Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yugioh: Cruise Lines ❯ I WON?! ( Prologue )
Disclaimer: I don't Yugioh or anything else on this stupid page! Grrrr!
SSU: Another story has been born! Mwaaaahahaha!
Everyone: -_-0
Bakura: Will you please stop that!?
SSU: Stop what?
Bakura: Acting like a maniac!
SSU: -_- you're one to talk.
Bakura: *shuts up*
Malik: You yamis are all the same!
Yami/Bakura/Marik: ((O_O))
Malik: *cowards* Nothing.
Marik: Don't make me hurt you!
Isis: Now boys settle down! Marik they'll will be hurting anyone unless I say so!
Marik: *pouts* yes ma'am.
Everyone: ((O_O))
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Game Shop^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Yugi: This is the most boring summer that I've ever had!
Tristan: *fanning himself* Yeah and it's so hot outside!
Joey: *walks to fridge*
Tea: It would help if the AC hadn't melted.
Joey: *yells from kitchen* NOOOOOO!
Tristan: What's going on in there Joey!?
Everyone: -_-0
Joey: *drinks it anyway*
Tea: *Runs in to the room* WHOOPIEEEEEEEEE!
Tristan: What's your problem?
Tea: I just won a free cruise to the Bahamas!
Yugi: *girly* Wow like what's it like for?!
Tea: Well, everytime that I Tex-message someone on my cell phone I send in an entry to a free cruise!
Serenity: Yeah I heard about that! You can like take 10 of your friends with you!
Tea: Yeah, but who should I take?
Everyone: *gives sad puppy dog faces*
Tea: Well lets see I could take Serenity, and Mai, oh and Isis of course. And I'm sure that Joey will want to go with his sister, and Isis with her brothers…
Joey: Yes! I sure hope they have free food!
Tea: Yugi can go, along with Ryou….and….oh yeah their yamis!
Serenity: Oh great! You know how Yami and Bakura go at it! They'll kill each other!
Tea: *evil grin* and the bad part of that is….?
Serenity: Oh you're bad!
Tea: ^_^ I know.
Tristan: *coughs*
Tea: Now who am I forgetting?
Tristan: *coughs some more*
Tea: It's on the tip of my tongue.
Tristan: *coughs continuously until choking*
Tea: Oh yeah! Tristan………
Tristan: *brightens up*
Tea: ……….can get our mail while we're away!
Tristan: *anime fall*
Yugi: Great so when are we leaving?
Tea: Tomorrow.
Everyone: TOMORROW!!??
Tea: *nods*
Serenity: At what time!?
Tea: 5 o'clock in the morning.
Joey: Aw man that's earlier than I get up for school!!
Serenity: You don't get up that early!
Joey: Well I would if my SISTER would stop hogging the bathroom every morning!
Serenity: I do not hog the bathroom! I only stay in there enough for me to do my shower, hair, and makeup.
Everyone: ((O_O))
*~*~*~**~*~*~ Isis's house *~*~*~*~*~*~*
Phone: Ring! Ring!
Isis: For the last time Malik. Stop with the dirty magazines under your bed! I mean it!
Phone: Ring!
Malik: They're not mine I swear! They're Marik's!
Isis: Sure they are!
Phone: RING!
Isis: I'm comin' geez! *picks up phone*
Tea: Isis? It's Tea.
Isis: Hey Tea! What's up?
Malik: Who are you talking to?
Isis: Shut up I'm on the phone with Tea.
Malik: Oooo! Ask her what's she's wearing.
Isis: No, now go away!
Malik: *pouts*
Isis: Ok, see ya then! *hangs up*
Malik: Soooooo……….?
Isis: Tea just invited us to go on a free cruise with her and the gang.
Malik: *eyes her suspiciously* Who is "the gang".
Isis: Oh you know…Joey, Yugi, Yami, Serenity, Mai, Ryou, Bakura, and Seto.
Malik: *twitches* Yami and Bakura are going?
Isis: Yeeeeaaaahh.
Malik: *twitches again*
Isis: What wrong with you? Every time I mention them you twitch.
Malik: No I don't. *twitch*
Isis: There you go again!
Malik: I *twitch* am not *twitch* twitching! *twitch*
Isis: -_-0 Whatever.
Malik: *walks off twitching*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Seto's Mansion *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Seto: *sits on couch*
Phone: Ring!
Seto: *ignores it*
Phone: Ring!
Seto: *still ignores it*
Mokaba: *runs through the house* I'll get it!
Phone: Rin--!
Mokaba: *picks up phone* Hello?
Tea: Mokaba? Is Seto there?
Mokaba: Uh…hold on. *whispers* Hey Seto are you home?
Seto: Who is it?
Mokaba: Tea.
Seto: Then, no, I'm not home. I went out.
Mokaba: Ok. *to Tea* He's out.
Tea: Oh well I guess he can't go on the cruise with Serenity and the gang! Thanks for checking Mokaba! Bye!
Seto: *hearing Tea's statement from the couch* WAIT!!!! *trys to hop over couch but trips and falls flat on his face*
SSU: Well, the first chapter is finally finished!
Bakura: Took you long enough!
SSU: Hey it's not that long!
Yami: *just now waking up* *yawns* Is the chapter done yet?
Bakura: See! *proving his point*
SSU: *rolls eyes* Well, anyway, I can't seem to figure out who should be with who. You know with the pairing and all. So I've decided to let the reviewers vote on them. And the most votes on a pairing will be put in the story. So start voting!