Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yu-gi-oh! Prank of the century ❯ The beginning of making Kaiba’s life miserable! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yu-gi-oh! Prank of the century part 3
The beginning of making Kaiba's life miserable!
Tristan: I have a feeling that we are going to do more to Kaiba then T.P his Mansion!
Me: Yup! We are going to make his life miserable!!
Yugi: Wait! Are we going inside of Kaiba's mansion?
Yami: If you really want to make his life miserable, then yes!
Yugi: Ok, just asking!
Me: Ok! It is now 8:00pm, we meet back here at 12:00am to make our plan, so rest up and don't forget to come as a different anime character! After all this is over, you all can sleep over at my mansion if you want! ^.^
Everyone: Yay! Ok then!
*Everyone goes home*
(FFW, it is now 12:00am)
Me: Hey!
Tristan: Who are you?
Me: Hello! I am the authoress!
Joey: Sorry! We didn't recognize you like that. Who are you exactly?
Me: I'm Mimi from Duel Masters! I dyed my hair this color and made this outfit, now all I need to do now is get my eyes black like hers and I'll look exactly like her and if I get caught then he won't know it's me! I can also do an imitation of her voice perfectly! (Normally, my hair would be pink, but I dyed it purple)
Joey: Oh.
Me: Where's Ryou, Yami and Yugi?
Mai: They're on there way, they called and said they would be a little late.
Me: Ok, so while we wait for them to get here, tell me which anime character you dressed up as and why.
Joey: Ok! I dressed up as Vash from Trigun so I wouldn't have to dye my hair!
Me: That explains the red trench coat, did you bring a real gun?
Joey: Sadly, yes!
Me: Cool!
Tristan: I dressed up as Hatsuharu from Fruits Basket because he's my favorite character!  
Me: Fruits Basket is a cool anime!
Mai: I dressed up as Rachel from Case Closed because I hate her out fits! No one will dare blame me for helping make over Kaiba's mansion if they know I hate the outfits!
Me: Makes sense!
*Ryou, Yami, and Yugi arrive*
Mai: Who the hell are they?
Ryou: It's us!
Mai: Ryou?
Ryou: The one and only!
Tristan: who are you dressed up as?
Ryou: Who else? I'm Hakuoh from Duel Masters!
Me: Right on! I'm a Duel Masters fan also! ^.^
Ryou: Hey, you're dressed as Mimi! ^.^