they were so beautiful, if I looked into those warm dusty honey eyes of hers again I might forget how to speak, or even worse, fish.
Why was I acting this way, she was just a pretty face. She was a duelist as well, I should be challenging her to a duel. What was wrong with me? Maybe I was startled to see someone like her so quickly. The way she was dressed, how she was almost bare to me if I hadn't came up here so soon. Who knows, she might've taken off her bra along with her corset. Oh know, now I won't get THAT out of my mind. What if I have a THING right in front of her!
I could hear my heart beat and I was rather worried that she might hear it too.
"What's wrong with you?" she said swiftly. That voice I couldn't recognize, it wasn't sweet or melancholy. Her voice was unique, it was so different from any other. I grew a little paranoid as sweat broke out over my face. She could hear my heart beat!?!
"How long are you going to kneel there?" She said calmly.
I just noticed that I still didn't pick myself off the ground. My face flushed with embarrassment as I quickly jotted up and stepped forward, maybe I stood up too fast. As soon as I did, I tripped over the large stone in front of me and fell on my stomach. Now I was even more embarrassed. I shot up and sat down on my rock, I just sat there staring at the ground with my hands on my knees. Why was I acting this way.
"I didn't know there would be perverts like you around." The female said as if the incident I just did never occurred. I glanced up at her but had to look away because she was staring directly at me. "You are terrible at being a pervert, you know."
My eyes widened. What is she talking about, I could be a great pervert! Wait no!
"Since you are so bad it doesn't bother me at all how I'm presented towards you." The ebony-haired woman continued to untie her corset and then she sat it by her shirt and cape. "Man this sun is deadly…" she leaned back and brought her left leg over her right one. As soon as she crossed her legs, a gale of wind rushed by and brought her black skirt upwards. I then noticed her garter belt. I knew I could feel blood inches away from streaming down my nose so I tried shifting my eyes into another direction, I even tried thinking about something else! But each time I tried I just remembered the smiley faces everywhere.
"The sun may be deadly… but I am even more deadly, do you agree, pervert?" She leaned her head back now, she was just trying to make me feel this way. I grew furious at how she was able to act this way without thinking about the person, I finally regained my courage.
"I am not a pervert. You're the one trying to get me to have a-" I cut myself off. I shouldn't say it, not to her.
"Hm?" she brought her head down to face me and began to laugh. That laugh was even more unusual to me. "What's your name, pervert?"
"Wha?" she wanted to know who I was! Why did this make me feel so… so…..
"Am I going to have to keep calling you pervert or what?!"
"Oh um, I'm Rajiki Kyouta, I mean, Kajiyouta Ryoki, wait, uh, Kajiki Ryouta! My name is Kajiki Ryouta!" Great, now I was gushing. I knew those extraordinary eyes were looking at me as if I were stupid so I quickly asked, "and you are the girl who was about to eat my fish."
"Aw you already know, I'm Dene." She said, Dene said. What a fascinating name for such a fascinating person like Dene. "Besides, I rather eat that bird as revenge for its buddies making me go insane. God I hate the sea."
"What! But the sea is such a marvel! All your worries can be taken away as soon as you are in the sea, if you are sailing on the sea. It is so tranquil on the sea, and under it is even more glamorous. It's like a whole different world full of majestic life. The sea came first to this world you know." Great, now I was gushing about the sea.
Dene just stared at me, yep, she thought I was crazy. Dene uncrossed her legs and placed her elbows on her knees as her hands cupped her face. "So are you going to give me back my drink." Did she even listen to me?!
I picked up the bottle at stared back up at her. I needed to start acting like myself, maybe I could get her to keep up a conversation with me if I toyed with her. It was worth a shot. "Oh this, well, I am quite thirty myself…" I laughed about to drink it.
"Ryouta-koi don't you dare." She said still looking sedated.
I stopped and removed the bottle from my mouth. Did she just call me `Ryouta-koi'?! But I wasn't that intimate with her for her to use my first name, nor `koi'!
"Don't drink it, koibito…"
"Okay, what's with you?!" I stood up and pointed at her. "what's all this koibito stuff!"
"Why, anata, you say that to people when you love them."
She was the one toying with me! She had a backup for everything! I had to show her, so, bottoms up. I took a huge gulp from the bottle, I regretted it in the end. If I knew it was hard lemonade I wouldn't have drunk it. My face scrunched up and I turned around and spat out the liquid.
Dene giggled, "I told you not to now didn't I." I turned towards her and sat back down. Being in just her black skirt, spiked choker, and bra made me want her so much right now, I didn't know that I was rudely gawking at her bosoms. "Ahem, if you are going to look at me like that, pervert, then I'll have to also teach you a lesson for taking a drink of my own `lunch'."
Now it was time for pay back, though I didn't intentionally want to see her in pain. When Dene reached for a stick that the fish were held on, the fire had cracked and a spark fell over her index finger. She winced back in pain and cried, "Dammit!"
As soon as I saw her reach for the fish I had already bolted over towards her when she shot her hand back in suffering. I was bending over her, my hands over her singed finger. I didn't know what my fingers were doing-they were massaging the palm of her hand and slowly tracing over her fingers.
I heard a slight moan come from her as her calm expression became light and very adoring. I saw her eyes glisten at me and I knew if I didn't back away I would have kissed her.
"Gomen… I shouldn't have-"
"Ryouta-koi…" She brought her hands around my neck and began to caress my skin. She gazed up at me and drew me closer to her. My heart went pitter-patter and what was going to happen, but it soon sunk at what she said next, "Hey pervert, your ass is on fire, don't you feel that?"
