Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yuugiou - King of Games ❯ Interlude Part 1 - A Duel with the King of Games ( Chapter 13 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Yuugiou - King of Games
Chapter 13
Interlude Part 1 - A Duel with the King of Games
The preliminaries over, Shadow, Karen, and Vala headed to the arcade.
"Might as well get some practice in, right?" asked Shadow.
"Nah, I'll pass," said Karen, "I have everything I need."
"So, you know the arcade owner, huh?" Vala asked Shadow.
"Yeah," he replied, "He usually lets me play against the prototype dual programs to see if they're ready."
"Have you ever used a Mind Pod, Karen?" asked the pink-haired girl.
"Never. I prefer holo-duelists," she replied.
"We're here," announced Shadow.
The 3 of them headed inside and went to the counter.
"Oh, hey Shadow," said the 17-year old boy behind the counter.
"Hey, Mike, I hear you're testing Atem.dst," replied Shadow.
"Shhh! Keep it down." Mike looks at the group of 3 and says, "Follow me."
In the back, there was a brand-new object Shadow had never seen before.
"This is our new Virtualization Pod," said Mike, "You'll be using it in your duel."
"How does it work?" asked Vala.
"Well, the details are a secret, but it sends your entire body into the computer instead of just your mind."
Shadow pulled his deck out and handed it to Mike. "I'll face Atem."
"Just so you know, it can be dangerous. He has all 3 god cards and he's programmed to be unbeatable."
"I didn't say I'd win, Michael, I said I'll face him."
"Alright, but the Normal Beta Testers are in the hospital right now because of the Atem."
Shadow jumped in and sat down in the Virtualization Pod. "Let's do this."
Mike put Shadow's deck in the card reader and for Shadow, everything went white.
When he 'woke up,' Shadow found himself in a Pharaoh's court. He looked up and faced the man in the throne.
"Who dares challenge me?" asked the enthroned man.
"I do: Shadow Lands."
"Very well, but you shall perish like the rest." The Pharaoh's duel disc looked like a modified Dia Dahnk from the final saga of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Series. Instead of 3 spaces for monsters, there were 5, each accompanied by a Spell/Trap Zone. His Life Point Meter was still just a bar, but now it had spaces for a deck and graveyard.
Shadow looked down at his left arm and saw his deck appear and randomize itself. Both players drew 5 cards and the Pharaoh said, "Royalty, first. Draw!"
S-8000 A-8000
"I summon Obnoxious Celtic Guard (4/1400/1200) in attack mode, then set 1 card facedown. Your move."
"You got it. I draw, then summon Shimmering Dragon (4/1250/1450 --> 4/1650/1450). Attack his Elf!" ordered Shadow.
"I stop your attack with Spellbinding Circle," declared Atem.dst, "Now your monster can't attack."
"I know that. I set 2 cards and end my turn," said Shadow, ending his turn.
Atem.dst snatched up his card for the turn. "I sacrifice Obnoxious Celtic Guard so I can summon Berfomet,..."
Berfomet - DARK - Level 5 - Fiend/Effect - When this card is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned, Add 1 "Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts" from your Deck to your hand. -1400/1800
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts - EARTH - Level 4 - Beast - 1500/1200
"...to add Gazelle to my hand. Finally, I activate Polymerization to fuse Gazelle and Berformet to summon Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast!"
Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast - EARTH - Level 6 - Beast/Fusion/Effect - "Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast" + "Berformet" - This card always counts as a "Phantom Beast." When this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard in battle, you may Special Summon 1 of the above monsters from your Graveyard. - 2100/1800
"Chimera, obliterate Shimmering Dragon!"
"Activate Waboku! Sorry, but no damage right now," teased Shadow.
Meanwhile, in the back of the arcade, Mike, Karen, and Vala were watching this duel unfold on a television screen.
"So who do you think is gonna win?" asked Vala.
"Well, the Atem.dst is programmed to be unbeatable, so I say, he'd win," responded Michael.
We'll just see how good Shadow can be, thought Karen to herself.
Back in the computer, Shadow drew his card. "I sacrifice Shimmering Dragon, allowing me to Special Summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon (8/3000/2500) from my hand. And unfortunately for you, your Hexagram sticks around doing nothing."
"It matters not," replied Atem.dst.
"I also summon Spear Dragon (4/1900/0) in attack mode. Blue-Eyes White Dragon, attack Chimera!"
S-8000 A-7100
"I revive Berfomet (5/1400/1800) in defense mode," responded the virtual Pharaoh.
"Spear Dragon, wipe out Berfomet!"
S-8000 A-7000
Spear Dragon, worn out after the attack, settled down into defense mode.
"Your move."
The Pharaoh drew a card. "I activate Coins from Heaven!"
Coins from Heaven - SPELL - Each player draws until he/she has 6 cards in his/her hand.
A/N: "Coins from Heaven" is the Japanese name for "Card of Sanctity."
Both players drew 4 cards, then Atem.dst continued, "I drew Watapon with a Spell Card, so it is summoned to the field."
Watapon - LIGHT - Level 1 - Fairy/Effect - When this card is added to your hand due to a card effect, you may Special Summon it to the field. - 200/300
"I sacrifice Watapon to summon Dark Magician Girl," he continued.
Dark Magician Girl - DARK - Level 6 - Spellcaster/Effect - This card gains 300 ATK for each "Dark Magician" and "Magician of Black Chaos" in either graveyard. - 2000/1700
"I also play Sage's Stone, summoning a Dark Magician (7/2500/2100) from my deck."
Sage's Stone - SPELL - Activate only if you control a "Dark Magician Girl." Special Summon 1 "Dark Magician" from your hand or Deck.
