Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ When Two Worlds Collide ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Where? Why? Where is he? She couldn’t understand as she ran through the thick forest. She looked behind her and saw the thing she was running from getting closer. She gasped as she tripped over a branch and tried to move. She felt a pain run up her leg as she tried to even touch it. She looked back and saw it coming closer. Was this it? Was this the end? She crawled backwards as the thing slowed down it’s pace and started to walk towards her.

She felt something hard hit against her back. She looked at her pursuer and saw him glaring at something behind her. She felt her eyelids go heavy as she looked up into beautiful emerald eyes and fell into the world of unconsciousness. She whispered something as she passed out into the world of darkness.


Kur ama sighed as he walked around the forest. Koenma wanted him to check up on Demon world since there were reports that a group of demons were wreaking havoc in the nearby villages and towns. So now he had heard a rumor that there was secret hideout here where the said demons meet up at but much to his disappointment it seems that it was just a rumor.

Kurama heard something snap ahead of him and decided to check it out. He walked ahead and saw a girl that looked to be a year younger than him trip and fall. A human? What is she doing here in demon world? He ran up to her as she tried to crawl away from something and she ended up bumping against him. He looked up and saw a man glaring at him. The man had long blonde hair and crimson eyes. Kurama glared back at the man and then looked down at the girl as she started to look up at him. He met beautiful black eyes that turned brown in the middle.

Kurama blinked as she whispered something before passing out.


D ark? Who’s Dark? Kurama shook his head and looked back up only to find the man gone. He looked around and found the guy must’ve left when the girl passed out. Kurama sighed as he picked up the girl bridal style and walked to a nearby tree. He might as well ask her in the morning. He jumped in the tree and blushed as he realized that he would have to sleep with the girl to make sure she didn’t fall or get hurt.


Daisuke ran into the forest as he looked for her. He quickly changed in Dark and flew off to see from a higher view. Dark growled, as he saw nothing.

“Where is she?”

Dark…can you think of a place where Krad might have taken her?

“No…I swear if he hurt even one strand of hair on her, he wouldn’t live to see the next day.”

We have to search! We have to find her!!

Dark nodded as they continued their search.

“Izzy…where are you?”


Kurama woke up as the sun beamed on his face. He looked down and remembered what happened last night. He looked at the girl and decided to get a good look at her. The girl had long black hair that reached her mid-back with a dark brown tint to it. She had light brown skin and had a nice figure. Kurama noticed a couple of scars here and there but they were minor ones like from small accidents. The girl had two silver loop earrings and two more at the top.

Kurama smiled as she started to stir and wake up.

“Good morning. How are you?”

The girl blinked as she sat up and looked around. She noticed that she was in a tree and tried to remember what happened last night, “W-where am I?”

Kurama sighed, “You are currently in the demon world. What’s your name?”

The girl blinked, “It’s Elizabeth but don’t call me that. Call me Izzy. I don’t like my real name. How’d I get here?”

Kurama frowned, “I was wondering if you could tell me that. Where are you from?”

The girl hesitated for a moment, “I from…uh…really I don’t know. I didn’t bother looking. Anyways I now I’m from America but then I moved to Japan so I guess Tokyo but I’m not sure.”

Kurama chuckled, “well, I’ll ask prince Koenma where you are from.”

Izzy jumped, “NO!! No no no! Please! Anyone but Koenma!!”

Kurama frowned, “How do you know Koenma?”

Izzy smiled nervously, “lets just say he got really mad at me for getting him in trouble with his father.”

Kurama was about to ask how she did that but she interrupted him, “um…please don’t ask anymore questions. I really can’t tell you or Dark will yell my ears off.”

Kurama blinked, “Dark?”

Izzy froze, “uh did I say Dark? I meant to say park. Um…I mean I was suppose to be at the park.”

Kurama smiled, “You’re a bad liar. But if you don’t me to ask any more questions then it’s alright.”

Izzy smiled warmly, “thanks.”

Kurama’s heart skipped a beat, “Uh…its my pleasure.”

Izzy stood up and crossed her arms and grinned, “Man…so this is the demon world. Huh, I thought I would’ve looked more peaceful.”

Kurama smiled as he stood also, “well, in some parts it looks peaceful but this is one of the forest that’s dangerous.”

Izzy smirked, “So what was you doing here in the first place?”

Kurama shook his head, “I was suppose to find some demon gang’s hide out but I guess it was just a rumor.”

Izzy jumped down and got down on her knees and started to stretch like a fox as she yawned like one too. Kurama watched in amusement as Izzy looked around in wonder. If he didn’t know any better he would’ve mistaken her for a fox demon.

Izzy looked up at him and grinned, “Well what are you waiting for? Let’s find that hide out!”

Kurama chuckled as he jumped down and walked ahead as she followed. This was going to be an interesting mission.

Mrs. Niwa frowned as she put a warm wet towel on Daisuke’s head. She sighed as she remembered what happened yesterday that caused him a high fever.

~_~ Flashback ~_~

Mrs. Niwa paced back and forth in the living room. Her husband and father were quiet as they all waited for the favorite boy to come home. They hadn’t sent out any notice so why was he out so late?

Mrs. Niwa sighed in frustration, “That’s it!! I’m going out there to look for him.”

Mr. Niwa got up, “I’m going with you.”

