Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yugioh's Island ❯ Saga is Back On Track! ( Chapter 4 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Licence_to_Dream 
Snowy:*Turns to Bakura*So are we friends now that we can understand eachother?
Bakura:*Raises eyebrow*You duct taped my shirt and attacked me with your light Snowi.Then we talked about our past.
Bakura:*Shruggs*Fine.I guess so.
Later @ Night
*Everyone but the Howells are sitting around a fire,the Howells in their hut*
Yami:So what do you guys think about that outburst?
Mai:Well,Skipper,from my point of view,they're nuts.
Ryou:I agree on that.
Joey:I agree with Ginger.
Yugi:You guys are right.
Ryou:*Gets up and stretches*I'm guessing it's late so I'm going to bed. See you in the A.M.
*Everyone soons departs Ginger first going to the proffesors cabin*
Mai:*Goes up to his and kisses him*G'night! *Winks and walks off.
Ryou:*Turns red*Whoah.
Anzu:Why did you tell them about last night?
Kaiba:I couldn't help it.Poor Mary Ann and her pineapple...Plus you were the one that took Charlie
Anzu:Sure now you should tell them about our personal lifes.
Kaiba:Don't be so petty.You know they don't have to know about us and our past.
Anzu:You might as well.The people back in Domino must think we're dead!
Anzu:They'll probably burn down all of our mansion!
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Hentai / Comedy | Type: Songfic | Uploaded On: 06.07.2004 | Updated On: 06.07.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1 | Visits: 170 | Status: Completed

Snowy:*Turns to Bakura*So are we friends now that we can understand eachother?
Bakura:*Raises eyebrow*You duct taped my shirt and attacked me with your light Snowi.Then we talked about our past.
Bakura:*Shruggs*Fine.I guess so.
Later @ Night
*Everyone but the Howells are sitting around a fire,the Howells in their hut*
Yami:So what do you guys think about that outburst?
Mai:Well,Skipper,from my point of view,they're nuts.
Ryou:I agree on that.
Joey:I agree with Ginger.
Yugi:You guys are right.
Ryou:*Gets up and stretches*I'm guessing it's late so I'm going to bed. See you in the A.M.
*Everyone soons departs Ginger first going to the proffesors cabin*
Mai:*Goes up to his and kisses him*G'night! *Winks and walks off.
Ryou:*Turns red*Whoah.
Anzu:Why did you tell them about last night?
Kaiba:I couldn't help it.Poor Mary Ann and her pineapple...Plus you were the one that took Charlie
Anzu:Sure now you should tell them about our personal lifes.
Kaiba:Don't be so petty.You know they don't have to know about us and our past.
Anzu:You might as well.The people back in Domino must think we're dead!
Anzu:They'll probably burn down all of our mansion!
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Hentai / Comedy | Type: Songfic | Uploaded On: 06.07.2004 | Updated On: 06.07.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1 | Visits: 170 | Status: Completed