Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ YuGiOh Sports Day! ❯ Archery ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Yu-Gi-Oh Sports Day

Chapter 5: Archery

Aleuwolf - OK, Chapter 5 now...

Snowfang - I LOVE YUGIOH!!!!!!!

Aleuwolf - HOW MANY PIXY STIX HAVE YOU HAD??????????????

Snowfang - I spent $10.00 at the candy store, and Jumbo Pixy Stix are $1.25 each.


Snowfang - Well you had four...

Stephwolf - Can we quit the arguements?

Aleuwolf - Fine. I don't own YuGiOh. I don't own Stephwolf and Snowfang for that matter either. They belong to Alanna and Stephanie. And yes, Alanna DOES hate YuGiOh.

Stephwolf - Why on EARTH is the title Archery? It's like Yami Bakura haven!



Aleuwolf - The next sport is Archery!

Yugi - That's not really a good idea...

Aleuwolf - Don't worry. Yami Bakura's in the Shadow Realm.

Everyone - *Sighs in relief*

Yami Bakura - I'm BaAack!

Aleuwolf - Everyone grab a bow and three arrows. First up is Yugi. Joey is judge. Oh, and Yami Bakura, don't aim arrows at the pharoah.

Yami Bakura - *innocently* What?

Yugi - *shoots his first arrow*

Joey - Does it count if the arrow hits the supporting poles?

Aleuwolf - I don't think so...

Yugi - Hey! You're supposed to be on my team!

Aleuwolf - There are no teams in Archery. It's everyone for themself.

Yugi - Grrrr... *shoots his second arrow*

Aleuwolf - YEOWCH!!!!!!!!

Yugi - Sorry, I... slipped. *shoots his final arrow*

Joey - 50 points to Yugi!

Yugi - Finally!

Aleuwolf - BAKURA NEXT UP!

Bakura - *shoots his first arrow*

Joey - 10 points to Bakura.

Bakura - *shoots his second arrow*

Joey - YEOW!!!!!!

Bakura - Sorry Joey...

Joey - Bakura loses 200 points.


Bakura - *shoots his third arrow*

Joey - 5... I mean, 500 points to Bakura!

Yami Bakura - Thank you.

Aleuwolf - Yami's turn.

Yami - *shoots all three arrows at the same time*

Joey - 800 points to Yami.

Aleuwolf - Next is...

*Kaiba comes running by, chased by the Dark Magician*

Kaiba - AAAHHHH! CALL HIM OFF!!!!!!!

Aleuwolf - Okay, next is Kaiba. Dark Magician, return to your card!

*Dark Magician vanishes*

Kaiba - If mister King of Games can shoot three arrows, so can I! *shoots all three arrows*

Tea - OWWWW!

Tristan - YEOW!

Stephwolf - EEEEEEE!

Joey - Negative 500 points to Kaiba...

Kaiba - WHAT???? I'LL SUE!!! I'LL...

Aleuwolf - *in a panic* NEXT UP YAMI BAKURA!

Everyone - *gulps*

Yami Bakura - *smirks* *shoots his first arrow*

Joey - 50 points to Yami Bakura.

Yami Bakura - SAY IT WITH ENTHUSIASM NEXT TIME!!! *shoots 2 arrows at the same time*

Joey - YEOW! YEOW!

Aleuwolf - Scoreboard so far is as follows. Yami leading with 800, Bakura in second with 490, Yugi and Yami Bakura tied for third at 50, with Kaiba bringing up the rear with -500. Next up, Stephwolf.

Stephwolf - *shoots her first arrow* Ooops, sorry Malik...

Malik - YEOWCH!!!

Yami - I didn't know he was in this fic!!!!

Aleuwolf - Neither did I.

Stephwolf - *shoots her second arrow*

Joey - Fell short.

Aleuwolf - 500 points to Stephwolf.

Joey - That goes against Archery rules.

Aleuwolf - Not MY rules.

Joey - Right. Who's next?

Aleuwolf - Snowfang.

Snowfang - Did you HAVE to put me in this fic?????

Aleuwolf - I can put you in the Shadow Realm instead...

Snowfang - NO! The fic is fine. *mutters quietly* If it wasn't about YuGiOh...

Aleuwolf - Snowfang automatically loses 900 points and is disqualified for bad sportsmanship.


Aleuwolf - Whatever. My bad. Get off the archery field.

Snowfang - I will get my revenge.

Aleuwolf - MY TURN!!!! *shoots all three arrows*

Joey - I didn't know scores went that high.

Aleuwolf - What did you expect? I'm the author!

Joey - Oh, yeah.

Aleuwolf - End chapter.

Snowfang - HEY! YOU CAN'T...


Aleuwolf - AHHH! WRITER'S BLOCK!!!!!

Stephwolf - What do you mean?

Aleuwolf - The next sport is Badminton! What's funny about that?????

Stephwolf - What's wrong with Hockey?

Aleuwolf - I... HATE... HOCKEY!!!!

Snowfang - About time you got writer's block. Now you can't write anymore stupid stories!!!!

Aleuwolf - I thought you were on Sugar High...

Snowfang - Wore off during the fic.

Melissa - Uh oh...

Snowfang + Stephwolf - Who are YOU?????

Aleuwolf - She's my friend Melissa. She's my aunt's best friend's daughter.

Snowfang - Weird...

Stephwolf - How did you get here?

Melissa - I have no idea.

Aleuwolf - Guess my next sport???

Melissa - Hockey?

Aleuwolf - ARGH!