Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yugioh, Snow on Halloween ❯ breakups and evil laughter ( Chapter 9 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Meleniumwriter123450 
Yugi:what's up with you and cows?
Joey:what's up with you and guys?
Tristan:what's up with you weting your pants?
Marik:what's up with your hair?
Mai:what's up with your evilness?
Mokuba: what's up with you ti-
Seto:don't say what I think what your going to say
Joey:yeah! that's my job to ask what's up with her tits!
Mai:eyeeyeeye!!! Joey your immiture prat!!!!
mw:back to the fic then (Joey and Mai are fighting in the background
Joey is blown away from the air comeing from Tea's mouth
Joey:what? she's a girl, she can't do notin
Mai:*angry vein mark*
Tea: *laughs evily* you may think that don't you, well your wrong, mwhahahahahahahaha!
everyone shivers in scardyness
Tea:I DARE YOU!!! to-
Seto:can I give a sudjestion about something?
Tea:*calms down* okay, what
Seto:*whispers in her ear*
Tea:that's mean!!! but kool
Joey:*getting supiciouse*
Tea:Joey, I dare you to act like a dog whenever you want something or want to get someone's attention or else we'll ignore you for the rest of our lives!
Joey:grrrrr, THAT'S NOT FUNNY!
Seto:do you hear something Mokuba?
Mokuba:nope you?
Joey:grrrrr *crawles on his hands and knees* WOOF WOOF!!!!
Tea: yes Joey?
Joey:er...I forgot what I was gonna say...
everyone laughs like luniticts
Tea*snort* yes, what is it*laugh* Joey?
Joey:how long do I have to do this?
Tea: erm....till tommorrow morning
Joey: YAYAYAY!!!... let's see, my turn, Seto Kaiba! truth or dare, duoble dare, promise or repeat!?!?
Seto:hmmmmmmmmmm...double dare
Joey:I double dare you too act like a cat till tommorrow morning whenever you want something or if you want someone's attention!
Seto:fine, but I get to pick who has to do it with me...and I pick....Serenity!
Seto:hehehe, anyways, my turn, Tristan, T,d,dd,p,r?
Tristan:what's that?
Seto:erg, meow, meow
everyone laughs
Tritsten:I choose....truth
Seto:hmmm....let's see what I got in store of little shark head over here...hehe
Seto: if you had to date anyone in this room in order to save your family's life, who would it be?
Tristen:that's a toughy.......erm....Serenity I guess
Seto: why you!-*dive bombs Tristan
after 5 minutes of pulling Seto off Tristan
Tristan:*pant* Duke...t,d,dd,p,r?
Duke who had put spare batteries into his computer and was playing tetrace looked up shocked
Duke:er, truth I guess
Tristan: okay, if you were a hobo, where would you live in America?
Duke:computer store
Duke: Mai, t,d,dd,p,r?
Mai: erm...double dare
Duke:I double dare you to kiss Malik on the lips!
everyone:yah have ta do it!
Mai:what if I don't?
Duke:then you have to look for Bill Clinton upstaires by yourself!
Mai:FINE, I'd rather look for Clinton and get killed than kiss Malik
Tea:*starts comferting Malik* it's alright
Mai walks twards the staires leading up to the rooms and heads up there
Mai:see yah all in a few
Tea:well, it's Mai's turn to go so we'll spin this bottle in order to see who gets to t,d,dd,p,r someone.
Tea spins the bottle and it lands on Yami
Yami: alright, Joey, t,d,dd,p,r?
Joey:again!!! er, fine...repeat!
everyone:what's that Joey?
Joey:grrrrr, bark, woof!
Yami: alright, then I choose Bakura, what do you want to Dare Joey?
Bakura who has been sneezing unoticed by anyone finally opened his mouth only to sneeze a large honker righ in Tea's face
Yami/Malik:look what you did!!!
Bakura:it's not my fault!!! I've been sneezing like this ever sinse we ordered the pizza! what was on that pizza?
Joey:just peporoni, pinapple and large amount of fondue
Bakura: I'M*sneeze* ALERGIC TO FONDUE!!! AND I*sneeze* ATE LIKE 3*sneeze* PEICES OF IT...oh god, I don't feel too well*sneeze*
Yami: listen Bakura, before you throw up, just dare Joey something
Bakura:fine*sneez* I dare Joey to go *sneeze* help Mai find BC! *sneeze*
Joey:barkbark!! I mean, fine I'll go
Joey walks up the stairs and goes down the long hallway. when he reaches the first door however, he found a notecard saying
meet me in room #1 Mai
he looks at the door blanklyand he heard some low moaning comeing from it and some squeking! what if Mai was in trouble?
he opened the door and burst in like a cop and held out his figner like a gun
Joey:alright, nobody move, I got you all surrounded!...
notices what was going on and tears reach his eyes
Bill Clinton and Mai were going at on a squekky bed
Joey ran outta the room crying his eyes out. when he reached the family room again everyone was laughing but stoped when they saw him, he just turned and ran into the kitchen and locked the door
mw:will Joey find out why Mai and Bill Clinton were haveing sex?
will Bakura get healthy from the fondue disease?
why does Malik have so much gass?
find out the answers to all this and more on the next chapter of Yugioh!!! (oh yeah, readers, vote for who you want to win Tea's luv for ra's sake)
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.26.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 6 | Visits: 260 | Status: Completed

Yugi:what's up with you and cows?
