Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yu-Gi-Oh Quiz Time ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Min: My little sister does not own Yu-gi-oh.

Knuckles P: Puppy!

Min: Yesh…

Yu-Gi-Oh Quiz!

1) How old are you?

A) None of the below.
B) 16 but I look much younger.
C) 1,015 or so.
D) Lost count.

2) Teddy bears are.......

A) Evil.
B) Cute and cuddly.
C) I don't have one if that's what you mean.
D) Dead now because of me.

3) What's your favorite subject?

A) You can like that stuff?!

B) All of it.
C) What?
D) ….Whatever, just shut up and do my bidding.

4) What do you think about school?(college, high school, junior high)

A) Borin'
B) I like it.
C) I don't go.
D) What's school?

5) If one of the Yu-Gi-Oh characters wanted to be your friend who would you choose?

A) Yugi
B) Everyone
C) I don't care
D) I don't need friends

6) What would you like to have?

A) All the food in the world
B) Lot's of friends!
C) A less hyperactive partner.
D) The whole world.

7) What would you do to all stupid things?

A) Kill em all
B) Hug them
C) Send them to the Shadow realm!

8) What do you like?

A) Food!
B) Games are cool.
C) All games.
D) Weapons of mass destruction.

9) How many sisters and brothers do you have?

A) 1 little sis
B) I'm an only child.
C) No idea.
D) None of the above.

10) What animal do you like?

A) Dogs
B) Cats
C) Hamster
D) None above

A is Joey

B is Yugi

C is Yami Yugi

D is Yami Malik