Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ The Gohan and Fred Show ❯ The Return of the Living Twentyseventh Chapter ( Chapter 27 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I own nothing. (...you know.)
The Gohan and Fred Show (episode 27)
Gohan: Hello and welcome to the Gohan...
Fred: And Fred...
Gohan: Show. As usual, Kevin is here. (Kevin is huddled in his chair with a blanket, sleeping) ...(Gohan clears his throat and Kevin throws an alarm clock at the wall)...
Fred: I think he's sleeping.
Gohan: I know that, but we need to do the show.
Kevin: SHUT UP!!!
Fred: Wow, he's really grouchy when he doesn't get his nap in.
Gohan: Well, how are we going to handle this.
Fred: Now that's the Kevin I know. Giving up.
Kevin: (sits back down in chair) Alright, I'm up now. We can do the show.
Gohan: Okay. So, like I said, Kevin is here...still. And he's decided to bring back his fanfiction herem.
UW: ...Really?
Kevin: Yeah. I figured why try to be a real author. I'm just doing this for fun.
Hanami: ...You're serious right? You're not just saying this to get our hopes up and then drop us like a bad habit?
Kevin: ...No...I don't drop bad habits. I exploit them. (picks broccoli from teeth) See?
Hanami: Unfortunately.
Angel: I think I should be owed an apology for last episode.
Kevin: Why?
Angel: Cause I wasn't in it...
Kevin: ...Fine, I apologize to everyone.
Fred: Even J. Crown?
Kevin: No. He's still gone. That's what he gets for trying to tell me what to do with my stories.
Sara: So...I haven't said anything yet.
Kevin: I know...It's been awhile since I wrote.
Gohan: So, what do we have planned for the day?
Kevin: ...Naps?
Gohan: Naps don't get us ratings Kevin.
Kevin: That's what you think. (pulls out a tv and flicks through random stations...each of which show people sleeping)
Gohan: Well, we don't do naps. Now what are we going to do for today's show?
Kevin: Well...I could continue my quest to be the greatest at everything...
Gohan: No...
Kevin: ...We could finnagle random anime girls to catfight...
Gohan: No...
Kevin: ...Orgy?
Angel and UW: YES!!!!
Sara and Hanami: NO!!!!
Kevin: Then I give up.
Fred: Wait, you could tell everyone about our glorious weekend.
Gohan: What happened this weekend? ...(realinzing what he's done) Oh, damn...I didn't want to know, did I?
Kevin: Oh it was awesome! My B-Day was the 4th and we threw this huge party. Lots of people showed up. Partied til like 6 in the morning! Oh man was it great.
Fred: Tell them how much you drank.
Kevin: A metric shit ton seems to be the appropriate measurement.
Gohan: How many?...DAMNIT!!! You did it again!
Kevin: Like ten beers. I kid you not. I'm surprised I wasn't drunker than I was.
Angel: You know...I hate to say it...but you may have a drinking problem.
Kevin: My only problem is that I'm not drinking...right now.
Hanami: I think she's right, Kevin...You may be an alcoholic.
UW: You are a detriment to society!
Sara: ...And this is coming from you?
UW: ...It's called irony...
Kevin: Guys, I'm not an alcoholic...I'm in college...
Everyone: ...OOOOOOHHHH!!! (ad libbed "Well, that explains everything." and "For a second, I was really worried." can be heard)
Kevin: Yeah, so...I'm good.
Gohan: Okay...so that took a whole two minutes...What about the rest of the show?
Kevin: ...I got nothing.
Gohan: What about our stage manager?
Asuka: (sitting off stage reading a magazine) ...I don't care.
Gohan: ...Security?
Hiei: (sitting off stage) It's not my problem.
Gohan: ...Wow, we are really pathetic.
Kevin: Well, who haven't we interviewed?
Gohan: There are plenty of people...
UW: How bout we....wait...nevermind...
Kevin: Did you have an idea?
UW: No...Wait, I've got an idea!
Kevin: There's our boy! Now what's the idea?
UW: We beat a midget with a frying pan for half an hour.
Kevin: ...It sounds so tempting.
Gohan: No! For the last time UW, no beating midgets with frying pans.
Fred: Well, I guess I should save the day.
Sara: ...I've had two lines Kevin....Come on!
Hanami: (completely ignoring Sara) What do you plan to do, Fred?
Fred: Well, as you people have not yet celebrated the greatness that was Kevin's birthday, I propose that we throw a party.
Kevin: ...It's 4 in the morning Fred! I can't party. I've got class in like five hours!
Fred: It doesn't have to be long...I mean, just a quick little what-a-to-do and we'll be gone.
Kevin: ...Fine...but make it quick...(many anime characters rush in, cause we all know how they like to party...okay, I'm bullshitting you, but use your imagination)
Kevin: (everyone is wearing sunglasses as the sun is now coming up, and they, yes in the span of two hours, have been drunk and are now hungover) ...That was wild...
Gohan: (the only one who didn't drink) I've seen wilder...
UW: Like?
Gohan: A giant cockroach that sucks people up through it's ass...
UW: ...You win.
Angel: Not so loud...
Kevin: (looks around) Hey, is the air conditioning busted?
Roshi: (is running through, stealing the air conditioning) So long, suckers. (does the infamous Roshi laugh)
Kevin: Oh...I guess that's a yes. (people start to get up and make their ways to their cars)
UW: Wow, it's like a zombie movie.
Zombie Representative: Hey, we take offense to that man. (shows up with several Zombi Pro-Rights zombies)
ZR 2: Yeah. Do you know how hard it is to get a job in this town? And all because I'm a zombie.
Fred: Actually, I think it's because you're dead.
ZR: So. Tupac made stuff after he was dead.
Sara: Yeah, but that was--
Kevin: Yeah, but that was different. I mean, he's a rapper.
ZR 2: Well, we just want our equal treatment. I mean, everyone thinks were slow, and dumb, and all we do is eat brains. But that's not true. Carl over there is an active member of the PTA. (Carl waves)
ZR: Yeah, and Bill is-- (looks over to see Bill is killing someone and eating their brains) GODDAMMIT BILL!!! We told you to not do that today! It's cause of zombies like you that we don't get respect!
Bill: ...BRAINS!!!
Rest of Zombies: ...BRAINS!!!! (the zombies go crazy, the picture goes out)
Yes, to be continued...Now I'm going to bed. I need's my sleep if we're going to be fighting zombies!