Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yugioh, Snow on Halloween ❯ chpt.2 gathering to the mansion ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Meleniumwriter123450 
Disclaimer:I don't own jack alright, quit asking
Mw: *laying on the floor out cold*
Bakura: *panting* MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! that's to all aurthors who think they can push me around, mwhahahahaha!!!!
mw:*conciouse again* that's it!!!*snaps fingers*
Bakura suddenly turns into a fish and everyone gets a fork and starts eating him
Yugi: yummmmmm!
Joey: tastes like chicken breasts!
Mai:don't get any perverted ideas Joey!
mw: back to the fic!
the next day
Yugi, Yami, Bakura, Ryou, Tea, Joey, Serenity, Mai, Isis, Malik, Tristen, Seto, Mokuba and Duke are in a giganto limo and are on their way to Bill Clinton's mansion
left side of limo:
Yami, Tea, Bakura, Malik, Trsitan, Ryou and Yugi
right side of limo:
Joey, Mai, Isis, Yugi, Seto, Duke, and Mokuba
Yami and Bakura seem to be haveing a staring contest as they lean over Tea to look at each other
Yami: prepare to lose tomb raider!
Bakura:HAHAHA, you think I will lose, you really do don't you!!! well I'll say this, I- *blinks* oh shit fingers
Yami starts laughing
Tea: oh god, first at Tristan's beach house, then last year on X-mas at Kaiba's mansion, we're going to the ex-president's mansion! you to have got to be more mature, that's why I rejected both of you!
Bakura: oh Tea, you know you dumped me because you wanted to play hard to get
Yami: go suck a hoarses dick!!!!
Bakura: no you!
Yami: no you!!
Bakura: no you!!!
Yami:NO YOU!!!!
Bakura: NOOO Y-
Tea: *even louder* BOTH OF YOU, BE FUCKIN QUIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yami/Bakura:((((oo)))*that's the first time they heard Tea swear outloud*
Yami:of coarse my love
Bakura: anything pookie poo
Ryou: (((00))) pookie poo?
Bakura:I'll kill all of you if any of you tell anyone I just said that
Joey:*smirks* death threats from you don't scare us anymore, at least not until you said "pookie po" *finishes in a girly voice
Isis:yeah, Joey's right, death threats from Marik on the other hand would probably make us all cry like Catholic school girls
Malik: leave my Yami alone, just because he made ONE porno bomb and tried to kill us all doesn't mean he's crazy!!!
everyone: ''''''..'''''
everyone:er...yeah it does
Malik: oh
Isis: oh well I sent him back to Nun school, he hates nuns
Joey: they creep me out too, I swear I saw one fly the other day
just then they arrive at the parking laught to Bill Clinton's mansion
it was freezing and the snow was 10 feet high
Joey carried Mai across the snow
Seto carried Serenity
Yami and Makura were fighting to carry Tea across but she ended up being carried by Malik
Malik: *perverted grin* slips hands underneath Tea's skirt
Tea:AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH jumps off Malik and runs like a chicken on fire to the mansion leaveing Malik stnading there sad and walked to the snow slowly
Yami and Bakura ended up fighting there way threw the snow while Trsiten and Duke walked threw the snow (Duke playing Solitair on his computer he brought)
Ryou carried Isis but Ryou suddenly felt Yugi grab his ass and pick him and Isis up
Ryou: Yugi! you gay bastard put me down!!!
Yugi: *perverted grin* nice ass Ryou
they all managed there way up to the mansion, Ryou feeling extreamly uncomfy, Yami and Bakura haveing another staring contest and Tea staying as far away from Malik as possible
Yugi: ahhh I actually grabbed a guys butoch!
Mokuba:bet you like it
Yugi: did not!
Joey: did too!