Joey:what's up with you and guys?
Tristan:what's up with you weting your pants?
Marik:what's up with your hair?
Mai:what's up with your evilness?
Mokuba: what's up with you ti-
Seto:don't say what I think what your going to say
Joey:yeah! that's my job to ask what's up with her tits!
Mai:eyeeyeeye!!! Joey your immiture prat!!!!
mw:back to the fic then (Joey and Mai are fighting in the background
Joey is blown away from the air comeing from Tea's mouth
Joey:what? she's a girl, she can't do notin
Mai:*angry vein mark*
Tea: *laughs evily* you may think that don't you, well your wrong, mwhahahahahahahaha!
everyone shivers in scardyness
Tea:I DARE YOU!!! to-
Seto:can I give a sudjestion about something?
Tea:*calms down* okay, what
Seto:*whispers in her ear*
Tea:that's mean!!! but kool
Joey:*getting supiciouse*
Tea:Joey, I dare you to act like a dog whenever you want something or want to get someone's attention or else we'll ignore you for the rest of our lives!
Joey:grrrrr, THAT'S NOT FUNNY!
Seto:do you hear something Mokuba?
Mokuba:nope you?
Joey:grrrrr *crawles on his hands and knees* WOOF WOOF!!!!
Tea: yes Joey?
Joey:er...I forgot what I was gonna say...
everyone laughs like luniticts
Tea*snort* yes, what is it*laugh* Joey?
Joey:how long do I have to do this?
Tea: erm....till tommorrow morning
Joey: YAYAYAY!!!... let's see, my turn, Seto Kaiba! truth or dare, duoble dare, promise or repeat!?!?
Seto:hmmmmmmmmmm...double dare
Joey:I double dare you too act like a cat till tommorrow morning whenever you want something or if you want someone's attention!
Seto:fine, but I get to pick who has to do it with me...and I pick....Serenity!
Seto:hehehe, anyways, my turn, Tristan, T,d,dd,p,r?
Tristan:what's that?
Seto:erg, meow, meow
everyone laughs
Tritsten:I choose....truth
Seto:hmmm....let's see what I got in store of little shark head over here...hehe
Seto: if you had to date anyone in this room in order to save your family's life, who would it be?
Tristen:that's a toughy.......erm....Serenity I guess
Seto: why you!-*dive bombs Tristan
after 5 minutes of pulling Seto off Tristan
Tristan:*pant* Duke...t,d,dd,p,r?
Duke who had put spare batteries into his computer and was playing tetrace looked up shocked
Duke:er, truth I guess
Tristan: okay, if you were a hobo, where would you live in America?
Duke:computer store
Duke: Mai, t,d,dd,p,r?
Mai: erm...double dare
Duke:I double dare you to kiss Malik on the lips!
everyone:yah have ta do it!
Mai:what if I don't?
Duke:then you have to look for Bill Clinton upstaires by yourself!
Mai:FINE, I'd rather look for Clinton and get killed than kiss Malik
Tea:*starts comferting Malik* it's alright
Mai walks twards the staires leading up to the rooms and heads up there
Mai:see yah all in a few
Tea:well, it's Mai's turn to go so we'll spin this bottle in order to see who gets to t,d,dd,p,r someone.
Tea spins the bottle and it lands on Yami
Yami: alright, Joey, t,d,dd,p,r?
Joey:again!!! er, fine...repeat!
everyone:what's that Joey?
Joey:grrrrr, bark, woof!
Yami: alright, then I choose Bakura, what do you want to Dare Joey?
Bakura who has been sneezing unoticed by anyone finally opened his mouth only to sneeze a large honker righ in Tea's face
Yami/Malik:look what you did!!!
Bakura:it's not my fault!!! I've been sneezing like this ever sinse we ordered the pizza! what was on that pizza?
Joey:just peporoni, pinapple and large amount of fondue
Bakura: I'M*sneeze* ALERGIC TO FONDUE!!! AND I*sneeze* ATE LIKE 3*sneeze* PEICES OF IT...oh god, I don't feel too well*sneeze*
Yami: listen Bakura, before you throw up, just dare Joey something
Bakura:fine*sneez* I dare Joey to go *sneeze* help Mai find BC! *sneeze*
Joey:barkbark!! I mean, fine I'll go
Joey walks up the stairs and goes down the long hallway. when he reaches the first door however, he found a notecard saying
meet me in room #1 Mai
he looks at the door blanklyand he heard some low moaning comeing from it and some squeking! what if Mai was in trouble?
he opened the door and burst in like a cop and held out his figner like a gun
Joey:alright, nobody move, I got you all surrounded!...
notices what was going on and tears reach his eyes
Bill Clinton and Mai were going at on a squekky bed
Joey ran outta the room crying his eyes out. when he reached the family room again everyone was laughing but stoped when they saw him, he just turned and ran into the kitchen and locked the door
mw:will Joey find out why Mai and Bill Clinton were haveing sex?
will Bakura get healthy from the fondue disease?
why does Malik have so much gass?
find out the answers to all this and more on the next chapter of Yugioh!!! (oh yeah, readers, vote for who you want to win Tea's luv for ra's sake)
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.26.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 6 | Visits: 260 | Status: Completed
duel city
duel city