Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yugioh, Snow on Halloween ❯ Yugi's weird decision ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Meleniumwriter123450 
Disclaimer: I don't own YUgioh, please leave a message after the beep BEEP! BEEP!
Bakura :please don't torture me like the goodwriter person, she was crazy! she made me cry!
mw: well, I'll have to-no, just for saying she was crazy I'm gonna torture you MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Ryou: sigh
mw chases Bakura with a mallet
Bakura: why is it always a mallet!!!!!!!!!!!
Yami: I could get used to this
Yugi was sitting at his house, dueling Yami.
Yugi: I summon Kuriboh!!!! feel the wrath of Kuriboh!!! MWHAHAHAHAHA! (Kuriboh has only 300 atck and 200 def)
Yami:*sweatdrop* er...I think this is going to your head Yugi...
Yugi:*yells at the top of his lungs* NOOOOOOOOOOOO IT'SSSSSSSS NOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
phone suddenly rings
Yugi answers it.
Yugi:*still on lud mode* WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bill Clinton:((((00)))))) pardon me young man....
Yugi: *whispers* sorry
BC: ahem, anyways, tomorrow is Halloween, and I know your like the greatest dueler ever and it'd be an honer if you came to my mansion tommorrow night, we're haveing a party and there will be lots of games and party stuff and sexy woman
Yami: *useing his super sensative hearing* DID U SAY SEXY WOMAN!!!!!!!
Yami: count me in, hopefully Tea will be one of those *droles* sexy woman there
Yugi: can I invite anyone I want?
BC:sure you can
Yugi:great, I'll think about it *hangs up*
Yugi:well, I was going to go trick or treating tommorrow dressed as a malabu Stacy doll but I guess I could go
Yami: er...Malabu Stacy doll??? ((((00)))))
Yugi:what? do I got a booger?
Yami:er....no Yugi, erm, right *in thought* I knew Yugi was gay but I didn't think he wanted to dress up as a girl
Tea/Mai/Isis/Serenity: what's wrong with being a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yami: well it's kinda creepy for a guy to act that way
Yugi: MW made me gay!!! *runs off and crys
mw: well, it's all part of plot contruction
Bakura: *takes mallet* first GW now you, what the fudge is wrong with your crazy aurthers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bakura chases Mw around in circles, Bakura laughing like a mad man
sorry if this Chapter was short but there's many many more to come *winks*
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.25.2003 | Updated On: 10.26.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 6 | Visits: 256 | Status: Completed

Disclaimer: I don't own YUgioh, please leave a message after the beep BEEP! BEEP!
Bakura :please don't torture me like the goodwriter person, she was crazy! she made me cry!
mw: well, I'll have to-no, just for saying she was crazy I'm gonna torture you MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Ryou: sigh
mw chases Bakura with a mallet
Bakura: why is it always a mallet!!!!!!!!!!!
Yami: I could get used to this
Yugi was sitting at his house, dueling Yami.
Yugi: I summon Kuriboh!!!! feel the wrath of Kuriboh!!! MWHAHAHAHAHA! (Kuriboh has only 300 atck and 200 def)
Yami:*sweatdrop* er...I think this is going to your head Yugi...
Yugi:*yells at the top of his lungs* NOOOOOOOOOOOO IT'SSSSSSSS NOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
phone suddenly rings
Yugi answers it.
Yugi:*still on lud mode* WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bill Clinton:((((00)))))) pardon me young man....
Yugi: *whispers* sorry
BC: ahem, anyways, tomorrow is Halloween, and I know your like the greatest dueler ever and it'd be an honer if you came to my mansion tommorrow night, we're haveing a party and there will be lots of games and party stuff and sexy woman
Yami: *useing his super sensative hearing* DID U SAY SEXY WOMAN!!!!!!!
Yami: count me in, hopefully Tea will be one of those *droles* sexy woman there
Yugi: can I invite anyone I want?
BC:sure you can
Yugi:great, I'll think about it *hangs up*
Yugi:well, I was going to go trick or treating tommorrow dressed as a malabu Stacy doll but I guess I could go
Yami: er...Malabu Stacy doll??? ((((00)))))
Yugi:what? do I got a booger?
Yami:er....no Yugi, erm, right *in thought* I knew Yugi was gay but I didn't think he wanted to dress up as a girl
Tea/Mai/Isis/Serenity: what's wrong with being a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yami: well it's kinda creepy for a guy to act that way
Yugi: MW made me gay!!! *runs off and crys
mw: well, it's all part of plot contruction
Bakura: *takes mallet* first GW now you, what the fudge is wrong with your crazy aurthers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bakura chases Mw around in circles, Bakura laughing like a mad man
sorry if this Chapter was short but there's many many more to come *winks*
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.25.2003 | Updated On: 10.26.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 6 | Visits: 256 | Status: Completed
duel city
duel city