I quickly caught on to what she said and jumped up. My pants were aflame and I didn't know what to do-I just jumped around a waved my arms and legs everywhere. I felt Dene's hands grip my arm and bring me down beside her, the flame went out as soon as I hit the rock. I should have thanked her but I was too flushed to do so.
"Do you act like this all the time, or is it my presence that made you act this way." Dene regained her sedated expression as she leaned on my shoulder. My heart could have stopped at any moment when I felt her hand come to rest over my knee. She began to move it upward and closer to my, ahem.
"Do you act this way all the time, or do you just like seeing guys falter to you like this." I gasped.
"I just act this way around you is all… Because I want you to act back." She stopped her hand over my thigh and right over the top of my pants. I just begged her to do what I wanted her to do. She gripped the top of my pants as my lungs got really tight, not to mention other places on my body got really tight too. Dene slipped her fingers under the top of my pants and I became petrified at how close she was to feeling my… my….
"Hmm…" Dene sighed a little disappointed. "When you will act back, pervert, then you will have the pleasure of enjoying my touch." She brought her fingers from my pants and now over my abdomen. "I'm hungry, make me something."
I relaxed my muscles, knowing it was all over. It wasn't long until my muscles tensed up again at what Dene said next. "Hey look, I made you have a `THING'…"
"Dad would always let me steer at least three times in a day. We were always out there, fishing and riding around seeing new things, and then we could always get away from it all. The sea is paradise." I said as I took a bite out of one of the fish. I was finally able to talk to Dene as if she were just a normal person although at times he couldn't help staring down at her since they were sitting practically shoulder to shoulder.
"I don't see how the sea can be something so wonderful to you." Dene was starting to lighten up to me, she even had the dignity to start calling me `Kajiki-sama'. She agreed to eat just the cooked sea gull as I got to eat the fish and crabs.
"So why do you hate the sea so much?" I risked the question.
"How about we just talk about you instead of me for now?" she really did have a come back for everything, she must really not like talking about herself that much. "You know, some melted Colby cheese would go good with that fish."
"Colby cheese?"
"My parents own a German convenient store, Klein Junge Market. We are of German culture after all. I don't know where my parents, well great great grandparents, came up with the name, `Small Boy Market'. But yeh, my brothers and I work there. You should try some Colby cheese, it is quite tasty."
"So you have no sisters?"
"Ja…" Dene finished eating her bird as she began to get dressed again. The sun had gone behind the clouds and it was much more cooler now.
"Want me to help you?" I asked, taking a chance at what I was asking for.
"Hmm?" She looked at me a little questionable.
"Your corset, do you want me to help you put it on." I said very doubtful, knowing I would be rejected.
"…" Dene smiled, oh my god, she smiled at me! My heart stopped again as I looked into those eyes of her. "Go ahead, Kajiki-sama, I guess you aren't such a bad pervert after all." She turned her back to me and I wrapped my fingers around the strings.
"You just now realized this?" I chuckled and I heard her giggle that laugh I loved so much. I tied the strings as tight as I could but I didn't bring my hands away from her back. I began to rub the up and down along her sides and I heard another faint moan come from her.
"Your hands, perverted fisherman Ryouta-sama, they are very strong, maybe I should start yielding a spear too."
I rested my head on her shoulders, "Maybe you should tell me if you have anyone in your life right now, do you have someone special… say a boyfriend?" I was no longer afraid to ask her, I had become fearless after spending all this time with her.
But suddenly, she stood and quickly threw her see-through shirt over her along with her cape and tote bag. What was wrong? Why was she acting this way?
Dene kept her face from Ryouta. She didn't want him to see the saddened countenance now graced upon her face. She thought about Umei, how she was destined for only her, how she had pledged herself to only Umei. Would she really let Ryouta get in her way? Most of all, she began to think of her Bandit Keith Howard. Would he act so sincere to her as Ryouta was? Right now she couldn't love Ryouta back the way he did to her.
"Dene?" I stood up along with her.
"Hey, I have a lot of things to do, thanks for lunch, but I've got to go find a certain person I've been searching for." Dene blurted out and bowed. She quickly jogged off into the distance, I was amazed to see she could run around in such high heels.
And so I was alone. I didn't sit back down until I didn't see her anymore as she had disappeared off into the horizon. I had told her everything I wanted to tell her, except about my father being taken away from me at sea. Maybe if I told her my tragedy at sea she would probably have told me why she hated the sea so much, maybe she would have figured out that I wasn't so different from her. Maybe she was just afraid of being frontal with me, maybe she was way different than they way I have just seen her to others.
I brought my hands to my head as the fire began to die down. I didn't feel like fishing for more food or feeding the fire. I was so confused at the way my body had acted. I knew now, I really loved her. I wouldn't stop thinking about her now, her very face lingered in my mind right to the last detail. I would always see the image of her running off, leaving my question unanswered. I sighed, a sigh that made my heart beat seem painful, "Is this what love really feels like?"
Dene kept running until she was out of sight from Ryouta. She ran so fast, so hard until she tripped and fell to the floor, her black bangs fell over her face. She began to sniffle, something so uncommon for her. "Why does it hurt so much…" she beat herself up. Did she really love Ryouta too? She only acted the way she did to just the guys she liked. She just wanted to have some fun with Ryouta. She's betrothed to Umei and her heart was for Bandit Keith Howard! But Ryouta had what she needed, something blue! He seemed like too much of a good person to be involved with her. She didn't like Ryouta… She loved him. Dene buried her face in the grass and sighed a painful sigh that felt as if her heart would burst, "Is this what love really feels like?"
To Be Continued