Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yugioh Gang ❯ Chapter 1
Darnesssavior: well…I guess I'll just do the disclaimer by myself…mumbling stupid selfish brothers always gotta leave me
Midmorningsnight: hey!
Darknesssavior: oh hey…well guys since my friend here showed up..well umm she can do the disclaimer oh and she has a part in writing this story its just taking her a while
Midmorningsnight: yah well..its not my fault I have a life
Darnesssavior: yes well…just do the disclaimer
Midmorningsnight: darknesssavior owns absolutely nothing from yugioh. However she does own alex and kris. Actually I own kris but that's not the point. Did I do good?
Darknesssavior: ummm sure…
3/1/04 s.s
well no more word on anything with D. so i'm going to talk about what i did this weekend. ok so anywho i went to kris's house on friday. i spent the night until sat. we went skateboarding and to white hen and walmart with her dog when we were walkin all sorts or peeps thought we were representin. if we where or not i wont say because well thats classified info. i'll write again soon. l8er
i'm back, so anyway an saturday i went to jouno's house we had a um really good time so yah. now onto the shit happening today. ok i'm science i almost past out from exaustion cause i havnt been sleeping much. then in math we had to sit in these pod things. they're really retarded sort of like 1st graders.oh shit teacher coming gotta go.
ok after school yesterday ouno came over we had a good time. ah well ok i've been writing in this for a while now and no one has so much as even glanced at it so now its safe to explain some stuff. ok so here we go my name is alex ishtar. i'm in a gang called the youko's. jouno is teh leader. the only reason i feel safe writing that is because its not his real name. D. is in my gang to so is R. and kris, kris's boyfriend yug is in it to. malik and marik are my older twin bro's there a big part of it to . they got me into it in the first plavce. i'll explain more later s.s. is over.
ok so moving on, ok so the Youko's. we all have diffrnt colored bandana's to make it less obvious. so the way we have it set up is that the diffrnt colorede bandanas show your possission on the team. for example my bandana is blacvk with little ammount ot white because i'm tied for 2 best fighter adn teh white shows that i'm an assistant for the schemers and i have a blood stain on the tie of my bandana to show that i'm ouno's girl. so if anyone touches me they got no excuse. kris has an all black bandana tat shows she's a high ranked fighter and she shows no mercy. well it used to be all black...until of course yugi cut himself and put his bloody hand print on the top. oh well it looks better now anyway. malik and marik well...i'm not quite sure what color there bandana's are. why? well because there bandana's are completly covered in blood from all there victoms . i suppose they were probably black but who could say. keep in mind when i say victoms i just mean all the people they've fought. i dont believe they've ever killed someone;. sure they've stabbed people and made people bleed a lot. but hey what do i know l8er
3/3/04 home
ok so moving along, our weapons yah there made by bakura. bakura is more or less kris's bro. were not going to go into kris's family it confuses me. now onto are rival gang. that would be zanshi. there leader is shizuka. yes a girl. not just any girl eather rumor has it she's jouno's sister. this i dont really understand though. jouno doesnt really like to talk about it since you know i dont talk about my fammily or past much eather. none of us really do. other people in shizuka's gang um...tristan and from what i've heard he's shizuka's boyfriend but i'm not quite sure