Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ When Two Worlds Collide ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2.
Izzy sighed as she and Kurama walked down the hallway towards Koenma's office. She knew he was going to find out either way. She looked at Kurama and sighed, she should probably tell him. Izzy was about to open her mouth when Kurama started to speak again.
“Well, here we are.”
Izzy looked ahead and saw a door. Kurama opened the door and they walked inside. Izzy started to bite her nails, as she felt nervous. Kurama saw this and put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a light squeeze.
Izzy looked at Kurama and smiled. A toddler witting at his desk greeted them. As soon as Koenma saw Izzy he glared at her, “You!!”
Kurama frowned, “um…Koenma. This is my…best friend I-Temari!”
Koenma frowned, “So, you pulled a trick on Kurama too?”
Izzy looked at Koenma confused. Damn, she wasn't a phantom thief for nothing. It was actually a good thing that her parents taught her how to fool people.
Izzy tilted her head slightly, “a…trick?”
Koenma sighed in frustration, “cut with the tricks already!! Kurama I know you're lying and Izzy I know you too well to know that you're acting.”
They both looked at each other and sighed as they slumped their shoulders in defeat. Izzy looked up real quick and started to wave her hands in front of her, “but Koe, I'm not here to steal anything. I just want to go home.”
Kurama looked at Izzy confused, “Koe?”
Izzy smiled, “Oh, that's his nickname I gave him a while back.”
Koenma messaged his head as he sighed, “I already know that, obviously. Because if you were here to steal something you wouldn't have let me see right now.”
Kurama frowned, “How long have you two known each other?”
Izzy and Koenma looked at each other and blinked, “two years.”
Kurama blinked, “two years? How old are you?”
Izzy smiled, “I'm fourteen. I would be turning fifteen in April.”
Koenma nodded, “Izzy, is the protector and partner of the legendary phantom thief Dark Mousy. But unlike a usual phantom thief's black or white wings, she has Sapphire color wings. She is the rarest of phantom thieves.”
Izzy nodded, “Anyways, I met Koenma when I was twelve years old. I had stolen his favorite pacifier. Which was a priceless artifact since it stores the largest amount of energy in it and will never waste. Then last year I had stolen a legendary artifact, the winged necklace, which his father left to him to protect. So when I stolen it, his father got so mad that he spanked Koe.”
Koenma turned red with fury as he glared at Izzy, “Yeah!! All thanks to you!!”
Izzy smiled nervously, “Oh come on!! It's in the past right? So just let it go!!”
Koenma frowned, “either way, my father's spanking hurt like hell. Anyways, Kurama did you get the papers?”
Kurama nodded as he handed the papers to Koenma. Koenma looked over them and nodded.
“Very good, this mission is complete. You may go home Kurama.”
Izzy frowned, “Hey!! What about me!?!?”
Koenma sighed, “fine, fine. Botan.”
Botan came in and smiled, “Yes Lord Koenma?”
“Get me the home address for Elizabeth Guzman-Rodriguez.”
Izzy groaned, “Here we go with that name again. Really Koe, can you not say that name around me.”
Koenma smiled, “Sorry, old habits die hard.”
Kurama looked at Izzy weirdly, “that's a weird name.”
Izzy frowned as she nodded, “I know. I'm Puerto Rican, so it's pronounced differently but spelled the same way. My father named me but I have no idea how he got that name.”
Kurama nodded as Botan came back with the papers. Koenma nodded as he took the papers and looked at them.
He frowned, “That's strange.”
Izzy blinked, “huh? What's strange?”
Koenma sighed, “it seems someone doesn't want you to come back home. They put a spell on every information on you that makes the location where you live is unknown.”
Izzy frowned, “Let me see that paper.”
Koenma handed her the paper and she closed her eyes in concentration. She opened her eyes and growled as she handed back the papers to Koenma.
“That bastard. I should've known it was him.”
Kurama frowned, “Who?”
Izzy sighed in frustration as she ran her hand through her hair, “My sworn enemy, Krad. He's a midnight angel like us but is a white winged one. He's been trying to get rid of me ever since I came here and became Dark's partner. Now how am I gonna get home?”
Koenma frowned, “can't you find your way home like you used to when you stole from me?”
