Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yu-gi-oh! Prank of the century ❯ Let’s do some damage OUTSIDE! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yu-gi-oh! Prank of the century part 6
Let's do some damage OUTSIDE!
Duke: Let's head for the living room.
Tristan: Good idea!
*In the security room*
Security guard #1: Oh no! Some punks just broke in! We have to go tell Mr. Kaiba!
Security guard #2: Let's tell him immediately!
Mei_lynn: I don't think so!
Security guard #1: WTF?!?!?!
Yugi: If you want to leave, then you'll have to get passed us!
Yami: And I highly doubt you can!
Security guard #3: That's it, you three are going down!
Mei_lynn: Bring it!
(Yami, Mei_lynn, and Yugi win and the guards are out conscious)
Mei_lynn: That was sure easy!
Yugi: And fun!
Yami: Lets head for the living room.
*In Kaiba's room*
* Everyone is whispering*
Ryou: Melody, can you help me with these posters?
Me: Sure, let's super glue them on the wall!
Ryou: This will be fun!
Joey: Hey Mai, we should change his bed sheets!
Mai: To what?
Joey: to dis!
Mai: Were did you get those?
Joey: They used to be mine when I was 4.
Mai: And why do you still have them?
Joey: Just in case.
Mai: Just in case what? You wet the bed?
Joey: Mai, shut up, let's just change the sheets!
Ryou: Wow! Now these posters will never come of!
Me: When he looks on his walls, he'll scream!
Joey: Mai, when rich boy wakes up and sees his bed sheets, then he's gonna scream so loud, we will be able to hear him from across town!
Mai: Literally!
Me: Hey Mai, lets give Kaiba a makeover!
Mai: Would if he wakes up?
Me: Then I'll set off this sleeping gas to send him back to sleep!
Mai: Ok, let's get started!
Joey: Hey Ryou, let's start on the Boobie traps!
Ryou: Ok!
Me: Hey Mai, are you using water proof make up?
Mai: Yup! Are you?
Me: Damn straight! Guys know nothing about make up, so he won't know how to get it off!