Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yu-gi-oh! Characters go to the amusment park! ❯ The return of the Barbie bitch! >:D part 2 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello my adoring fans! Thanks for the reviews! (Not that I got very many. T.T) Any way, if you haven't read the first chapter, then go do that now so you won't be confused. I Do not own Yu-gi-oh!, Oaks park, ect; Besides my name, I own nothing! Please enjoy and REVIEW!!!!!!!!!
On with the Fic, Yay!!!!
(Shout out to all reviewers!)
Warning:Some Mild language may occur! (Some censored, some not.)
This chapter is dedicated to Yamifanner, I put her Ideas here, but I put my own ideas with it! Enjoy and review! ( Ps, Yami fanner is in this Fic, enjoy! If you want to be in this story, review, and quick! The next chapter might be the last!! Sorry it took so long! ^.^
Previously on Yu-gi-oh! Characters go to the amusement park, (Since it's been so long! ^.^:
Seto: No way I'm sitting next to Wheeler!
Me: Come on! Were here to have fun! Don't go and spoil it for the rest of us!
Seto: Mumble mumble mumble!*
Ryou: It doesn't matter anyways, because the cliff hanger is coming up soon!
Mai: Really? When?
Ryou: About.............. Now!!!
The return of the evil Barbie bitch!
Seto: Excuse me, but I'm NOT standing next to wheeler!
Joey: Watch it Kaiba!
Seto: That's it! Bring it on!
Some guy who operates the ride: *Trying to avoid the fight from happening* Ok! Time for the ride to start!
Me: Wait!
Some guy who operates the ride: Why?
Me: Because my home girls are coming!
Some guy who operates the ride: Ok, fine! I'll give them 2 minutes!
Me: You don't have to, they are right there! *Points to 2 girls waving back*
2 girls: Hey Mellie!
Me: Hi!
Seto: Who the hell are they?
Me: That's Mei_lynn and Ami! Ami is 17, and Mei_lynn is 17