Yugi: Did Not!!!!!!
everyone: DID TOOOO!!!!!
everyone: (((00)))
Yugi: okay maybe just a little
there's more chptrs to come, don't worry
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.25.2003 | Updated On: 10.26.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 6 | Visits: 228 | Status: Completed

Disclaimer:I don't own jack alright, quit asking
Mw: *laying on the floor out cold*
Bakura: *panting* MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! that's to all aurthors who think they can push me around, mwhahahahaha!!!!
mw:*conciouse again* that's it!!!*snaps fingers*
Bakura suddenly turns into a fish and everyone gets a fork and starts eating him
Yugi: yummmmmm!
Joey: tastes like chicken breasts!
Mai:don't get any perverted ideas Joey!
mw: back to the fic!
the next day
Yugi, Yami, Bakura, Ryou, Tea, Joey, Serenity, Mai, Isis, Malik, Tristen, Seto, Mokuba and Duke are in a giganto limo and are on their way to Bill Clinton's mansion
left side of limo:
Yami, Tea, Bakura, Malik, Trsitan, Ryou and Yugi
right side of limo:
Joey, Mai, Isis, Yugi, Seto, Duke, and Mokuba
Yami and Bakura seem to be haveing a staring contest as they lean over Tea to look at each other
Yami: prepare to lose tomb raider!
Bakura:HAHAHA, you think I will lose, you really do don't you!!! well I'll say this, I- *blinks* oh shit fingers
Yami starts laughing
Tea: oh god, first at Tristan's beach house, then last year on X-mas at Kaiba's mansion, we're going to the ex-president's mansion! you to have got to be more mature, that's why I rejected both of you!
Bakura: oh Tea, you know you dumped me because you wanted to play hard to get
Yami: go suck a hoarses dick!!!!
Bakura: no you!
Yami: no you!!
Bakura: no you!!!
Yami:NO YOU!!!!
Bakura: NOOO Y-
Tea: *even louder* BOTH OF YOU, BE FUCKIN QUIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yami/Bakura:((((oo)))*that's the first time they heard Tea swear outloud*
Yami:of coarse my love
Bakura: anything pookie poo
Ryou: (((00))) pookie poo?
Bakura:I'll kill all of you if any of you tell anyone I just said that
Joey:*smirks* death threats from you don't scare us anymore, at least not until you said "pookie po" *finishes in a girly voice
Isis:yeah, Joey's right, death threats from Marik on the other hand would probably make us all cry like Catholic school girls
Malik: leave my Yami alone, just because he made ONE porno bomb and tried to kill us all doesn't mean he's crazy!!!
everyone: ''''''..'''''
everyone:er...yeah it does
Malik: oh
Isis: oh well I sent him back to Nun school, he hates nuns
Joey: they creep me out too, I swear I saw one fly the other day
just then they arrive at the parking laught to Bill Clinton's mansion
it was freezing and the snow was 10 feet high
Joey carried Mai across the snow
Seto carried Serenity
Yami and Makura were fighting to carry Tea across but she ended up being carried by Malik
Malik: *perverted grin* slips hands underneath Tea's skirt
Tea:AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH jumps off Malik and runs like a chicken on fire to the mansion leaveing Malik stnading there sad and walked to the snow slowly
Yami and Bakura ended up fighting there way threw the snow while Trsiten and Duke walked threw the snow (Duke playing Solitair on his computer he brought)
Ryou carried Isis but Ryou suddenly felt Yugi grab his ass and pick him and Isis up
Ryou: Yugi! you gay bastard put me down!!!
Yugi: *perverted grin* nice ass Ryou
they all managed there way up to the mansion, Ryou feeling extreamly uncomfy, Yami and Bakura haveing another staring contest and Tea staying as far away from Malik as possible
Yugi: ahhh I actually grabbed a guys butoch!
Mokuba:bet you like it
Yugi: did not!
Joey: did too!
Yugi: Did Not!!!!!!
everyone: DID TOOOO!!!!!
everyone: (((00)))
Yugi: okay maybe just a little
there's more chptrs to come, don't worry
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.25.2003 | Updated On: 10.26.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 6 | Visits: 228 | Status: Completed
duel city
duel city