They grabbed their coats and umbrellas as it started to rain harder. Daisuke hadn’t come home yet and they were worried since it was raining for over five hours already and he hadn’t even called them. They ran around to all of his friends’ house and asked around. They stopped at some places where they thought he might be and still didn’t find him. They ran over to the park and went into the forest.

They were about to look somewhere else until they heard a sound and decided to check it out. They gasped as they saw their son drenched from head to toe covered in dirt. He was breathing hard and it looked like he was running around all day.

Mrs. Niwa frowned, “Daisuke!!”

Daisuke glanced at her and continued on his search. He dragged his feet in front of him as he limped deeper into the forest. They both gasped as he collapsed on the ground and ran over to him.

Mrs. Niwa panicked as she ran to her son followed by her husband, “Daisuke!! Daisuke!!”

They kneeled down by his side and were relieved as hey saw him still breathing.

Mrs. Niwa sighed, “Daisuke…Wh-”

“I-I…have to…f-find her. I-I have to pr-protect her.”

They both looked at each other as they lifted their son up and ran back to the house. That night he had caught a fever.

~_~ Flash Back Ended ~_~

Mrs. Niwa frowned as her son started to stir in his sleep. His eyes fluttered open as he tried to get up. She put her hand on his chest and stopped him from getting up.

“Daisuke, you have to rest! You have a fever, don’t get up.”

Daisuke growled as he snapped at his mother, “I HAVE TO FIND HER!! I have to protect her!! I promised…I promised her I would keep her safe!!!”

Mrs. Niwa winced as her son yelled, “Daisuke…”

Daisuke turned his head as he looked at the wall, “I have to get her back. I have to find her and bring her back home.”

Mrs. Niwa frowned confusedly, “Who? Who, Daisuke?”

Daisuke blinked as tears started to well up in his eyes, “Izzy…I promised her. I promised her I would protect her. What good am I if I can’t even find her?”

Mrs. Niwa frowned as she closed her eyes Izzy…where are you. We need you. Daisuke and Dark need you.

Izzy sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. She was homesick and really wanted to go back and see Dark and Daisuke. She felt tears start to prick her eyes and blinked them back furiously. She would never let anybody see her cry only Dark, Daisuke, Mrs. Niwa, Mr. Niwa, and Gramps could.

Izzy looked ahead and saw Kurama taking more cautious steps. She looked around and spotted a couple of demons walking towards their hideout as they hadn’t sense them yet. Of course they wouldn’t seeing that Izzy put a barrier up around them, masking their scents, auras, and sounds. But she forgot to mention that to Kurama since she kinda of did that out of habit without remembering whom she was with and where she was at that moment.

Kurama looked back at Izzy and she giggled nervously, “Uh…forgot to mention that I had put up a barrier that masked our scents, auras, and sounds. Sorry ‘bout that.”

Kurama sighed and smiled at her, “Well, that makes this mission more easier. Well, shall we go on?”

Izzy smiled as she nodded, “We shall.”

They ran over to the hideout and checked it out. It was a regular house but abandoned and looked rundown. There was ten demons total. Two guarded the door as the rest were inside planning their next attack on a nearby village.

Kurama looked at Izzy and smiled, “Well, there are ten demons. I’ll take care of them while you steal the plans they have.”

Izzy’s ears perked as she heard the word steal. She smirked, “No prob. Stealing is actually my specialty.”

Kurama chuckled, “Well, that’s not hard to believe.”

Izzy smiled and she ran to the other side of the house. She could hear sounds of demons attacking but paid no attention to them. She stealthily jumped inside an open window and ran silently to the basement. She looked around and found the papers she needed. She grabbed them and was about to leave when she saw something shine.

Izzy walked over to it and looked at it. It was a silver chain necklace with a sapphire diamond crowned by crystals around it. She grabbed the necklace and ran out of the house in time to see Kurama finish of the last of the demons. He looked at her and nodded and they ran away from the house.

Once far enough they stopped and took a breath. Kurama looked at Izzy and smiled, “Well, did you get it?”

Izzy nodded as she handed him the papers. Kurama took the papers and read them. He nodded after he was done and took out his communicator. Izzy took out the necklace and looked at it. She put it on and smiled, it brought out her eyes. She looked at Kurama and saw him talking to some blue haired girl on his communicator. She walked over and listened.

Kurama smiled, “Botan, could make an portal for us?”

Botan blinked, “Us?”

Kurama nodded, “I had met someone during the mission. She belongs in the human world and I need to ask Koenma where she lives.”

Botan frowned, “Why can’t you ask her?”

Kurama sighed, “Because she doesn’t know where she lived and didn’t bother to find out.”

Botan nodded, “Alright. One portal coming up.”

Kurama smiled as he turned off his communicator and put it in his pocket. He turned around and saw Izzy glaring at him.


Izzy rolled her eyes, “What? I’ll tell you what’s what. You said you wouldn’t tell Koenma about me.”

Kurama sighed, “I’m not. I’m just going to ask him where you live.”

“But that still tells him you know something about me.”

Kurama blinked, “I guess it does. Hmm…Just come with me. I’ll change your name and say that you just look like you.”

Izzy sighed, “Fine. But if I get caught it’s your fault!”

Kurama chuckled, “Very well. Lets go.”