Izzy sighed, “If you paid attention last time, I used one of Dark's feathers to teleport to his house. You think I would pay attention to my parents when they tell me important things but no. I was so upset that I had to move to America that I didn't listen to a word they said until I met Dark.”
Kurama smiled in comfort, “Don't worry, you can probably stay at Master Genkai's house until we find your address.”
Izzy blinked, “Lady Genkai?”
Kurama nodded as he then turned to look at Koenma, “thank you for your help Lord Koenma.”
Koenma nodded as he then made a portal for them leading to Genkai's shrine.
Emiko sighed as she sat down at the table drinking her tea. She looked at Kosuke as he talked to Daiki about the matters at hand. She looked at her tea and sighed again. Suddenly as if a bullet hit her, she tensed. Something was wrong. She stood up abruptly, causing the two men to look at her.
“Emiko, what's wrong?”
Emiko turned to her husband and shook her head, “something's wrong. I can feel it. Something's wrong with Daisuke.”
She then ran up the steps followed by Kosuke and Daiki. They busted through his door and gasped as they saw and empty bed and the window open. Emiko fell to her knees as she whispered something, “Daisuke…he's gone.”
Kosuke knelt down beside her as he comforted her, “Emiko…do you know where he would have gone?”
Emiko nodded as she looked out the open window, “…To find her…to find…their true love.”
Daiki looked out the open window also and sighed. Daisuke come back safely. May both of you find what you are looking for. For it will be a long journey.
Dark frowned as Daisuke pushed himself to walk. Dai let me take over. You're in no condition to be walking. Besides, I'll fly around.
Daisuke shook his head, “No Dark. You already did your part. Let me at least continue for a little longer.”
Dark growled Daisuke!! If you push yourself any more you'll get sicker!!
Daisuke crossed the street as he ignored Dark. No matter what, he'll find her. Even if it costs him his life. He looked at the bus as it came closer. He looked up and saw the words Tokyo show up on the screen.
Izzy grinned as she saw the shrine. It was very big. Izzy looked around and found enough space for her to at least train to keep in shape. She sighed as she thought about Daisuke and how they would freak out when Emiko would set up some new traps and they would barely dodge it.
Kurama looked at her and frowned as he saw the distant look in her eyes. What can make something so beautiful so sad. What ever it is…I hope I can take it away.
Kurama walked up to her and put a comforting hand on her shoulder as he smiled warmly at her. Izzy looked up at him and smiled and then frowned as she sensed someone coming.
She turned around and saw an old woman walking towards them.
Kurama smiled as he walked up and bowed, “Master Genkai.”
Genkai blinked as she nodded, “Kurama. What brings you here? Where is the dimwit and his baka monkey?”
“No Master Genkai, I'm am here on my own with an friend of mine. Yusuke and Kuwabara should be on their way back from a mission now.”
Genkai nodded and then looked at Izzy, “So this is your friend?”
Kurama nodded and Genkai looked her over, “Yes. I was wondering if you could let he stay with you until we can find her home address. You see, we can't figure out where she lives yet we have files on her.”
Genkai nodded, “Tell me, what's your name?”
Izzy smiled, “Izzy. It's a pleasure to meet you Genkai.”
Genkai smiled, “Well, I like you already. So tell me, what are you? You have a strong aura around you and yet I can't figure out what you are.”
Izzy smiled nervously, “Well, I'm an midnight angel.”
Genkai blinked, “Strange. I never heard of a midnight angel that befriended a demon before.”
Izzy giggled, “Oh, you mean Kurama? Yeah, well I'm a black winged angel as a matter of fact.”
Genkai nodded, “Well that would explain it.”
Kurama smiled, “Master Genkai, is it alright if I stay the night here? I would like to keep Izzy company since its her first time here in Tokyo.”
Genkai nodded, “yes of course. I kinda figured that Izzy wasn't from Japan by her accent. Well Lets get you a room shall we.”
They nodded and let Genkai lead them to an extra room. She stopped for a moment and felt something wrong. She looked up at the sky and frowned as she thought about Dark and Daisuke. I miss you guys. Daisuke…Dark, I love you both. Please stay safe until I come back home.
She sighed as she turned back around and ran to catch up with the others.