Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yugioh Goes Room Raiding ❯ Raiding Time! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yugioh Goes Room Raiding
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Yugioh or Room Raiders. Pleases review or read my other fics. PLEASE! Now own to naughty madness (evil laugh).
Moon_Dragon decided to go on Room Raiders and she can't wait to rummage through her fellow cast's stuff. Three eligible bachelors wait in a nearby van to watch helplessly as she looks through their items.
Moon_Dragon: Now it's time for bachelor #1's room.
She went inside the room. It was trashed with garbage, clothes, and other unidentifiable items.
#1: I didn't expect company today that's why it's a mess.
On the bed was an elderly and obese looking cat curled up on the unmade bed.
Moon_Dragon: I love cats!
#1: I wouldn't touch him. He's an ornery old fart.
Moon came up and scratched him behind the ears as he let out an affectionate purr.
#1:0_0 Wow, she's good.
#2 and #3: (Snickers) She tamed the cat from hell.
Moon rummaged a little more and found some interesting thing…
Moon: Playboys out the butt! Hmm. You are a horny boy.
#1: (Turns bright red)
Moon: This calls for the black light.
She pulled out a black light and skimmed the bed.
Moon: (Disgusted) Whoa, you sure did fail this test. It's like a trail. Ew, it's on the floor.
#2: Dude, that's sick!
#1: Oh, like you don't do that.
#2: (Turns pink) Not like that sicko.
Moon looked through the bathroom and found KY jelly and a heating pad.
Moon: I think I should take my leave before I find other disturbing things. On to number #2
#3: Hehe she said number 2.
1 and 2: You are a damn retard!
Moon entered the second bachelor's room. It was incredibly neat and clean. The room was packed with books and a few plants.
Moon: Hmm. Biographies, magazines, and oh my, The Lusty Lady! A spicy romance novel!
#1: Dirty boy!
Moon spotted what looked like an aquarium, but it was empty.
#2: Oh no! Don't tell me Matilda got out again.
Suddenly a cell phone rang. Moon decided to answer it.
???: You deceiving mother f%@#er! You liar! I'm still getting that s@#t out of my hair! I swear I'm going to kick your ass!
Moon: 0_0 Uh, hello.
???: Sorry wrong number (hangs up).
Moon: Who the hell was that?!
Moon decided to ignore it and when she was about to venture out of the room she felt something touch her leg. Then she felt a sharp piercing feeling on her leg. Something had bit her.
The last room was upon her. She was partially happy about ending this madness after what she has seen.
Moon: On to #3 (finally).
The room was about as mush disarray as the first. She reached under the bed and grabbed a random magazine. What Moon saw scared the living crap out of her.
Moon: Ugh, Yuri magazines.
#3: Oh, snap she found them!
#2: X_X Whoa, I didn't need to know about that.
Moon continued to rummage through the magazines. She found piles upon piles of Yuri magazines and pornography. She found a dozen Yuri videos and even an inflatable doll.
#1: I thought I was bad.
Moon: I am afraid.
Moon was ready to go home and our boys had a good run of her room. It was mostly animal print and black theme.
#1: (Large grin) Nice bra size.
#2: Underwear with a condom pocket.
#3: A Sesshomaru doll?
Moon barged on their fun.
Moon: Hello, boys. Now it's time to judge the rooms. Room #1: I like the cat and I don't mind messy guys too much, but all that porno I was surprised. Room #2: I liked all the books even the romance novels, but who was that dick that called you? Room #3: I am not offended my Yaoi or Yuri, but that was plain extreme.
The guys looked longingly at her.
Moon: First elimination is Room #3.
Bachelor #3 approached her.
#3: I'm Joey Wheeler.
He sauntered off.
Moon: Next is Room #1.
#1: I am Rex Raptor.
He left with Joey.
Moon: And that leaves #2.
#2: Hello, I'm Weevil Underwood.
Moon: I was wondering what was that thing that bit me?
Weevil: My pet tarantula.
The End
(Yeah, that was different. I didn't mean to offend anyone. I like all of these characters, so don't flame. Please review!)