"I then equip Dark Magician with Tome of Dark Magic."
Tome of Dark Magic - SPELL - Equip - "Dark Magician" or "Dark Magician Girl" gains 700 ATK. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, you gain 1000 Life Points.
Dark Magician: 7/3200/2100
"Dark Magician, attack Blue-Eyes White Dragon! Dark Magic Attack!" ordered the Pharaoh.
"Open Shield Drain! Now your attack is halted and I gain Life Points equal to you Dark Magician's ATK," declared Shadow.
S-11200 A-7000
"Fine, Dark Magician Girl, attack Spear Dragon!" With Spear Dragon destroyed, Atem.dst set 1 card and ended his turn.
"I draw!" said Shadow, now holding 7 cards. "I summon Kaibaman (200/700) and sacrifice him for a second Blue-Eyes (8/3000/2500). Next, I set 2 cards and equip a Blue-Eyes with Mage Power."
Blue-Eyes White Dragon: 8/3000/2500 --> 8/4500/4000
"Attack Dark Magician!"
"Activate Mirror Force!" declared the Pharaoh. The attack ricocheted of the barrier and hit both Dragons, destroying them."
"Your move," finished up Shadow.
"I draw!" began the Pharaoh, "Now I play Pot of Greed, so I draw 2 cards. Next, my Premature Burial revives my Berfomet (5/1400/1800). Now I'll sacrifice my 3 monsters to summon Saint Dragon Osiris (10/1000/1000). My Tome gives me 1000 Life Points, and my god card attacks you directly!
Back in the arcade, Karen smiled at the screen, watching Osiris attack.
"This is gonna hurt," said Michael.
"I know," said Karen, still smiling.
"Get him outta there!" shouted Vala.
S-10200 A-7200
Shadow was shuddering for a few seconds, but shrugged it off. "1000 ATK isn't gonna stop me," said Shadow, "My move. I Special Summon Cyber Dragon in attack mode."
"OSIRIS, ATTACK!" demanded Atem.dst.
Cyber Dragon: 5/2100/1600 --> 5/100/1600
"I also set 1 monster," continued Shadow.
"Osiris!" shouted the virtual entity. Osiris let loose a Summon Lightning Impact and flipped up Shadow's The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave (4/1300/2000 --> 4/1300/0).
"Your move," said Shadow.
The Pharaoh drew his card, increasing Osiris's ATK/DEF to 2000. "Attack Cyber Dragon!" he declared.
S-8300 A-7200
Shadow felt a something from that attack, but shrugged it off as he did before. "My move." He said. "I discard 1 card from my hand to activate my facedown Spell Card: Battle Fortune*."
Battle Fortune - SPELL - Continuous - You must discard 1 card from your hand to activate this card. Declare 1 Attribute. When one of your monsters attacks a monster with that Attribute, increase your monster's ATK by 200 x the Level of the opponent's monster during damage calculation.
"The attribute I call is... DIVINE!" semi-shouted Shadow. Atem.dst was speechless as Shadow continued, "I switch my Dragon Dwelling in the Cave into attack mode, and use it to attack Saint Dragon Osiris!"
The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave: 4/1300/0 --> 4/3300/0
S-8300 A-5900
The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave: 4/3300/0 --> 4/1300/0
"My turn," dredged Atem.dec. "I discard 1 card from my hand to summon The Tricky."
The Tricky - WIND - Level 5 - Spellcaster/Effect - You may discard 1 card from your hand to Special Summon this card. - 2000/1400
"I'll also use Monster Reborn to revive your Blue-Eyes (8/3000/2500). Now, my Tricky will attack your Dragon."
S-7700 A-5900
"Blue-Eyes White Dragon, direct attack: Destructive Burst Stream!"
S-4700 A-5900
"Your move, Shadow," said Atem.dst.
Shadow was in some pain, but nothing unmanageable. "I draw," he said. "I discard Human Transformation from my hand to play Double Spell."
Double Spell - SPELL - Discard 1 Spell Card from your hand. Activate 1 Spell Card in your opponent's Graveyard.
"I'll use Coins from Heaven, so we each draw 6 cards."
"Remind me again why Atem.dst is allowed to use banned cards," asked Vala.
"To increase the difficulty level," responded Michael.
Shadow continued his turn. "I set 1 monster and end my turn."
Atem.dst drew, then, tossing 2 card into his Graveyard activate Excavation of Magical Stones.
Excavation of Magical Stones - Discard 2 cards from your hand. Add 1 Spell Card from your Graveyard to your hand.
"I'll bring back Monster Reborn, then play it immediately. I discarded him so I revive The Winged Dragon of Ra (10/0/0)"
"Oh, boy," said Shadow, unenthusiastically.
"Ra's Phoenix Mode will burn away your monster..."
S-4700 A-4900
"...then I'll activate Ra's 1 Turn Kill."
S-4700 A-1
The Winged Dragon of Ra: 10/0/0 --> 10/4899/4899
"Ra, Obliterate!"
And suddenly, everything went white.
S-0 A-1
Back in the arcade, Shadow reappeared in the V-Pod, screaming bloody murder. Of course, Karen started giggling at him because of that.
"I WASN'T PREPARED FOR IT, THAT'S ALL!" screamed Shadow, "IT ALWAYS HURTS MORE IN VR!" After calming down, Shadow said to Michael, "Thanks for the duel."
Michael, handing Shadow's deck back to him said, "I'm very surprised we didn't have to take you to the hospital. Everyone else.…"
"Hey, what can I say?" said Shadow, "I'm resilient."